Catching up: I got Married, and other stuff


The Tall Guy!
Elite Member
Mar 24, 2009
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Desoto, Missouri, USA
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So it has been awhile since I have been actually posting on the forum, long for me at least so I figure I would do some catching up with one long fun post.

The Wedding
So for starters, it finally happened, I got married, almost with Jessica (now my wife) for 7 years before we got Married so we moved out for a year then tied the knot. On top of that the wedding was great, nothing went wrong. I decided to borrow a Corvette from the dealership that I work at and Jessica decided not to tell me she would have her own Corvette at the wedding too. So I was shocked she pulled that off. So we had some fun with cars and what not. Nothing I could ever afford but it was a thrill still.



The Bachelors
I am a light drinker so I get hammered pretty quick. I was drinking and mixing and so on so at some point I was put into a car and taken to a gay bar. I didn't realize it till about 1 hour in there after seeing these 2 girls just tounging each others mouths lol. Then I stopped and took a good look around and was like........Wait a minute.....Woah.....woah........uhhhhh whats going on? So I was pretty hammered but all the gay folk were nice and what not. One of my groomsmen is actually gay, so I figured he would pull something like that.


Puppy Louie is doing great, likes to hog the bed between the Wife and Me, but sometimes he becomes a limp noodle. Still teaching him to behave, but hes a good dog. Love him dearly. Got to do something about the wood floors though before my landlord finds out lol.



We had our very first halloween at our house so I carved my Boo Ghost from Mario and was pretty excited about our campfire we did in the fire we did in the front yard handing out hotdogs. Kids loved it, we loved it, we hope to get more next year. I also became a zombie for a night :D



313149_10150357773883953_509193952_8253834_2126638539_n.jpg is grand!


Love your Halloween make up!

Congratulations Geoff!

Marriage is a wonderful thing.

Mike and I have been together since we were teenagers - 24 years today infact and married 13 years on Tuesday :cheer:


BTW, your wife is lovely.

And so is Louie ;)

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'grats on tying the knot.... a big step, worth waiting to do right. I thought the zombie thing was a result of the drunken night in the gay bar, LOL. <jk>
Congrats on the wedding!

Louie looks exactly like my raggle Caleb (beagle/rat terrier). He is a maniac but absolutely adorable.

And that Zombie makeup is amazing. Well done!


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Thanks Everyone!

Clarification on the zombie picture, its digitally made, not real makeup, otherwise id be scaring everyone for sure lol.
Congratulations dude! I'm currently engaged and we've been together for over two years now, we are waiting until we are out of college to get married.