maverick1970 crashed the StreetFighter

Was it your first time in a helicopter?

When you get a chance, could you post pictures of your gear? I would like to see how it performed, how it held up, etc. Just curious. I would have been really curious if you were wearing anything from Motoport, but seems not the case.

Most importantly, I hope you recover quickly. Thanks for sharing and posting. A reminder to all of us that it can happen to anyone of us.
Sorry to hear about this man. I'm not a fan of Icon gear at all, not very good quality gear from what I've seen/heard. However, I'm interested to see how it held up or didn't as it were. If you commute a lot I'd recommend getting a good quality pant/jacket combo that zip to each other. I have Olympia and it's really top quality stuff, really recommend them. Also, what kind of gloves were you wearing? Short cuff or gauntlet? I wish you a speedy recovery and someone else pointed out, make sure to get into PT as soon as possible. You don't want to end up with a stiff hand in the long run.
Re: maverick1970 cashed the StreetFighter

Thank you Lefty. Oh man that's horrible. The part I want to remember is how it happened along with the symptoms that way if they ever happen again I will recognize it.

Have you picked up your bike or looked at the police reports/witness statements? I only had one witness statement to go by and it wasn't much help as I was already going down when I came into his view (I went down on an overpass that's a long sweeping curve from one highway to another).

Once I got my bike back to my house I examined it closely and found a gouge on the right side of the rear wheel. I went down to my left. So, my best guess is that something hit my rear wheel while leaned over and caused me to wiggle and straighten up, I must have over corrected (going straight would have likely meant going OVER the concrete guard rail and plummeting 60ft down) and down I went.

how is it possible not to remember the events before the crash tho? when u say symptoms do you mean some kind of health condition?

In my case I clearly remember the conversations I had with co-workers that morning, but I have a big dead spot in my memory starting just before lunch. I even drove over the site of my accident to see if I could recall anything. Never did, and likely never will.
Wow. That would've been bizarre waking up in hospital and not knowing how you got there. Did you give them the old, " Hey! What are all you people doing in my bedroom?" line?

Hope your bike's easily sortable, and glad to hear you're not too damaged.

I remember every little bit of every accident I've been involved in (even as a passenger). It's definitely over rated.
(OK, Maverick, I know you don't want it but) I really hope you get well soon. :Flash:
Keep us posted on your progress, we are all wishing you the best.
Re: maverick1970 cashed the StreetFighter

Thank you Lefty. Oh man that's horrible. The part I want to remember is how it happened along with the symptoms that way if they ever happen again I will recognize it.

Exactly the reason I'd want to remember!

Glad to know you'll heal and ride again! Sorry it happened to you. The bike can be fixed or replaced but..... There's only one maverick1970! :rockon:
Also, what kind of gloves were you wearing? Short cuff or gauntlet? I wish you a speedy recovery and someone else pointed out, make sure to get into PT as soon as possible. You don't want to end up with a stiff hand in the long run.

I was wearing short cuff. Bad I know. I had some new Handroids on order made by Knox. I'll get some pics of the rest of the gear soon. The jacket will be difficult because the paramedics hacked it up.
Well I picked the bike up today from the towing company. $270.00 is costed me. Well I had hopeful thoughts about the bike thinking that it could be repaired. Well I was disappointed when I saw part of the frame missing.






Again..... more important that you are in one piece....

Thanks for the photos -- I was right there with you, thinking, that's not so bad.....:eek:
Sorry about the bike but the good news is you are ok and will heal. Easy to buy a new bike, hard to buy a new life.
Glad you're relatively okay, man. :thumbup:

Slightly OT, what's the origin of your screen name? Reason I ask, my very first car was a 1970 Maverick... :BLAA: :rolleyes:
If you attempt to start repairing this bike, let me know,, ill see if I can dig up any spare parts, (AFTER YOU FEEL BETTER)!....Your bike does look fixable, well all bikes are fixable, but I think it can be done.
After seeing the pics of your bike I'm glad you weren't more seriously hurt.
Someone was watching over you that day.:rolleyes:
Still no idea on what happened?
Sorry man, but she's totaled. The frame and subframe alone would be half the cost of a good used bike.

Looks like the right side of the bike slammed into something very unmoveable. Thank God you weren't in between it and the bike!

Craiglook: Craigslist Search and type in FZ6... Get a fresh one and heal up fast.