Asshat backs over bike.



Whos bike? MY BIKE!!!

Its my birthday. I am inside the Shell station, I see a truck backing towards my bike. I say Please dont back over my bike, please dont back over my bike, then WHACK he backs over my bike.

Slider folded up, frame cracked, passenger peg mount bent in, master cyl lever mount bent, bar end mirror trashed.

I am parked in a yellow marked parking spot. He says if you would of parked right I wouldnt of hit it. I say, I am parked in a yellow lined parking spot. If it were a car you would of hit it too. He says well your parked sideways. So??????????? I called the police. They came then I picked up the bike. Its at the bike store getting a estimate.


Then he calls me this afternoon and tells me its my fault. I went off, told him I was parked in a parking spot, inside a store when he backed over my bike, and this coversation was over, he could talk to his insurance company.
That totally sucks. I feel bad for you. The guy is a complete idiot. You should get as much as you can out of him. A$$holes like him should take the bus.
OMG! :jawdrop: From Happy Birthday to Crappy Birthday in a split second. I'm sooooo sorry to hear. I can't imagine watching it unfold. It must have been like some horrible slow motion you couldn't stop. "Your fault". Yeah, right. Good luck with the insurance.
Sheete! I'm so sorry man. I know you put so much of yourself into it.
It must have been so hard to show restraint.
With the frame cracked, you think it's totaled?
If so I will buy it back and weld it, if not I will be freaking tickled
Damn, wrightme, that freaking sucks! As I read your post I found myself cringing with each new detail and getting angrier with each stupid comment from this dumbass!

One thing comes to mind...typical Kentucky redneck! I hate those asshats! They drive around in their big trucks acting all badass (when most of them are big pussies) and never take personal responsibility for anything.

Dude, I can't imagine how mad you must've been when he called you later on and still said it wasn't his fault! You definitely handled it better than I would!
Dude, that sucks ass, and on your birthday to boot! So sorry to hear this. Good thing you weren't on it.

It shouldn't matter what you parked or where you parked it, if you're in a parking lot and he ruins your property he should pay (I'm not an expert, that's just what sounds right to me). Especially in a gas station parking lot; those things are always horribly laid out and marked.

Best of luck with getting it paid for and fixed man.

Dam!!! Sorry to hear this Steve! What a flippin' CRAPTASTIC B'Day present that was! On the bight side, with the frame cracked, it is likely to be totaled and you're WELL on your way to a new ride so it could end up being a great B'Day present!

Only question is, will it be another FZ6? :D

Go get 'em! Soak him for the whole thing!
It never ceases to amaze me how some people will not take responsibility for their own actions. Just extremely glad you saw it happen and got his name.
Ouch Steve, that sucks! I can't even imagine! Musta gone into slow mo...You handled yourself well! Not sure I would have said something so tame. Crap thing to happen on your Birthday.
Cracked frame? Ouch!

So he says he wouldn't have hit it if not parked sideways? Yeah, sounds like an admission of guilt to me.

Good luck with his insurance company. Are you sure you're not thinking of another bike? Sprint ST? Honda VFR? Maybe time for that K1200S/K1300S you've always wanted. :rockon:

Almost forgot... Happy Birthday!
Good luck with the insurance fiasco, and sorry to hear about the bike...sounds like it will be totaled....