Dating a Girl Biker.


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Nov 26, 2011
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Donna. Texas
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So I'm just wondering if it's convenient to date a girl biker. Maybe get serious thereafter, are there any downside to this? I know the positive of this is that you'll be with someone that loves what you love. Bike rides would be fun and everything but what are if any, the downsides to this? :rolleyes:
Downsides: If you love her, you will be worried every time she get's on the bike.
I would hate to see my girlfriend crash on the bike.

On a personal note: My girlfriend loves riding pillion, but doesn't want to ride a bike of her own. I am very happy with that. It's a sign she trusts me, and I will do everything to keep her safe :thumbup:
there's some couple on another trackday forum i use, they seem to get on pretty well, though the women are pretty fast and quite a few of them race. only downside if if you get one who doesn't like getting her hands dirty and makes you fix her bike as well as yours ;)
Evidence would suggest that women are actually safer on the roads with fewer fatalities than their male counter parts. Women endure much more than men. Girls who have guys who ride also worry when your on the bikes.

The Pros of a girl or guy partner who rides are:
1 They understand why you smell a bit oily and actually find it strangely attractive.
2 They understand that popping to the shops on the bike is not necessarily quicker than taking the car.
3 Understand and enjoy the passion of riding.
4 You get to share your other love (the perfect Ménage à trois).
5 Know why you are considering splashing €£$ out on gear and mods.

The cons

1 Your friends will be dead jealous as they secretly they lust after biker types with oil stained broken fingernails.
2 They might be a much better rider than you [learn from them].
3 Their disposable income might not be spent on you.

Good luck
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I'm currently dating a girl who, prior to meeting me, never rode. Now she's all about riding and wanting desperately to learn and eventually get her own bike. For the most part, I don't mind. Here are my personal thoughts on the subject:

  • I will be with someone that shares a same interest.
  • It would be fun to go riding/do a trackday with my girl.
  • She would better understand my love for bikes.
  • She would be off the back seat. I don't like pillion riders. Never have.
Evidence would suggest that women are actually safer on the roads with fewer fatalities than their male counter parts. Women endure much more than men. Girls who have guys who ride also worry when your on the bikes.

I think that evidence came about BEFORE the advent of cell phone texting!

9 times out of 10 when I see a car almost run off the road or swerve in their lane, when I pass them it's almost ALWAYS a female driver, usually one in the 16-25 age range and typing on a cell phone. Scary. More scary than drunk drivers. At least drunk drivers have their eyes on the road when they hit you.
I'm currently dating a girl who, prior to meeting me, never rode. Now she's all about riding and wanting desperately to learn and eventually get her own bike. For the most part, I don't mind. Here are my personal thoughts on the subject:

  • I will be with someone that shares a same interest.
  • It would be fun to go riding/do a trackday with my girl.
  • She would better understand my love for bikes.
  • She would be off the back seat. I don't like pillion riders. Never have.

I was in the same spot she is before my husband and I got married 7 years ago. Deep down, I always wanted to ride my own, but never had the opportunity. My husband had been riding for 20+ years before I met him (rode dirt bikes as a kid & never stopped). My father also used to race dirt-track scramblers as a kid, and was on his second Harley after buying his first a couple of years before.
I learned to ride not long after we got married, and haven't been a pillion since. Don't get me wrong, my husband is a very safe rider, I just have a few control issues.

Advice/things to note:
*If you can, have a friend teach her on the dirt FIRST. Point being, you like this girl, and one can assume you have a good relationship. Try to keep it that way by NOT being the one to teach her a new skill. The last thing you want is for her to hold a grudge because of a communication breakdown during that process. Let her get mad at your buddy, not you.
There is a "Rules for guys with Women Riders" post on a blog that makes a WHOLE lot of sense....but I can't seem to find it right now. :/
Let her ride dirt for 6mos to a year before moving to street. Let her pick her own bike....don't judge her for picking something weird like a TW200 for a first bike (which I highly recommend - awesome on the trails, and the fat rear tire make the thing crawl over trees like a tank!). If there's something she likes that if comfy & easy to work on - yay!
Needless to say, never get a new bike as a first bike. It will be dropped, it will get scratched, dinged, but hopefully not crashed.

*If there is a MSF course available locally,(check community colleges) have her take it. The skills & knowledge learned is invaluable. Hell, take an advanced course yourself! Couldn't hurt!
In addition, in our state, once you pass the MSF course, it waives the on-bike portion of your motorcycle license test and lowers your insurance.

