

rubber side down
Premium Member
Nov 20, 2008
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Oceanside CA
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Riding home from work today on the 76 (2 lane hwy) and I notice a silver honda civic two cars in front of me in the right lane speeding up, he quickley changes lanes ( no blinker) and then zig zags threw traffic( again no blinker). We come to a stop light and I'm now right behind him in the left lane. Light turns green and he takes off......At this time I fall back to create some space between us and just as I do he jerks back into the right lane spinning out of control.....goes threw the right lane sideways hits the curb, Car flips over hits a tree and comes to rest. Luckly no one else was involved

I pull over, run down to make sure he's okay and this ahole is already out of the car threws a beer over the fence,grabs a skateboard out of his car and jets down the road before I even could get my helment off.

Police show-up within minutes I give my statement of what I saw and made my way home.

I'm sure they found this idiot by the time I made it home.

Ride safe everyone keep an eye on whats going on around you.. cause you never know when something is going to happen.

View attachment 34022

Here's the AHOLE'S car
I agree totally it's a battle out there and we have to protect ourselves from the moorons that somehow got a drivers license. :spank: Good advise to be safe 100% of time while riding.
I got a call today from a friend who told me some bad news about a guy I've gone out riding with in the past. Nice guy, 20's, got a Honda cruiser as his first street bike. He was commuting to his job daily in downtown San Diego. Last week he was waiting at a red light. Light turns yellow for the cars on the cross street, then red. Two cars blow through the red light. The rider has a green light at this point and doesn't move into the intersection. He waits 3 more seconds then begins to cross the intersection. Suddenly a third car speeds through the red light t-boning him on his cruiser. He survived but it's still up in the air weather he needs his leg amputated.

Sorry to hear about your friend Goop, i pray he keeps his leg.

And Smoke I'm glad you are a smart rider. I am pretty sure if that guy were to of hit you he still would have fled the seen.
I'm really angry at people that are incredibly reckless and haven't killed themselves through stupidity yet. It is always the jerk that hurts the good people and has no remorse for their actions. :spank:

The authorities better catch this Jive Turkey before he has a chance to kill.
Worst part about it for us is that when cagers lose control, we are usually the ones who get hurt and they walk away unscratched(or so) Especially if they have been drinking!
Glad u werent involved!
I hope they got him while he was still drunk; I've heard stories about people (but don't know personally) who total their cars (while drunk) and just run away. As long as the cops don't get to them while they're still under the influence and link them to the car, no real foul...sadly.
That is what happened to my girlfriends truck. She parked outside my house in a nice neighborhood, and some drunk kids coming back from a bar at 3 in the morning hit her car and ran away luckily they couldn't drive their car away so it was their in the morning. But no DUI for them.
I got a call today from a friend who told me some bad news about a guy I've gone out riding with in the past. Nice guy, 20's, got a Honda cruiser as his first street bike. He was commuting to his job daily in downtown San Diego. Last week he was waiting at a red light. Light turns yellow for the cars on the cross street, then red. Two cars blow through the red light. The rider has a green light at this point and doesn't move into the intersection. He waits 3 more seconds then begins to cross the intersection. Suddenly a third car speeds through the red light t-boning him on his cruiser. He survived but it's still up in the air weather he needs his leg amputated.


That is why I ALWAYS look left and right at each intersection, especially after a red light. My head actually turns to the left and right if I'm first to go through.

As far as the driver of the car, good odds that the car was stolen. Sometimes when people do a hit n run, it's because they are drunk. It appears that the penalty is less severe than getting cited for a DUI.
I agree totally it's a battle out there and we have to protect ourselves from the moorons that somehow got a drivers license. :spank: Good advise to be safe 100% of time while riding.

I bet this guy did'nt have a drivers licence nor did he own the car....... I bet he was riding that skateboard when he found the Honda.they are one of the most stolen car's in america... you never know realy whats going around you at any given time, criminals are everywhere...