FZ6 gets no love


Motorcycle Noooooooooooob
Jan 28, 2011
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Phoenix, AZ
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Whenever I’m stopped with other bikes at a gas station, waiting at the front of the ferries here in Washington state, or wherever it may be, I can’t help but notice that…well, the FZ6 gets no love. Sure, nobody HATES the FZ6, but to other motorcyclists it just seems to be part of the background. Just another “UJM” if you will. A no-compromises shiny new R6, despite being a “UJM”, might get attention, but the FZ6? Too much of a “jack-of-all-trades” bike. Everybody wants to sit and BS about the Ducati, the Triumph, the BMW, whatever, but not the UJM sport/standard in the corner they call the FZ6.

But you know what? In the grand scheme of things I think I actually like it that way. It’s that kind of “blandness” that allowed me to pick up a perfectly good 3.5 year old first bike with only 6,400 miles on it for $3700. I’m fine with UJM if it means easy access to parts, Yamaha reliability, and valve clearance checks at 26,000 miles or whatever it is.

I like my “jack of all trades, master of none” bike. It’s fun in the canyons, but just as importantly it can get you TO the canyons in reasonable comfort, and it can eat up boring miles easily if it has to. Mine will do 55 MPG easily outside of the city. It’s never given me a problem that wasn’t my own fault (my starter once got oil in it because I overfilled the crankcase, so I needed to rebuild the starter). It is a utilitarian tool: always useful, not always pretty.

I’m young and I’m human and I’m always tempted by shiny new bikes. I frequently think about a street triple, an 848 streetfighter, or an R6. But then I think “why?” To throw more money away? I have a bike that does almost as well as any of them for the a fraction of the cost. Then again, buying a motorcycle is never logical.

I’ve only put on almost 6,000 miles on mine in the 14 months since I bought it, but that includes a winter and a half in western Washington and 3 months or so spent studying for a professional exam. No more exam and I hope to be moving to Arizona in the next two months (year round riding!), so here’s to riding the wheels off my UJM!

When people ask me what kind of bike I ride, I just respond with "a yamaha 600" -- simply because most people have no idea what an fz6 is. I like it that way personally, I rarely see them around town, if ever. It lets me be unique where there's a vast majority of people my age all riding r6's.

Not that there's anything wrong the r6 (or any other bike for that matter), but the fz6 has a certain rareness factor that makes it unique above all the others (IMO).

Chicks love the bike, and cops do too for some reason.....but most important is I love it. Doesn't matter if it gets love from others or not, it gets enough love from me to go around.
Well, I don't guess I care. I'm kind of socially awkward anyway, so I prefer not having to deal with people. My conversations about my bike usually go like this.

"Nice bike, what is it?"
"Yamaha FZ6."
"Cool, is that like an R6?"
"Kinda, just naked and more comfortable."
"Oh. Do you think I could"
"No rides."

Then the GSXR rides in and its "ZOMG, BEST BIKE EVAR!!!!1!!" :rolleyes:
i had some people wave at me as i was out on my bike, but that was my cbr600rr :D

hopefully they weren't trying to warn my about a helicopter following me...

i have had quite a few compliments about my fz6n, usually people asking what it is as it's fairly unusual. Even had the marshal at oulton park tell me it was nice in a sea of sports bikes ;)
I know exactly where you are coming from. Despite being old and beat up, both my CBR and ZX6R attracted much more attention that the FZ. My friend that lives in my residence hall just bought an old Hyosung GT650R and q gets a ton of compliments when parked next to the Fazer, despite being inferior. Can't say that I care though didn't buy my bike to impress people or show off! Plus honestly girls really don't know the difference. The FZ still is a "crotchrocket" in their eyes.

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If BMW made the FZ6 people would be drooling all over it. Of course it would not be nearly as dependable and would cost 50% more. Maintenance cost would be significant and your nearest dealer would be at least 3 hours away:Flash:

Thank goodness Yamaha made this gem of a bike.

