ugh cagers...


Junior Member
May 24, 2009
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Richmond Va
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have to vent off on here.. so i was leaving work today and left the parking lot going straight towards an intersection... i see a big suv on the left coming towards me very fast.. 15mph road it was going about 40mph or more i grab the brake and slow down almost to a stop the suv runs over the intersection ignoring the stop sign or anyone near it.. so i get pissed roll up to the stop sign look to my right and yah that bastard ran the stop sign to go to the gas station to buy something .. i roll up behind the suv wait for the person to get out .. it was a lady in her 30s or so she looks over and smiles at me .. so i ask her if shes a ****ing idiot? she looks at me weird and says excuse me ?
i sayd yeah u ran that intersection and stop sign speeding like crazy she says it was an accident she wasnt paying attention.. i told her if i wasnt paying attention i would have been infront of your vehicle and prolly dead.
she then told me again how she wasnt paying attention and it was an accident... i told her to watch her crappy as driving because **** like that kills people and what do you tell their families then? sorry i need ciggarets?
ugh... vent done
Good for you! She more than deserved a verbal lashing for that. I just heard a story today from a customer at my store about how a cager blowing a stop sign at an intersection ended up t-boning him and crushing his whole right leg (now walks with a cane permanently). Hopefully bringing it to her attention will make her focus on the road a bit more in the future.
And it's always chicks in SUVs... Why is that? I'm glad you "gave her what for". There are quite a few drivers who need to be told they're a danger to society.
I drove the public transit busses for the university for awhile and that really shows what kind of vehicular idiots there are out there. Watched a girl stop dead in the middle of an intersection to check her phone once... Outrageous...
You need to get yourself a Steble Nautilus Horn, and then use it!

I guarantee you she would be paying attention after she received a dose of the air horn.

The drivers around Vegas have been kind of dissappointing me lately, I often find myself covering the horn because questionable situations develop but they never end up pulling out so their denying me the pleasure of allowing me to blast away the 140db's of "Watch Where You're Going Moron"
Wow. Just wow. I'm glad you were able to give her a bit of a wake-up and post here as opposed to the alternative. Not my style, but hey, it needed to be done. +1 on the really frickin' loud horn!

While it doesn't appear to be a factor in your case, I can't wait until they get around to making texting-while-driving illegal.
And it's always chicks in SUVs... Why is that? I'm glad you "gave her what for". There are quite a few drivers who need to be told they're a danger to society.

Ahhhh that's not fair...I've come across just as many men in an SUV or a retarded Dodge Ram P/U who think they own the road because they're bigger than anyone alse. I know..I know..hubby keeps reminding me that stats show it is mostly crazy women drivers. :(

I'm glad you gave her the tongue lashing I just hope she took it to heart and started paying attention. :thumbup:
Your lucky she didn't tazer you or pepperspray you and yell rape to the cops. Seriously, you never know what people are going to do and it was already proven that the driver was an idiot.

I've spent a lot of time talking with my buddies about what the appropriate response is to cagers that endanger riders lives through stupidity. We still have not been able to figure out the best way to deal with them. Might be a good poll question.

Good job putting this stupid cager in her place.
Thats weird!! As I was reading this first post a NMDOT commercial came on about motorcycle safety from CAGERS!! Look right, then left, then right again!! Or vice versa. Only have seen this commercial a few times in 2 years!
i wonder if she was on her phone? if i see people on their phones while on the road, i try and give them a real wide berth...they have no idea what's going on around them.
i wonder if she was on her phone? if i see people on their phones while on the road, i try and give them a real wide berth...they have no idea what's going on around them.

i dont think so i didnt see one and when she got out she wasnt on one either...
i really want to order that horn that vegas talked about how hard is it to install? i did a truck horn on my scirocco which was pretty hard..
thanks again everyone for the support!!!
maybe one day i will go madmax styles!! haha..