My husband & I generally take 1-2 motorcycle trips per year....and over the years, it's been the one solid common interest/passion that helps hold us both together. Going for a good long twisty ride easily solves most problems....especially when he can let go of some of his control issues & let me lead once in a while! :)

Best of luck to you both!
Advice/things to note:
*If you can, have a friend teach her on the dirt FIRST. Point being, you like this girl, and one can assume you have a good relationship. Try to keep it that way by NOT being the one to teach her a new skill. The last thing you want is for her to hold a grudge because of a communication breakdown during that process. Let her get mad at your buddy, not you.

I can attest to the validity of this tip!!!

I've tried to teach my wife how to drive a stick shift car a few weeks ago and by the end of the "lesson" I was frustrated and she was mad at me for "yelling" at her and the night did not end well. :spank:
from my perspective:


you can enjoy riding together, without riding 2up (2up sucks imo)
having the same hobby means talking about it, looking at bikes/gear together
girls look good in gear
girls that smell like motorcycle rock
I have better judgement/make safer decisions when we ride together
we can enjoy washing the bikes/maintenance together
she loves it when she sees our bikes parked side by side


she might ride a faster bike than you LOL (in my case gsxr750)
she might not like the same type of rides: ie. she loves commuting on her bike and riding in perfect weather. If I want to get up early on a hot day and ride before its too hot, she's likely to opt for sleeping in then sitting around sipping coffee until its too hot out for her to ride geared up. Or when I'm feeling like I'm just getting into the ride she is starting to get tired of sitting on her gixxer.
she will be hit on tenfold when on her bike or in gear (doesn't bother me, but might some)
I worry about her when she rides alone

On a side note. Women who ride are just as bat poop crazy as those that don't. Since they are all borderline psychotic, you may as well date one that rides. :D
from my perspective:


you can enjoy riding together, without riding 2up (2up sucks imo)
having the same hobby means talking about it, looking at bikes/gear together
girls look good in gear
girls that smell like motorcycle rock
I have better judgement/make safer decisions when we ride together
we can enjoy washing the bikes/maintenance together
she loves it when she sees our bikes parked side by side


she might ride a faster bike than you LOL (in my case gsxr750)
she might not like the same type of rides: ie. she loves commuting on her bike and riding in perfect weather. If I want to get up early on a hot day and ride before its too hot, she's likely to opt for sleeping in then sitting around sipping coffee until its too hot out for her to ride geared up. Or when I'm feeling like I'm just getting into the ride she is starting to get tired of sitting on her gixxer.
she will be hit on tenfold when on her bike or in gear (doesn't bother me, but might some)
I worry about her when she rides alone

On a side note. Women who ride are just as bat poop crazy as those that don't. Since they are all borderline psychotic, you may as well date one that rides. :D

10/10 Would read again.
If your looking for a certain type of woman,I would suggest finding one who is your BEST FREIND ... the rest does not matter at all..... we are who we are,and when you realize that and accept people that way, life is alot happier... Good Luck..... :rockon: :rockon:
Be happy you have this chance and see where it goes. I've had the shoe on the other foot (she wouldn't date someone who rode) so that ground to a halt.

Be open to educating each other and critiquing each other to be the best riders you can be so you minimize the risk of having someone you care about injured doing something you love.

My mom bit it because my dad passed her on a gravel road (she was pretty banged up and I'll never forget that day and all that happened). Anyway - they sold the bikes not long after that and I'd hate to see this replay ever again. . .
Have fun trying to get her to wear full gear :) "Its not sexy" to do that lol.

When i use to ride with my ex, she was very competitive and it scared the crap out of me. She always wanted to ride faster then i did. Its not a good feeling if you care about her a lot.
Have fun trying to get her to wear full gear :) "Its not sexy" to do that lol.

When i use to ride with my ex, she was very competitive and it scared the crap out of me. She always wanted to ride faster then i did. Its not a good feeling if you care about her a lot.

My sweetie actually likes her gear. However, it did take us quite a bit of time to find a pair of protective pants that she thought made her @ss look good. :spank:

She's also told me that once she does start riding, she will eventually be faster than me. I told her that wasn't very much of a threat. Most everyone is already faster than me. Lol... :D
My sweetie actually likes her gear. However, it did take us quite a bit of time to find a pair of protective pants that she thought made her @ss look good. :spank:

She's also told me that once she does start riding, she will eventually be faster than me. I told her that wasn't very much of a threat. Most everyone is already faster than me. Lol... :D

Yea we went threw four pairs of riding jeans, because she wouldnt wear anything but jeans. Boots were even harder, lots of returns
My wife and I both ride, I currently have a Ninja 650 and she has a Ninja 500... looking at picking up a FZ6 and she will inherit the 650. She's been riding over 2 years, and we share a love for it. I didn't date her because she rode a motorcycle, because she didn't back then... but she had a deep desire to ride and I helped her get started. She doesn't ride any differently than I do, wears full gear, and makes fun of squids... perfect woman for me.