Wind Protection


Junior Member
Sep 16, 2014
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Westchester, New York
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Hello all,
I just upgraded to an 2005 FZ6 a couple days ago. So far I love the bike. The only thing is that I felt that the windscreen did not give enough wind protection. I was wondering what some of you would recommend. I spend a lot of time in the 70-80 mph range. Would you recommend a new larger windscreen or a bolt on spoiler blade. And if there is any specific brand that you would recommend?

You might try cutting down the stock windscreen. I found this to be more comfortable than a taller windscreen as a taller one was still not tall enough to block the air going to my helmet.

You can remove the windscreen altogether to give you an idea of how it feels.
You might try cutting down the stock windscreen. I found this to be more comfortable than a taller windscreen as a taller one was still not tall enough to block the air going to my helmet.

You can remove the windscreen altogether to give you an idea of how it feels.

While I love the clean air flow and I did convert my 6 to full naked, I find that having no screen at all is not the best way to go if most of the riding is done at 70-80. In fact, it was the #1 reason I sold the FZ6 :rolleyes: .. I was freezing my butt off with no wind protection in cooler weather. It's also quite tiring with no screen at higher speeds for prolonged rides.

The tall screens will shift the wind from your chest / shoulders to your helmet, which will make it very loud.. so ear plugs are a must. Besides that, it makes for a much more relaxed high-speed riding.

Look into MRA screens with adjustable lips. They're pricey, but create nice air flow. I use ZeroGravity touring, but that's on FZ1.. so not exactly the same thing.
I have the touring MRA screen with the adjustable wing. For me it's the best of both worlds, with it down the air is smoother than a stock screen, and with it up it pushes the air toward the top of my heglmet and its loud.

View attachment 55005
Naturally, the FZ6 is mine.
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Ill take a look at the MRA screen that sounds what I'll most likely be looking for. I'm trying to stay away from the naked look because I do take long highway trips sometimes and I would imagine that a naked bike would be uncomfortable after a while.

Thanks for the input and suggestions
I have the touring MRA screen with the adjustable wing. For me it's the best of both worlds, with it down the air is smoother than a stock screen, and with it up it pushes the air toward the top of my heglmet and its loud.

View attachment 55005
Naturally, the FZ6 is mine.

1. Keep in mind the OP is dealing with a 2005 model and windscreen options are more limited than with the S2.

2. Would you mind stating your height and inseam? I'm intrigued by the touring MRA with wing, and have been looking at it, the Cee Bailey, and CalSci options. I am 6'1" / 33".
1. Keep in mind the OP is dealing with a 2005 model and windscreen options are more limited than with the S2.

2. Would you mind stating your height and inseam? I'm intrigued by the touring MRA with wing, and have been looking at it, the Cee Bailey, and CalSci options. I am 6'1" / 33".
Oooops, I did miss that he has an 05. I'm 5' 9" with a 30" inseam.
Who's MTS? My dream!

I remembered that when I looked for a pic of the windscreen, Kenny. I had planned to send you a couple pics to tease you:D It belongs to a guy that works at the FAA Tech Center in the hanger next to where I work. He happens to be an MSF instructor also. I'll try to find out his name, I forgot what it was.
I bought the tallest CalSci screen in dark. Not for everyone, but excellent for getting the windblast off your chest on the motorway. I also bought some knuckle-guards, but they are not my bike colour and I haven't got around to painting them yet! Google either if you want to know what they look like.