Sarah Bails!


Moto Demi-God
Elite Member
Jan 13, 2008
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Good thing her ticket wasn't elected. Looks like classic burnout to me.

I heard her entire speech today on POTUS XM130 and it was about everything and nothing. It was like listening to a drunk in a bar. "Get to your point lady!"

Maybe she's going to Argentina? :rolleyes:
Sarah Palin is an outstanding, upstanding, and impeccable candidate for any public position. Probably the only reason why she is quitting Alaska is because, otherwise, some nutcake would JFK her. If anybody's heard her debate one can see how SHARP she is! Hellgate if just fooling with us---he probably is funneling thousands of campaign war chest dollars to her.
Sarah Palin is an outstanding, upstanding, and impeccable candidate for any public position. If anybody's heard her debate one can see how SHARP she is!

Wow...just wow. And they talk about Obama supporters as having drunk the Kool-Aid. :eek:
Sarah Palin was the biggest joke for a Presidental Canidate in the history of the U.S.A. IMHO...:D
Sarah Palin is an outstanding, upstanding, and impeccable candidate for any public position. Probably the only reason why she is quitting Alaska is because, otherwise, some nutcake would JFK her. If anybody's heard her debate one can see how SHARP she is! Hellgate if just fooling with us---he probably is funneling thousands of campaign war chest dollars to her.

:rof::rof::rof::rof:That is too funny..."some nutcake would JFK her." You are a master of sarcasm! :rof::rof::rof::rof:

You didn't mention she is a MILF! If McCain was elected and then died she would have bin PMILFOTUS!:D
Sarah Palin is an outstanding, upstanding, and impeccable candidate for any public position. Probably the only reason why she is quitting Alaska is because, otherwise, some nutcake would JFK her. If anybody's heard her debate one can see how SHARP she is! Hellgate if just fooling with us---he probably is funneling thousands of campaign war chest dollars to her.

Nutcake is good, err...that's fruitcake, wait I don't like that either...never mind...
Did y'all catch William Shatner doing a dead-pan, beat-style reading of her speech on one of the late night shows? Frickin' hilarious.

What the heck's a "chichako" anyhow? (probably spelled that wrong...)

It still frightens me massively to think that there are Americans who consider her worthy of the office of president. Her and Dan Quayle. Yikes. Alfred E. Newman and Barbie.