Dented Wheel


Gun nut
May 5, 2009
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Dallas, TX
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A few months ago I hit a nasty pothole and flat spotted one side (or so I thought) of my front wheel. After determining there was no air leakage, no vibration at any speed, and after consultation with my mechanic buddy I decided to "wait and see" if it would hold out ok till I needed tires, and have it fixed then. Plus, since winter was coming in I knew I would be riding much less. (I know, we can debate the safety aspects but it's been done in other wheel threads).

At any rate, last Sunday I brought home a new compressor, and naturally topped off every tire in the garage. Although I've been monitoring my front bike tire, when it's turn came up and I started pumping her up, PSSSSSHHHH, right from the dented area.

So after finding the right hex bit at HF (set ranging from 6mm to 19mm for $25 bucks) I got the wheel off and, after much searching, found a shop locally to do the work.

$200 bucks later, and I am very happy. The wheel had actually been knocked out of round by the dent so I'm glad I got it done. Good as new, for half the price of new. :rockon:
Did the shop that straightened the rim offer you any sort of warranty on the repair?

No, and I honestly didn't think to ask. I was so relieved that I found someone willing to fix a motorcycle wheel and impressed with their work that I paid and left. Where were you when I needed you RJ? :D

Assuming that it holds up (it wasn't cracked so I believe everything will be all good) I will do more business with them, should the need arise.

Also, he has a set of R6 wheels (not sure on year, but they are identical to my 09 FZs) that a deadbeat customer left that he is trying to sell me. My management (wife) says no at what he's asking but maybe down the road.