Woo Hooooo! Girls Yelling at ME on my FZ6!!!


Mar 9, 2008
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Charlotte, NC
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Saturday I bought a new Teknic Chicane leather jacket in blue. I have blue Joe Rocket gloves and a black Shoei full face helmet. I tested out the new jacket Saturday night by riding into uptown Charlotte, NC riding my blue '07 FZ6 and wearing all this gear. While stopped at a traffic light a bus full of chicks pulled up and one of them whistled and yelled out the window at me. I am 57 years old. I can't remember how long it has been girls yelled at me, or even if they ever did. These girls were on a shuttle bus going from one bar to the next. I am rather certain they were yelling at who they invisioned was inside all this gear, not who actually was.

Based on this real life road test, I highly recommend the Teknic jacket.

The FZ6 does its part, too. I went to a tatoo parlor with two buddies, one on a Harley Softail and the other on a Sportster. The girls in the parking lot strolled up and talked to us. They pointed to the FZ6 and said, "I like this one!" There we have it, folks. A direct, three motorcycle head-to-head comparison test, regarding one of the most important performance parameters of all, and the FZ6 won.

Put me down as a satisfied FZ6 owner.
Good for you, Great for all of us FZ6 owners. Wish you took some pics of that busload of girls. I had a similar experience the first time I rode my buddy's SV650 around the Rutger's campus ( there's a track to practice around by), bunch of cheerleaders practicing when a few of them waved at us an ask for a ride. I was too nervous (not of the girls, but of 2up) paying attention to my riding, LOL. The experience was awesome, I hope that doesn't make me a poser.
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I've had a couple "hits" as well. I'm 43 but geared up, I could be anyone. I am also happily married or else I'd be stopping. :D
I've had a couple "hits" as well. I'm 43 but geared up, I could be anyone. I am also happily married or else I'd be stopping. :D

Oh does this one hit home. I was riding down Arlington Avenue in Riverside California and all geared up. At the time I had a blue mirrored face shield and as noted above could have been anyone and any age. At the time I was 52. While sitting at the light at Arlington and Van Burn a cage loaded with girls roughly in their early 20's pulled up next to me. They were hanging out the window making all sorts of noises so I thought I would have some fun and lifted the face shield to expose my wrinkled face partially covered by a balaclava. Now that was worth a million laughs as you never saw a group of girls climb back in a car as fast as they did. I was laughing so hard I dang near missed the light going green. Never let it be said the FZ6 doesn't get some looks and the fun factor is way high even to the point of laughter....
Oh does this one hit home. I was riding down Arlington Avenue in Riverside California and all geared up. At the time I had a blue mirrored face shield and as noted above could have been anyone and any age. At the time I was 52. While sitting at the light at Arlington and Van Burn a cage loaded with girls roughly in their early 20's pulled up next to me. They were hanging out the window making all sorts of noises so I thought I would have some fun and lifted the face shield to expose my wrinkled face partially covered by a balaclava. Now that was worth a million laughs as you never saw a group of girls climb back in a car as fast as they did. I was laughing so hard I dang near missed the light going green. Never let it be said the FZ6 doesn't get some looks and the fun factor is way high even to the point of laughter....

PRICELESS! :thumbup:
No doubt about it....clothes maketh the man.
I was proceeding in a safe manner down a busy street in town on my FZ6 shortly after installing my Scorpions. I came alongside a jeep with the top down, and a very fetching young lady driving it. I couldn't resist the old urge, so dropped a cog and made a bit of noise. I got the CUTEST smile that I have ever got in my life....ever.
My first thought was.....I wonder how long could I keep my helmet on.
My second thought was.....Yep.....indeed....there's no fool like an old fool. :Sport:
No doubt about it....clothes maketh the man.
I was proceeding in a safe manner down a busy street in town on my FZ6 shortly after installing my Scorpions. I came alongside a jeep with the top down, and a very fetching young lady driving it. I couldn't resist the old urge, so dropped a cog and made a bit of noise. I got the CUTEST smile that I have ever got in my life....ever.
My first thought was.....I wonder how long could I keep my helmet on.
My second thought was.....Yep.....indeed....there's no fool like an old fool. :Sport:

