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Oct 12, 2008
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Moto Morini Granpasso. Yikes! :eek:


'Nuff said. Don't think there are many more bikes with such a bizarre front end as stocK!
Geez, that is the ugliest bike I have ever seen. Kinda reminds me of the sesame street "snuffleupagus" character.. LOL!!
If I owned that I'd attach two big white "buck teeth" to the fender, might as well go all the way! :BLAA:
I think it's a goofy looking bike aswell but on another note I have heard some good things about it in a couple of the euro bike mags I read ! I just wish I could ride one for myself so I can see what it's like in person
I think it's sort of humorous, that this bike uses projector headlights without the added hoo hah of a reflector housing..... and people are calling that ugly.

Different, certainly. Form follows function. This should be rally good lighting pared down as much as possible. With the 'floating' windscreen, it's going to have less buffeting behind the screen than any FZ, and better OEM lighting.

I'd rather not have the fender fixed to the fairing.... sucks to make a turn and fling rainwater and schlock up where you can get a face full of it.... If it's light, has good power and suspension travel....... it looks better than a DL650, to me. And better than a Versys as well. And most KTM products. There are some BMWs that are just as Fugly.
Wow! a bike with a verandah! Lol! at least if it rains, you could jump off the bike, and squat underneath it, out of the rain!

I think it looks pretty good.


besides, if you look at the tail of the fz6

I think it looks worse. the indicator look like gay little leafs, (no offence :p)
and the stock exhausts won't win any awars for being pretty either.