Dating a Girl Biker.

I have a lot of biker friends who have women in their lives that don't understand the passion for it. It can lead to issues, just like any other hobby that is not looked upon well by the significant other.
I'm glad you have someone that shares your love of riding! :cheer:
Good side is if you will argue you can just sit on bike, put her on hers, ride and enjoy the silence ;) So do not buy intercom ;)

I've started riding in 2010 and almost immediately my wife joined me (on second bike). So I haven't got much solo or with friends riding experience.

Seriously now - most valid point is you WILL be worried about her.
You will have to spent similar amount of money on her stuff (bike,maintenance,gear,tires) or she will feel "abandoned".

You will have to be careful to not being competitive with her on street - that could lead to accident if she would like to prove you she can keep up. We've learned to adjust our peace together. If I'm having strange day she will lead and keep slower peace. If for any reason she wants to ride slower I'm slowing down and just enjoying mellow ride.

That leads to other point - she might be faster than you. Don't fight it if she is. Try to learn from her. Ask her for input. She will love you're asking her for advice.

Also if you will try to teach her, emotional involvement can get in way and make it lot harder. You can work this around by finding her mentor which you and she will trust. Its usually easier to listen advice from somebody we don't love.
So I'm just wondering if it's convenient to date a girl biker. Maybe get serious thereafter, are there any downside to this? I know the positive of this is that you'll be with someone that loves what you love. Bike rides would be fun and everything but what are if any, the downsides to this? :rolleyes:

Downside to dating a female biker is the lack of a back seat after "dinner and a movie".:D
if you will try to teach her, emotional involvement can get in way and make it lot harder. You can work this around by finding her mentor which you and she will trust. Its usually easier to listen advice from somebody we don't love.

Yeah, experience something just like this with my ex. Good advice.
Haha thing is she already owns her own bike!! She has a GSXR-750, that's bigger than my bike lol and also she's been riding more than me :)
Have fun trying to get her to wear full gear :) "Its not sexy" to do that lol.

When i use to ride with my ex, she was very competitive and it scared the crap out of me. She always wanted to ride faster then i did. Its not a good feeling if you care about her a lot.

I can relate to that already!!
Only down side is if she doesn't put out :BLAA:

OK I'm joking, but really it's about your relationship with her. Bikes or not it's about respect for each other doing things you both enjoy.

Treat her her like a queen and have fun!

However she does have a 750 so if you get serious you better man up and get a FZ1 :D
Downside is that if your GF rides you loose your way of "getting away" and having you time.

But I'm a married man so dont listen to me :D
If your looking for a certain type of woman,I would suggest finding one who is your BEST FREIND ... the rest does not matter at all..... we are who we are,and when you realize that and accept people that way, life is alot happier... Good Luck..... :rockon: :rockon:

Now THIS is a wise man.

You don't go LOOKING for a female biker, just as women don't go LOOKING for a male biker.

You fall for who you fall for - make no difference what the drive, ride or do for a living. You might as well ask if there is a difference between black haired women, brunettes or blondes (and redheads ;))
Now THIS is a wise man.

You don't go LOOKING for a female biker, just as women don't go LOOKING for a male biker.

You fall for who you fall for - make no difference what the drive, ride or do for a living. You might as well ask if there is a difference between black haired women, brunettes or blondes (and redheads ;))

LOL Thankyou Kazza!! well if a woman would come along that could be my best freind and appreciate me for who I am and all that I do,i would be a happy man!! but i keep forgiving my Ex and she just keeps on disapointing me.
LOL Thankyou Kazza!! well if a woman would come along that could be my best freind and appreciate me for who I am and all that I do,i would be a happy man!! but i keep forgiving my Ex and she just keeps on disapointing me.

Close that chapter in your life Donny. You're better than that and it's time to move on :thumbup:
My GF and I met after we'd both been riding for a little while.

I'd ridden in the dirt as a youngster, so a lot of stuff comes naturally to me, while she only started in her twenties, so things are a lot more cerebral, and it annoys her when she asks how I handle a situation or why I do something, and my answer consists of, "I just do."

We both were on 250s when we met, then I went to a YZF600 Thundercat and she a 2004 ZX6RR. After we took a break, I now have an FZ6N and she a Triumph Street Triple. She usually has the 'faster' bike, while I tend to be the 'faster' rider. That facet has never caused us any issues as a couple or me as an individual. She admits that the ZX6RR wasn't right for her, it was too tall.

In my opinion, pros far outweigh the cons. I don't like riding solo for fun, and partly a little for safety. Come a weekend, I have a riding partner usually more keen than I am, ready to ride, although she is a later riser. This is fantastic.

Any issues we have are totally unrelated to the bikes. She does want me to get louder pipes for 'safety' though.

EDIT: We did get intercoms, and it's pretty good actually. We've had one argument over the intercom. I was ready to head straight home to be on time for my friends coming over, while she wanted to hit more twisties. We compromised and I got home just in time.

Pic: See, it did happen. FYI, she'd taken her jacket off. We ain't no squids.
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