Hey, there's the other side to this coin too. I used to get up early on Sunday mornings to ride from Riverside California, down to Lake Elsinore, across to San Juan Capistrano, up PCH to Newport Beach and then back home. I would hit Starbuck's for a cup of coffee near my home on the way out. One such morning I stopped and while parking the bike this cage pulled in with two women dressed for church or something in it; they were roughly my age. As they were crossing the parking lot on the way to the Starbuck's door I was pulling my helmet and gloves off. Just as I put the helmet down one of them came over and asked, aren't you a little old for that? I wasn't even awake yet nor had I got my cup of coffee. WTF, you have to be 20 to ride a sport bike? When I asked if I could buy her a cup of coffee she turned her nose up and walked away. I got back on my bike and went for a ride.
should have kicked her in the #$%@ what a snotty whore

personally i have a black gloss helmet no stickers with dark smoke visor, all black leather no markings jacket, black mesh pants no markings, black boots also no markings. I am as anonymous as you can get. I love it. cruise up to an intersection nobody knows who you are or where youre from. when youre whizzing through a corner and passing people youre more like an entity than you are a human being. man and machine become one. the geared up super-ninja. haha, too awesome.

btw dual scorpions kick ass @ onetrack. over 8k rpm in quick power rev before launching from a green light is like getting off you bike and personally slamming your fists on the hoods of every car in the intersection haha.

motorpwnage i call it.
very nice story, i guess my gear doesn't make me look as good, i have never had that happen, to my recollection at least...

this just goes to show that there is more fun involved with motorcycles and just riding.
aw, heck, even I have had this happen. Apparenly you have to be male to ride a sportbike as well, because I definitely look like a girl on a bike. I had a carload of girls pull up beside me at a stoplight one day a couple years ago catcalling and asking me for a ride, so I flippld up my visor and said "you're not my type." The looks on their faces was totally worh it!!
very nice story, i guess my gear doesn't make me look as good, i have never had that happen, to my recollection at least...

this just goes to show that there is more fun involved with motorcycles and just riding.

Hah, what it shows in your case in that small town is everybody knows your wife and they wouldn't dream of messing with her by flirting with you...he, he, he...
lol, I was the on DRZ the other day and I had 2 girls blowing kisses at me. They were cute so I was waving back just for the fun of it, then I look in the rear seat and see a toddler... I promptly sped off....
aw, heck, even I have had this happen. Apparenly you have to be male to ride a sportbike as well, because I definitely look like a girl on a bike. I had a carload of girls pull up beside me at a stoplight one day a couple years ago catcalling and asking me for a ride, so I flippld up my visor and said "you're not my type." The looks on their faces was totally worh it!!

LOL, come on, you were hoping for some takers right.....he he he....
Hey, there's the other side to this coin too. I used to get up early on Sunday mornings to ride from Riverside California, down to Lake Elsinore, across to San Juan Capistrano, up PCH to Newport Beach and then back home. I would hit Starbuck's for a cup of coffee near my home on the way out. One such morning I stopped and while parking the bike this cage pulled in with two women dressed for church or something in it; they were roughly my age. As they were crossing the parking lot on the way to the Starbuck's door I was pulling my helmet and gloves off. Just as I put the helmet down one of them came over and asked, aren't you a little old for that? I wasn't even awake yet nor had I got my cup of coffee. WTF, you have to be 20 to ride a sport bike? When I asked if I could buy her a cup of coffee she turned her nose up and walked away. I got back on my bike and went for a ride.

I get accused of being "too old" to be riding my FZ6 from time to time, and not just from my wife. :p (Although most of her sentences these days do seem to either begin or end with "....ever since you bought that damn bike...") :D
I doubt the "church lady" would have commented if you'd been a "Hell's Angel" on a Harley or otoh driving a 'vette or a Ferrari. I know that there is some very serious envy going on with a few other guys who are my "age", and a measure of hostility from their wives, who are very aware that I'm putting some very foolish ideas into their hitherto very comfortable husbands' heads. :D
Who cares....I have always done it my own way, but with courtesy, consideration and responsibility (which is sorely lacking in today's "do it your own way" mean crowd). :thumbup:
It's funny but I notice more 40+ women breaking their necks to get a look, especially the lots of makeup, perfect hair "cougar" types.