French FZ6 Forum copy!!!

Copy is the best form of flatery, I wish them well. We only had a few hundred members las year.

hmmm.. i wonder how old the site is? 105 members would get awfully slow i think...

I was looking through the calender that they have over there and it looks like the first post on the calender in in January 2008, so a few months before that, I am guessing

Ven 25 Jan 2008

* Fz6 Ride Sortie sur ...
* [CR] Rencontre du 25...

And their only photo gallery was opened on 26/01/2008

Edit: yes I'm bored and like a dog with a bone Je parle un petit peu de francais
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Hello !!!

I'm an administrator of this French Forum “Fz6Ride” !!

This forum talk about a French Team of Fz6 riders.
We are presently 159 members dispatch in all the country and you can see this map FZ6 Ride -

This site open until November 2007 !

I don't understand why you talk about a copy ............??????????

If you have any questions .......... I can respond you !!!!!!!!
Hello !!!

I'm an administrator of this French Forum “Fz6Ride” !!

This forum talk about a French Team of Fz6 riders.
We are presently 159 members dispatch in all the country and you can see this map FZ6 Ride -

This site open until November 2007 !

I don't understand why you talk about a copy ............??????????

If you have any questions .......... I can respond you !!!!!!!!

the internet is amazing. i abuse it for porn and fz6 stuff.
Just a thought - They'll know all the good french roads. You the know the ones I mean, the type where it doesn't rain for 80% of the summer
Andz: you are completely wrong. If you've never been to France, then don't hate on it because you don't know. They can say that all Americans are the Appalachian toothless inebriated and drug addicted "people" that were highlighted on the news...but that's not true either...except in Appalachia as highlighted on the news this morning LOL

Bluenova: The drivers in France are by far better than those here in the US. I'd feel safer driving and navigating there than here in Los Angeles...but then again, supposedly california has the worst drivers...and Los Angeles has the worst of those worst drivers!
Andz: you are completely wrong. If you've never been to France, then don't hate on it because you don't know. They can say that all Americans are the Appalachian toothless inebriated and drug addicted "people" that were highlighted on the news...but that's not true either...except in Appalachia as highlighted on the news this morning LOL

Bluenova: The drivers in France are by far better than those here in the US. I'd feel safer driving and navigating there than here in Los Angeles...but then again, supposedly california has the worst drivers...and Los Angeles has the worst of those worst drivers!

Ahh stereotypes. The french do like to drive in a 'maniacal' style. In urban France most cars are pretty dented - not quite as much as the italians though. My experience of rural france is that driving after some lunchtime (and afternoon, and dinner time etc) vin is quite acceptable (not me, the rural Francais) so there are also a similar number of dented motors. I don't think the french are aggressive as such, just less anal things than us Rosbif.

The Americans - if everyone was judged by their tourists then most Americans would be fat, loud, abrupt, god fearin' folk. But this is not necessarily the case just as the Brits are not all pottymouthed alcaholic hooligans and the Germans are not all lager swilling, sausage eating, towel laying invaders of other peoples countries.

I think a biker has to remain on alert in any country, especially one where they drive on the wrong side of the road and the signs are in foreign
Hello !!!

I'm an administrator of this French Forum “Fz6Ride” !!

This forum talk about a French Team of Fz6 riders.
We are presently 159 members dispatch in all the country and you can see this map FZ6 Ride -

This site open until November 2007 !
If you have any questions .......... I can respond you !!!!!!!!
How did he know about this thread???????????...........They spyin on us??????????............I'm Freakin Out Man!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hear that???????? quietly