Filtering legal in NSW (Australia) from July onwards

I didn't know that Gruffalo could also lane split!

Welcome brothers and sister in NSW to lane sharing! :rockon::cheer:
In the same week Filtering was legalised in NSW, WA announced an increase in a lot of penalties across the board, not that I'm complaining about it, I think it will be good to help "educate" some of the drivers on mobile phones, penalty rising from $250 to $400, points staying the same.

The bit I suspect targets motorcyclists filtering here, since we actually have no law regarding it, is:

Failure to keep a safe distance when overtaking a vehicle
Old Penalty: $100 2 demerit points
New Penalty: $400 4 demerit points
Id hit thanks but not really if you know what i mean!

my iPhone post using Tapatalk - sorry for any shpillong mishtooks i has fat fingies
Legal or not, I will be filtering, and getting away from cars as fast as's just common sense to eliminate danger as much as you can, and cars within striking distance of my bike at speed is danger!