Ozfazer6 meets Roo!


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2008
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Ok, have just got off the phone with Mick (popular and long standing forum member Ozfazer6), via text...looks like Mick has had an accident, this morning, on his way to work, a Kangaroo jumped out in front of him, and from the photo's Mick has sent to my phone...it has hit Mick's bike pretty much straight on! The front fairing is unrecognizeable! So the bike is screwed! After the initial impact, Mick low slided, pinned under the bike, and slid into a tree.

But the important thing is, Mick is OK, "bit banged up" where his words, and upon prompting, it seems that Mick's left wrist, and right ankle are of a bit of concern...and from a photo Mick sent me...one of his knee's is a bit nasty as well...all cut up, and swollen.

Mick & Bike are home by the sounds of it...and Mick is off to see the Doctor shortly!

Here is the bike!
View attachment 30641

View attachment 30642

hard to see, but the frame is definitely cracked where the frame slider bolts on...the rest is self explanatory..

Just glad your relatively OK Mick....by the looks of your bike, you did ok, could of been heaps worse!

Will keep people posted as to how Mick's doing if i can...
Thanks for letting us know Jamie.

I hope Mick heals up soon and he's ok.

Bloody roos!

They are in plague proportions around our way - we have to fence off the vegie patch because they eat everything. Dawn and dusk are the most dangerous times, but they can jump out at other times too. Sooooo dumb - they stand there until you get close, then jump out at you. Very bad.

Get well soon Mick :thumbup:
Mick, very sorry to hear about your accident dude. I hope your injuries are minor and you heal quickly. You're in my family's thoughts and prayers.

How did the 'roo fair? :BLAA:
WOW the bike is totaled... But what's important is that Mick is ok..... Do I see an FZ1 in the future?
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Christ,another rider down.Give him my best.
You Aussies have to put up with poison snakes,spiders,jellyfish,insects and Kangaroos leaping out in front of you :eek:

I was going to say at least you have decent beer.Then I thought about it and Damn,you really do have it tough.....
Sorry to hear! Heal up quick Mick. Gee do I know some of what your feeling except for the Roo and tree part. You'll be up and back in the mix in no time. :thumbup:
Oh no!!! I hit one of the "reds" with a car back in 1997 and it really was bad, spent a week in the hospital, wow, I can't image hitting one with a bike!

Damn Furry Catepillars :mad: :spank: :spank: Not so cute & cuddly now are they our non Aussie friends ??

Dont like to see any forum members down but its even harder when its a fellow Aussie :( Sad news & a sad end to a beautiful bike , heal fast Mick we are all thinking of you :thumbup: I'll try give you a call later...
Christ,another rider down.Give him my best.
You Aussies have to put up with poison snakes,spiders,jellyfish,insects and Kangaroos leaping out in front of you :eek:

I was going to say at least you have decent beer.Then I thought about it and Damn,you really do have it tough.....

Dont forget crocodiles and sharks..... LOL

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That figures. He's telling a similar story to his mates right now..

lol! i can just picture it..... "There i was standing by the side of the road, and this drop bear comes around the corner riding a motorbike...so i jumped straight at them....got both of em real good i did! "


Sorry Mick, i hope it does'nt hurt to laugh!
Just got a message from Mick , the doc has shipped him straight off to the Hospital.... To quote him "Im a bit scared to honest" see he must be really banged up :eek::(

Yes, by the look of the photo of Mick's knee, which i had to ask him whether it was his knee, after looking at it first time, i would say that Mick was probably being a little understated in his assesment of his injuries this morning...

Tough little bugger is Mick!
Poor Mick.

What's going on? So many members down lately?

Keep us posted, Dan & Jamie.

Hope Mick is well enough to post here later today.
Hope you heal up soon! Do Aussie's have kangaroo insurance?

Usually after any more serious crash (especially involving a giant jumping mouse) a trip to the hospital is needed. Hope all is good and just bruised. Sucks seeing so many FZ6's down lately. The animal kingdom is conspiring against us.