Fz6 records

I live in Arkansas, so it doesn't get terribly cold, but I have ridden in 18 degree (F) weather before. If you wear all your gear, bundle up with layered clothing, and are only about 5 minutes away from work, it's not so bad.
I think the coldest i've done so far has been 33 degrees. Wore heavy winter gloves but i was having trouble operating the clutch and controls. (kept hitting the horn on accident trying to turn off the turn signal. actually my first time out onto the streets i bumped the horn and freaked out thinking that OTHER drivers where honking at me now).
Ended up riding home without the gloves on cause i kept stalling it. That was a painful experience.

handguards my friend. they work wonders. my hands still get cold. just not as quick.
This past week I went skiing with a group of buddies. I rode the fz up to the mountain, skiied all day and rode back home. Not all that cold (30 F in the morning and 50 in the afternoon) but kinda cool just the same!!!
I reckon i might have the record for the most $$$ spent on an FZ6!

I have also managed to crash 2 FZ6's! And i think one of my FZ6's, may of been the only hot pink FZ6 in existence!

when I bought my FZ6 I rode it home to easten MO (which is Missouri, not Montana LOL) from eastern Kansas. It was a 333 mile ride on my first time on it. Not too shabby but it was much colder than anticipated. My profile pic was taken in Kansas at a food stop. My profile

Then, once home, I went modification crazy!

from a post I made in June of 2008:

So I have owned my bike for 3 1/2 weeks now and have replaced the windscreen with a Puig dark smoke (two days after I got the bike), added frame sliders, performed the dual headlight mod, CO adjustment hack, installed Leo Vince exhaust and dyno tuned. Two nights ago, I installed what will be the last of my mods for some time, hotbodies flush mount blinkers and clear alternatives integrated LED tail light with blinkers and a custom fender eliminator. That has to be some kind of record for the first month of ownership don't ya think?

Since then I have done tons more mods.... but the fiirst three weeks were pretty exciting.
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This winter we had one week where the temp got down below 32 in the Seattle area. That just happened to be the week when my wife's Blazer decided to die, so she took my truck to work, and I took my FZ for my 25 minute commute to work. Before getting on the freeway I passed a bank sign that read 14 degrees... felt like -40 after 20 minutes of freeway riding. When its that cold up here everything is really dry, so i wasn't too worried about ice, except the stuff forming on the inside of my visor...
Rode yesterday with more than a meter of snow on each side of the road. Is that a record of some sort? Anyone else done that?

Been there... done that... Have the picture :)

Also, I have ridden over an hour to work when it was 11 degrees F outside :)
Been there... done that... Have the picture :)

Also, I have ridden over an hour to work when it was 11 degrees F outside :)

Thats quite a ride in that temp. The coldest for me was when I checked the air intake temp on the bike and it said 7. Luckily at the time I only had to drive about a mile. At work the temp was like 9 with a windchill of -7. Glad those days are over.