Do you use your FZ6 mainly for commuting or pleasure?

Business or pleasure. What do you use your FZ6 for?

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Oct 24, 2007
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Mine is mainly for commuting with some pleasure rides thrown in. Just interested what other people use their bike for.
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well.. i used to just use the bike for pleasure.. but this year i dont have a company car and finally get to try the bike our for commuting..
I use it for both. After work, I take to long twisting way home to unwind. On weekends I head out just to get out and ride.
The majority of the time I use my bike to commute. It must be for pleasure too, there are times I'd rather freeze taking it to work than a warm car.

I picked up a nail last week in my rear tire and didn't have time to fix or ride it until this morning. I got up early just so I could remove the nail and plug the hole so I could take it to work this morning.
I do a bit of both. I ride it to work every chance I get weather permitting. I also use any excuse that I can to ride it out and about any other time. Also, I like getting out with the guys a going for a nice ride on the weekends.
Commuting on the FZ6 is a pleasure!!

So Both!

Its my main mode of transport, I just like riding it. A few things have helped the commute experience though:
LIB foot plates
Adjusting gear leaver so my foot now stays on the peg.
15T front sprocket mod.
Bridgestone BT 021's.
The best riding gear that I could afford.

I used to just ride for pleasure. But when the gas prices went way up it became my main mode of transport and its a lot funner than the car :rockon:
Well, my bike was bought for both, back when I worked 45 miles from home.

When I got a new job down the street from my old house, it was just for fun.

Now that I am not working or riding, it is just to stare at and tend to.

After the baby arrives, and before I get a enw job, it will be for fun.

Then, depending on where my next job is, it will probably be for both, until winter strikes or if I have to take baby to daycare (though rob's sister does daycare for our nephew and neices, so maybe he'll get that duty and I'll get to 2-wheel commute for a while).
For me both. I don't ride it as much right now due to cold weather in NJ, but once warm weather comes along, trips to work of course (32 miles one way), twisties and whatever is in between. Riding has become a part of my life now. LOVE IT....:rockon:....Love it....:thumbup:
When I had my GZ250 I made the 100 mile round trip to school on it pretty religiously until it got cold enough that it was really painful (still did a few trips even then).

Since this is the "off-season" I took the time to look around and ended up getting the FZ6 which I'll probably still ride to school on. The FZ just seems more like a "fun" bike so I'll probably ride it a little more just for the fun of it but may take it up to school on nice days. Stowing gear and all that is a hassle though and I haven't found any good affordable luggage for the FZ yet. If only dollar bills flew out of the exhaust pipe...
I haven't found any good affordable luggage for the FZ yet. If only dollar bills flew out of the exhaust pipe...

I bought cheap cloth bags and put the helmet in one and the jacket and pants in the other. I cable lock the helmet and drop it in a bag and just place a lock on the other bags zippers. If I was parking in a bad area I would probably invest in two more cable locks, just to make it easier, and use one each for the jacket and pants. Sure lockable hard cases are nice but I can't swing that anytime soon.
I got it for commuting everyday throughout the year when I started a new job in a city centre last summer because:
- the cheapest car park I can find in that city centre is £9/day, whereas bike parking is free (for the forseeable future, but UK riders note the developments in London with Westminster Council)
- the ride is each way about an hour in total of rural twisties, then motorway (often with queuing traffic), then city streets (always with queuing traffic) and two wheels does that journey quicker and a lot more fun
- but I'm also looking to start a bit of UK or even European touring this year (I think B&B rather than the camping variety, but who knows?), so that's why I got the Fazer, rather than a sports bike. Having said that, the Fazer has all the sportiness I need (and more).

As an aside, I think the bike manufacturers are going to have to up their game significantly if bikes are going to remain a more economical option for the general motorist than small cars on fuel & running costs. Some of the new minis are already returning better than 60mpg.
I bought it for pleasure but found it such a capable commuter that I use it whenever the weather cooperates. The people at the defense contractor, where I work, love it that their doctor rides a motorcycle into work.
I bought cheap cloth bags and put the helmet in one and the jacket and pants in the other. I cable lock the helmet and drop it in a bag and just place a lock on the other bags zippers. If I was parking in a bad area I would probably invest in two more cable locks, just to make it easier, and use one each for the jacket and pants. Sure lockable hard cases are nice but I can't swing that anytime soon.

That's brilliant. I had ammo cans on my GZ250 (it didn't look as bad as you might imagine... they were painted the same color as the bike and blended well) that worked well for a similar purpose.

Your solution makes a lot of sense on the FZ.
