I'm still alive

Neither are foot pegs that cause your knees to bend over 90 degrees but I'm spoiled since my touring bike is a cruiser. I would die if I did a 1,000 mile day on the FZ6.

I did 4,815 miles in 10 days on the FZ6 back in 2010 when I took the big trip to the west coast. My longest day was 918 miles. But the XR has an even smaller riding triangle.

And I'm a HUGE DUDE!
One thing I do miss about my FZ6 is the fuel mileage. I got 45mpg pretty regularly on it and I get 28mpg pretty regularly on the XR1200. It's a weird day when your car is more efficient than your motorcycle.

Looking at your signature map, you need to head out to the NW. Amazing roads awaits you. I have discovered my two top motorcycle roads, eclipsing the California highways.

1. Chief Joseph/Beartooth Higway (Wyoming-Montana)
2. Rattle Snake Grade (Oregon-Washington)
Looking at your signature map, you need to head out to the NW. Amazing roads awaits you. I have discovered my two top motorcycle roads, eclipsing the California highways.

1. Chief Joseph/Beartooth Higway (Wyoming-Montana)
2. Rattle Snake Grade (Oregon-Washington)

You are correct, however, I plan to get out and get more states once I have another bike in the stable. Something that I can ride to the Arctic.