Be caution passing that cager, one never knows...


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Jan 19, 2008
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Los Angeles, CA
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Caution passing that cager, one never knows...

[ame=""]YouTube - ‪Pickup driver tries to kill motorcyclist.‬‏[/ame]
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Re: Caution passing that cager, one never knows...

I would love to know how it ends?

"The pickup driver was arrested for reckless driving, DUI and the DA is using the video to consider reckless endangerment and possibly attempted murder charges. If convicted of all charges the pickup driver could get up to 24 years in jail. That's unlikely but he will likely see a felony conviction and jail time for his life threatening antics. Jerk."

well his wife is probably banging a biker while he's getting banged in jail.
Thanks for that.
Still quite a bit of speculation as to the outcome for the truck driver.
Charged for DUI definite. With a possible reckless endangerment charge. I hope he gets what he deserves.
If you read all of the responses it states near the end that the Police have not reviewed the film evidence.
With the film now being in the public domain, doe's this effect the legitimacy of the tape and a fair trial?
Hate to point it out, but did no one else notice the double yellow line (widely known as the DO NOT pass line)? The biker illegally passed the truck. I agree that the truck driver should go to jail for trying to basically manslaughter this dude but the biker commited the first sin here.
Hate to point it out, but did no one else notice the double yellow line (widely known as the DO NOT pass line)? The biker illegally passed the truck. I agree that the truck driver should go to jail for trying to basically manslaughter this dude but the biker commited the first sin here.

In many US states it is legal to pass on the double yellow line if the vehicle is going below the posted speed limit...think farm equipment, or passing a mail carrier that is delivering cross the double yellow to do that...or perhaps you pass a bicycle on the double yellow... Don't say you haven't done this.

Also No-Passing Zones are overly-conservative. The DOT won't put a passing zone if there is not enough room for a 90 hp econo-box to pass a truck, towing a trailer, at the speed limit..SAFELY. So basically if there isn't enough visible road length to land a Boeing then it is not marked as a passing zone.

The biker's pass was perfectly safe, he could have passed 2 trucks safely with that length of sight. Even our 95hp FZ6's can pass a truck that is traveling at less than 3 seconds

Breaking the law comes in many different levels. If an illegal pass is an equal sin to attempted murder...our legal system is more screwed up than I imagined.
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Hate to point it out, but did no one else notice the double yellow line (widely known as the DO NOT pass line)? The biker illegally passed the truck. I agree that the truck driver should go to jail for trying to basically manslaughter this dude but the biker commited the first sin here.
I think we all spotted the illegal pass. It's a separate issue that would certainly incriminate rider #1. However, the actions of the truck driver are inexcusable.

"The pickup driver was arrested for reckless driving, DUI and the DA is using the video to consider reckless endangerment and possibly attempted murder charges. If convicted of all charges the pickup driver could get up to 24 years in jail. That's unlikely but he will likely see a felony conviction and jail time for his life threatening antics. Jerk."

well his wife is probably banging a biker while he's getting banged in jail.

There's a big difference in threatening and the act of committing the crime. His intent is the important part. His intent was murder. If I shoot at someone and miss you can't call that a threat. Even the police don't fire warning shots. You can't use the excuse you were under the influence. "The Devil Made Me Do It!" :rolleyes:
I really don't have any comment on his or his wife's benefits in the future. :rof:
I think someone mentioned on the other thread that that state has a law that says you can pass on a double yellow under slow moving vehicle conditions. There's so much wrong with that entire video. Neither bike should have stopped. They should have just called law enforcement and showed the video.
If that guy was that unstable he could have finished the job for both riders and taken the camera.
I have to throw my 2 cents in here. I grew up in Kentucky and still live in Kentucky. Went to law school pretty close to where this happened. There are certain ways that you have to deal with these morons. The police will do very little to this guy. He will be fined, plea down to something lesser because the local DA is overwhelmed with drug cases!!! This guy will do this again period!!! What should have been done is these 2 bikers needed to serve there own justice! Yes! It's the only way people like this learn. It's how they live. Sometimes handling violence with violence is the only answer. These 2 guys should have beat the living **** out of this guy. Guess what next time he would
think twice. It's the culture here. He is not going to pay his fines probably already had warrants. Jail, hell he's been there done that. But having his ass stomped for 5 to 10 minutes he will remember that. Oh the bikers were driving like assholes, but that's no excuse for this moron doing what he did.
:rolleyes:if I only had my shotgun mounted next to the seat, pointed to the slug in the engine would fix that a**hole. I think one could argue self defense with a cager trying to kill you.
I think we are all in agreement the POS in the pickup truck was dangerous and needs to be taken off the road.

But if it were me riding with another dude I would have played it a little safer.

The first rider.. ya know the one who almost get forced off the road, if it were me I would have pulled off the road as soon as that happened and then followed the guy in the truck at a very conservative distance, taken the plate # and ridden to police and have a nice day. By engaging this moron the way these guys did could have turned out very badly.
The first rider.. ya know the one who almost get forced off the road, if it were me I would have pulled off the road as soon as that happened and then followed the guy in the truck at a very conservative distance, taken the plate # and ridden to police and have a nice day. By engaging this moron the way these guys did could have turned out very badly.
That's assuming the truck driver won't side swipe you as he passes or completely takes you out. That's a lot of trust to put in someone behind the wheel that just tried to take you out once already when you have no idea what's going on in their mind. It appears he may have been intoxicated or under the influence of something else. He didn't know he was being video taped, but at that moment in time it appears he didn't really care.
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That's assuming the truck driver won't side swipe you as he passes or completely takes you out. That's a lot of trust to put in someone behind the wheel that just tried to take you out once already when you have no idea what's going on in their mind. It appears he may have been intoxicated or under the influence of something else. He didn't know he was being video taped, but at that moment in time it appears he didn't really care.

Also, it was obvious that the driver sped up and was trying to chase the lead rider down as soon as he was passed. The rider did the right thing by putting as much distance between himself and that truck as he could.
I think we are all in agreement the POS in the pickup truck was dangerous and needs to be taken off the road.

But if it were me riding with another dude I would have played it a little safer.

The first rider.. ya know the one who almost get forced off the road, if it were me I would have pulled off the road as soon as that happened and then followed the guy in the truck at a very conservative distance, taken the plate # and ridden to police and have a nice day. By engaging this moron the way these guys did could have turned out very badly.

After nearly being run over i think i'd keep going a put distance between me and him.... after that jackass stunt whose to say he doesn't just plow over me if i pull over? I say his punishment is a large blanket tossed over him and any rider whose bothered to show up gets to beat the bejesus out of him, followed by jailtime and permanent revocation of his license (try and run me off the road on your lawn mower :spank:)
For a drunk guy, he actually drove pretty good. Granted, he crossed the center line more times than I could remember, but considering his speed and high center of gravity, he did quite well.

Moving on to the reckless driving/ reckless endangerment... yes, he absolutely should be charged with both crimes. Attempting to run a motorcycle off the road is basically attempted murder and I hope the judge throws the book at that truck driver.

From a LEO perspective, those motorcyclists should have NEVER stopped. They had video evidence and could have walked into the County Sheriff's Department and made a complaint. Confronting a driver these days as a civilian is risky, and not a good idea.

I'm glad nobody go hurt because this guy could have killed lots of people that day. I remember at least once when the truck driver was either on, or slightly over the double yellow line as oncoming motorcycles approached in a curve while leaned over. That could have been really bad.