Good for us.
I can't say I know the feeling on the fz6 but on the klr or the vstrom yes I know...
Most people actually walk right by the ss bikes and come talk to me about mine asking WTF is that, or DAMN that's badass, but the 2 most common things I get asked is do you stunt that thing, or isn't it kinda bad riding weather? Nope no stuntin and nope there's no such thing as bad riding weather!!!
I ride with all SS's lol and no one gives me any love until i start my sv1000. Then they all come over and are like wow that sounds mean what is it. Or worst thing ever people come over and say cute sv650.........

When i had the fz no one looked at it either but after the 3 hour ride and i could still jump around in comfort it always put a smile on my face.
If you wanted to be flashy, or stand out, you would have gotten a plastic clad repli-racer with a bunch of "R's" in the model name.

You wanted something that was a capable bike that can do the twisty stuff, tour, take you to work, do track days and still put a smile on your face.

You got a FZ6... be happy and quit wondering what other people think!
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I don't have that problem, I love alternating where I stop for a cup of coffee and just sitting down to watch people stare at my bike as they enter and leave the coffee shops. Usually get plenty of questions about it, maybe the paint job helps a little bit :BLAA:
I've started to tell people that its a top secret development bike.. most chuckle but look as if i am half serious... a few have fallen for it...
If'n ya wanta bike fer a fashion statement, the FZ prolly isn't the one; but if ya wanta roll up miles on various roads, this FZ6 is a nice tool. :D
If BMW made the FZ6 people would be drooling all over it. Of course it would not be nearly as dependable and would cost 50% more. More like 200%! Maintenance cost would be significant and your nearest dealer would be at least 3 hours away:Flash:

Thank goodness Yamaha made this gem of a bike.

Good for us.
I dun had me a pos BMW; the rare, coveted R1200ST, and peoplez made a fuss 'bout it every time I stopped. I don't ride to impress others, I like have'in a stone reliable, low maintenance, sweet handle'in, sensible bike. :BLAA:
Counting the number of girls flirting with me per bike I've had:

1983 Honda NightHawk 550: (Fat Chance.) a big goose egg.
2002 Suzuki SV650s: 1, but she was REALLY cute.
2008 "Raven" Yamaha FZ6: 3 and counting. (2/3 have been very cute)

How long I've owned the bikes?
NighHawk: 7 months
sv650s: 5 months
FZ6: 1 month

I'd say the FZ6 gets some recognition.. because I'm not exactly a looker... ;)
I stopped caring what people think after college.

I bought the FZ6 because it fits me, is super reliable, easy to maintain, efficient, comfortable and fun to ride. I can hit the twisties like a sport bike or hit the super slab like a cruiser and it does both surprisingly well.
I cant agree more about the statment the bike makes. i have people drooling all over my firends R6 which is older. but as it is shiney and plastic it looks fast and cool. On the other hand that attention is bad as he had his bike stolen 2 weeks back, it was recovered but with damage. i had same problem on my R6. But now on my 2nd FZ6, i dont get many comments, but i know what my bike can do, and it doesnt draw un needed attention from people who have no idea what my bike is.

I like having the sleeper bike which everyone underestimates untill it comes rolling past them
I like having the sleeper bike which everyone underestimates untill it comes rolling past them

The FZ really is a sleeper, especially if you are running a top box! Nothing better than blowing a car away at a stoplight with a top box full of groceries.

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Lol i'm on the other side of the fence...When i'm riding the Versys, anybody who has/had/plans on having a motorcycle feels the need to ask what the hell my bike is...

For whatever reason Harley guys love the Versys... Had one guy come up to me fresh off his Harley and ask me what it was, i said a Versys 650...*puzzled look* "basically a Ninja on stilts" OHHHHH ok! then he continued to tell me that it was a good looking bike and not like those *insert demeaning tone hear* crotch rockets with the "hooligans" on them. That one got a chuckle out of me...

I get alot of "is that a Ducati?" questions too.. which is funny because i always point to the badge that blatently says Kawasaki on it.

I'd love to pull into a gas station with bikes parked in it and not have somebody say something to me... maybe i need an FZ6 after all lol :D

Careful what you wish for, you just might get it :rolleyes: