Poll: Do You Hate Your Job?

Do You Hate Your Job?

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I enjoy what I do also. There's days where time last forever! Use to work on racecar. Champ Car, Indy Car, Daytona Prototype. Did about everything but Nascar. Now I'm taking care of a private classic car collection that worth any where from few G's to few M's. I have to maintain them. drive them around... Sucks, but somebody need to do it!

The only down side is working alone. I see my boss every now and then, but not having anyone to chat with get old sometime. Quite different from the life style I use to have. But kind of nice of being home most of the weekend... traveling and the racing schedule were getting harder every year. I miss it sometime... but turning 40's this year... nice to enjoy life a bit, I mean normal life. After all, racing wasn't that glamorous....
I voted No, but it's not like I hate it or like it, it's more like I am in a kind of purgatory. Just paying the bills and marking time :(

It's like that song, 'Everybody's Working for the Weekend.'
I've got a great job. I started working for a new company about 5 weeks ago and I love it. I'm a Training and Development Manager for a large US multi-national. I own my schedule, do what needs to be done, people look to me for my advice, and my boss says, "You're a specialist and I don't have any idea what you do. As long as the work gets done I'm happy." :thumbup:

After two years with the State of Texas this is a sorely needed breath of fresh air.
I LOVE my job, its called RETIREMENT!!!!!
Play with my dogs, pick on my wife, go riding when ever I feel like it, work in my shop, sit on my butt, write stupid stuff on the internet, too much fun


:spank: :spank: :spank: :ban: :ban: :ban: Leave now , nobody asked you :BLAA:
I hear you about computers. I was in the printing trade 15 years before becoming an English teacher. For the last several years in the trade I was on a series of mainframe computers, and them Macs running Photoshop. I despised it to the point that I think it triggered problems in my gut.

I love teaching; 13 year old kids are knuckleheads for the most part, but a hoot to work with. Summers off work for me, too. You seem young. Look into it. I didn't start until I was almost 40.


Hate mine.. always, but one thing I have to keep reminding myself.. it allows me to do all the great stuff outside of work.. volunteering, cycling, motorcycle riding, MSF coaching.
I love working with people, but I stare at the monitor 8 hours a day for a living :rolleyes:
I actually like my job. Lots of flexibility and I kinda work on my own. Money could always be better but its a good gig for now and I'll take it while it lasts because things can go sideways pretty fast!:Sport: Plus, I can use my bike for road trips taking the boredom out of caging it all over the province of BC.
I hear you about computers. I was in the printing trade 15 years before becoming an English teacher. For the last several years in the trade I was on a series of mainframe computers, and them Macs running Photoshop. I despised it to the point that I think it triggered problems in my gut.

I love teaching; 13 year old kids are knuckleheads for the most part, but a hoot to work with. Summers off work for me, too. You seem young. Look into it. I didn't start until I was almost 40.


Funny.. I've always wanted to teach (was a personal trainer for 6 years and now became MSF rider coach).. and I'm 37 :D
I have a great job. I do advanced process control work in a chemical plant. The technical content of the work is interesting, and I like the people I work with. And because my boss doesn't really understand what I do, as long as nobody is hollering too loud he is happy. I might talk to him for 15 minutes a month.

Some people have told me I should go look for a consulting job where I could make a lot more money, but I'm having too much fun where I'm at.
it seems that lot of us that work sitting in front of a computer all day long hate it.

I hate it as well but .... pretty well paid, higher than the local standards for the task and degree level, but it is annoying to be sitting in front of a screen all day, and some management policies don't help at all.

I don't want to sit behind a desk anymore. In 11 years working in an office I went from being mega fit weighing about 77kg to my most miserable unfittest earlier this year @ 127kg :spank:

Thankfully a level of happiness has came along & back on the road to fitness (and racing MTB's again next year :cheer::cheer::cheer:)

I want to become a personal trainer, just at the moment can't afford the $9,000 to do the course.
I like my job, I have been fixing cars for a few years but where I am now I get it easy. I don't have to deal with customers, I don't have to diagnose, I just do repairs and that is it. Downside is it gets really cold in the shop; I hate the cold. I envy cubicle-dwellers in the winter. Money can always be better but its not bad.
I'm working one of the coolest jobs I've had since I retired from the USN. Of all things, I'm working on certifying all sorts of different equipment for the use of Navy, and USMC personnel. EMC work on steroids.

I look at different systems nearly every week, for nearly any environment you can think of.
I have a great job. I do advanced process control work in a chemical plant. The technical content of the work is interesting, and I like the people I work with. And because my boss doesn't really understand what I do, as long as nobody is hollering too loud he is happy. I might talk to him for 15 minutes a month.

Some people have told me I should go look for a consulting job where I could make a lot more money, but I'm having too much fun where I'm at.

Ahhh....you probably run our software, Delta V?
Working in a factory, its a tough question.... I actually enjoy what i'm doing but absolutely HATE working 70 hrs a week.... aparently we have new guys coming in after this layoff but working so many hours a week leaves no time to do anything but eat something quick and go to bed, then get up to work another 12 hours the next day...

So i guess i'd vote both... love it and hate it... either way it pays the bills though
I like my job, I have been fixing cars for a few years but where I am now I get it easy. I don't have to deal with customers, I don't have to diagnose, I just do repairs and that is it. Downside is it gets really cold in the shop; I hate the cold. I envy cubicle-dwellers in the winter. Money can always be better but its not bad.

Where i work its 44 degrees (F) all the time, so its AC in the summer and it's warmer than the harsh NY winters.... guess i can't complain although i haven't been thru a winter here yet.... i'll let u know how it is in 5 months :rolleyes:
After 13 years as a product manager, travelling the country and the world on the company's ticket I went back into sales in April last year as a regional manager. It took me 6 months to find the right people to fill my team, then train them to sell and train them on the products. Many times I wondered if I had done the right thing.

Now, 18 months later, things are looking good. The team has gelled and are performing well, sales are up and summer is coming!

I work for a distributor for a major healthcare equipment manufacturer and our product range is top of the line. The job is varied and interesting so not much time for boredom. So no, I don't hate my job!
I voted hate my job. It's far more than that. I hate my boss. He is an idiot. I work for a school. I love the kids and really most of the staff. Someone once told me that people don't quit companies, they quit people. Meaning they may like what they do, but it is the people that make the difference. I feel like Peter from Office Space. Every day is the worse day of my life.
Unfortunately/Fortunately, I am paid well and love the company (charter school) as an organization. If I didn't have a wife, child, child on the way, dog, house payment, bills or any responsibility I'd totally be out of there LOL!!!! :BLAA: