Global Warming Causes

Global Warming is the result of...

  • Man made reasons - (burned fuel, carbon monoxide etc.)

    Votes: 35 44.9%
  • Cyclical reasons - the global temperatures fluctuate up and down

    Votes: 41 52.6%
  • Don't know, don't care

    Votes: 2 2.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
i can relate to your observation. im hopefully on track to volvo diesel engineering. volvo (who bought out mack) are trying to design trucks more economical, efficient, and environmentally friendly. from aerodynamics to power improvements. it is true that diesel engines produce more smog than gasoline powered. however the catch 22 is that diesel is much easier to refine and obtain. but trucks play a key role in daily life (anything you own was in a truck at some point in time) and will continue doing so in the future. however, what you probably dont even realize is that more of that smog is coming from when those trucks are idling than when they're actually being driven. so along with more regulations being placed on that issue, volvo is looking to power those idling trucks with generators producing power from when it is actually driven then sourcing power for when they are idling. also those generators would be powering heavy machinery when they too are idling or running at low rpm's. more key engineering innovations to come with diesel.

btw from the above post, yes, it is indeed true that a big part of the problem is with the older generations of trucks with much lower epa standards. and also, there was something going around for truck dealerships to provide incentives for commercial companies to trade in their older models for newer ones. my father's company for one did so.

Volvo came out with their hybrid diesel-electric which is exactly what you were saying.:thumbup:

Volvo FE Hybrid : Volvo Trucks - Volvo Trucks Global

I just saw that it's in testing right now. but im sure others are running this way. I think it's sterling.
Who cares what`s causing it... probably a mix of a lot of factors... the point is that it`s there, and has the potential to change our day to day lives in a negative way... and our pollution isn`t helping. Clean energy is the future anyway, and we`re just starting to realize it and entrepreneurs are getting involved... so it`s all good :rockon:

I'm with you in spirit brother because I too want cleaner energy. However I disagree on the point that finding the root cause of Global Warming is in fact significant. For one - and like J. Biden mentioned today - if we do not know the root cause of global warming we really can't fix the problem. For instance, if the fuel emission gases are not the cause of global warming perhaps we should not spend that much money on research on alternative (and perhaps cleaner) energy sources.

For instance, I would not mind having a micro nuclear reactor powering my Fizzer.:Sport:
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If you want data, avoid anything that Al Gore has put on his slide show crap.

In my thermo class we had to watch that "Inconvient Truth" movie. He data is so skewed. The x-axis on his C02 graph was scrunched at the end. He made it look as though the C02 levels are climbing faster than they really are. That movie was horrible. It was like.... Global warming BS, then a pitty trip.. then back to GW then to another pitty trip.

Yes we are polluting, yes it is getting better. Cleaner and more effiency energy is the way to go. However this is a natural cycle that the earth is taking. Along with the growth of the sun like one member mentioned, the other thing to take into account is that the rotation of the earth is slowing down. Its natural.

Venus is our "twin" it is though that at one time she also had an atmosphere similar to ours. However venus is a bit closer to the sun which cause the decel to happen a bit quicker.

The earth will slow down, the activity below the surface will eventually cease as the center cools and the atmosphere will burn up/float away due to lack of gravitational force.

It's natural, we arent helping it, but we cant really stop it. There for I laugh everytime I heard Hilary Clinton say at the DNC that obama will stop global warming...

just my .02

Oh don't want to get me started on this topic.

I think I'll tell you a little story...

A long time ago, when Earth was one giant fireball and everything got fried in an instant...(some say it was really cold but whatever) there were lots of pieces of crap all flying all over the place. You know what that crap was? IT WAS YOU!!! Yes...YOU!! All flying around because the Earth was a giant MOLTEN FIREBALL! Which slowly started to cool...

YOU and all the other crap began to settle down and became WATER. It took a REALLY LONG TIME, but it happened. The water was full of all these other little things that YOU ATE!!

Everybody started to eat each other. The ones that couldn't eat, died. Everything else got bigger! Everybody (except the eaten things) were doing fine, until one idiot decided he could get bigger by using the energy of the SUN!! Therefore, that same idiot used the SUN to break down WATER into oxygen. The oxygen did two things:

1) Turned into the OZONE layer that prevented YOU from being burned by the ULTRAVIOLET radiation

2) Poisoned you to death! That's right! Oxygen saved you and poisoned you to death at the same time! Hooray!

Don't worry, everybody came back to life sooner or later...but you had to find a way to turn the poison into food...which you did by eating bacteria.

After a VERY LONG TIME, you started to grow and get smarter. It was only 500,000 years ago you started to walk!

Now you've become so intelligent; you're releasing gases that steal the oxygen away from the atmosphere. The ozone layer is breaking away and there aren't enough "idiots" to make pure oxygen anymore. What are you going to say about that? It wasn't your fault?
hmm, there is no option for both??

It's clear that the global temperature goes up and down all the time over millions of years, and it's currently going up, naturally.

It's also clear that we have increased the levels of CO2 in the atmosphere over the past 200 years which is accelerating the natural warming that would be happening regardless of the additional CO2 that's been added and is keeping the additional heat in.

Bottom line, Earth has coped with far worse situations in the past and it will eventually balance again and then cool. The question is not whether Earth will survive, as the past shows us it will, but rather will the human race survive.
I personally don't recall witnessing anything 500,000 years ago, but that is just me.:don'tknow:
I say its a vareity of factors and man is only one of them and it won't hurt to clean up our act even if we aren't THE cause.

I dunno if its true but I was once told volcanos were 1, cows were 2, and humans were 3 for level of emissions.
You should have had an option for 'both'. :)

My hobby is Astronomy, and I believe the variability of the sun is vastly under-rated when people consider the causes of global warming. That being said, I still think humanity bears some responsibility for the problem as well. Humanity is responsible for the increased CO2 levels in the atmosphere, which is an established fact. How much of that is leading to warming I'm not sure... on the other hand, the solar cycle has been increasing in intensity each time and that has to have some impact as well.

We know from historical records that decreased sunspot activity during the Maunder Minimum caused decreased global temperatures. (little ice-age) Likewise, we've been seeing increasing sunspot numbers throughout this century. That's gotta have SOME effect. How much is human related and how much is natural? I can't say... but I think our politicians need to start thinking rationally and try to see BOTH sides of the debate.

Politicians thinking rationally... I might as well ask Santa for new exhaust. Have about the same chances of getting my wish. ;)

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Ok just to toss this interesting fact out.
Earths atmosphere.
.0385% percent Carbon Dioxide.

Venus 97% Carbon Dioxide.

We have 385 parts per million CO2.
Baseline before the industrial revolution is 315 parts per million.

Runaway global warming models are based and cooked data, and computer programs that show false data variations even when ran backwards against known parametes.

For example if if if you wanted to use a computer program to invest. You would run it backwards. (place old data sets with known results in and see if the result of the program matched reality)

The global warming programs do not pass this simple test.

I would ask you to research this on your own.

Let me ask you this. If the data monitoring stations for temp, were right next to a airconditioner unit would that scew the data? How about a roof? What if it was right next to a brick building over asphalt?
What if a simular station that is not next to those items and has been in place for almost 100 years is actually showing a decrease in global temp? Which one is valid?

Oddly enough which ones data set it thrown out to prove global warming?

If you live in a big city you have masses of concrete, asphalt, 1000s of cars and buses, 1000s of ac units, refrigerators, lamps, people, and there is a warming trend inside the citys. It is man caused concentration of heat and destruction of the ability of the area to cool itself.

On the same day its 100 in a city near you, drive to the nearest national forrest and take a temp reading in the shade under the trees. It will be much much much cooler.

Which data set is valid? If you toss out all the data that doesnt agree with the predetermined result its no longer science. Its a con.
US Historical Climate Network
You would be surprised at the ecclectic mix that rides the FZ.
Ok just to toss this interesting fact out.
Earths atmosphere.
.0385% percent Carbon Dioxide.

Venus 97% Carbon Dioxide.

We have 385 parts per million CO2.
Baseline before the industrial revolution is 315 parts per million.

Runaway global warming models are based and cooked data, and computer programs that show false data variations even when ran backwards against known parametes.

For example if if if you wanted to use a computer program to invest. You would run it backwards. (place old data sets with known results in and see if the result of the program matched reality)

The global warming programs do not pass this simple test.

I would ask you to research this on your own.

Let me ask you this. If the data monitoring stations for temp, were right next to a airconditioner unit would that scew the data? How about a roof? What if it was right next to a brick building over asphalt?
What if a simular station that is not next to those items and has been in place for almost 100 years is actually showing a decrease in global temp? Which one is valid?

Oddly enough which ones data set it thrown out to prove global warming?

If you live in a big city you have masses of concrete, asphalt, 1000s of cars and buses, 1000s of ac units, refrigerators, lamps, people, and there is a warming trend inside the citys. It is man caused concentration of heat and destruction of the ability of the area to cool itself.

On the same day its 100 in a city near you, drive to the nearest national forrest and take a temp reading in the shade under the trees. It will be much much much cooler.

Which data set is valid? If you toss out all the data that doesnt agree with the predetermined result its no longer science. Its a con.
US Historical Climate Network

Tires, Politics, Global Warming... is there anything you dont know? :Flash:

I mean dang man, who are you and who do you work for?

Lots and lots. LOL
I love fish, tires, woodwork, and such.

I just learned about global warming cause it struck me wrong, and I may be wrong. My main problem with the idea is that to do what is asked wont work. Energy is the most important thing we have. Our whole culture is built on being able to use energy to do work freeing our minds from manual labor.

Imagine if you had pump all your water by hand, make candles, grow your own food, walk or ride a horse (and take care of the horse with all that intails) if you want milk and cheese keep a cow, milk the cow, feed the cow, make the cheese or butter, I can go on and on.

CO2 is the least of our worries. Starving masses of armed people are a big one, that always leads to war.

Interesting fact here as well. Increased CO2 makes plants able to grow with less water, and faster. Our planet is freaking HUGE. No joking huge, it is a long term stabil system with short term variation.

See grand canyon, or the fact that the sahara was a lush forrest long ago That ice covered St Louis MO or that sea levels have moved up and down dramaticly just while humans have been around.
You would be surprised at the ecclectic mix that rides the FZ.

Apparently NO lawyers though.... Hmmmmm.... ;)

I'm a Discovery/NGEO fanatic thus my info.... and when in doubt, Google knows everything! :rockon:
There has been several documented temperature changes in the earth, not just one ice age. That we know of, there have been three extereme ice ages with several peaks and valleys along the way.

The most recent valley was in 1500-1700s. Around the same time as the one of the plague epidemics.

No one will disagree that there is global warming. The earth is getting warmer, fact. The question is what is causing it. Is it us or just a natural course in the evolution of our planet. The issue is that all we have to go on is history. We have only been able to keep precise tempurature for 100 years, so how are we suppose to know if it has gotten significantly warmer.

Additionally, there has been evidence to suggest that if the earth does get warmer, there will be more positive effects than negative side effects, and it is possible that climate will allow for a better quality in life for most populations, such as those in Europe and North America.

The frustrating part for a guy like me that likes science, is that Global Warming is not disprovable. A majority of the scientific community does not agree that humans cause global warming, but it is not possible for them to disprove. So it is perfect for certain special interest groups.

My personal opinion, is that it is kind of egotistical for humans to think we can destroy the planet.
I'm with you in spirit brother because I too want cleaner energy. However I disagree on the point that finding the root cause of Global Warming is in fact significant. For one - and like J. Biden mentioned today - if we do not know the root cause of global warming we really can't fix the problem. For instance, if the fuel emission gases are not the cause of global warming perhaps we should not spend that much money on research on alternative (and perhaps cleaner) energy sources.

For instance, I would not mind having a micro nuclear reactor powering my Fizzer.:Sport:

I don`t think finding the root cause of Global Warming (GW) is insignificant... I just think that people spend too much time debating about whether humans are the root cause or not, which imho is a waste of time. Sure we should keep studying GW, that's a given, but even if we manage to prove that humans have nothing to do with it, what does it mean? does it mean we should just keep doing what we`re doing? Wrong. If you want to study GW to determine whether or not to invest in clean energy, I believe you are on the wrong track...
The underlying debate here is whether humans should worry about their impact on the environment and the planet. I believe that independently of whether GW is created by human pollution or not, isn`t it obvious that in the grand scheme of things, we're currently destroying our planet? We know that burning fossil fuels is bad for the environment and our own health, we know cars pollute our cities and make us sick (take a couple of breaths in LA and you`ll understand), we know that our current energy sources are being depleted as we speak, so again, GW or not, should we not start looking at clean ways to make energy to support the 10 billion energy hungry ppl we will host on this planet by 2050?
Clean energy is the future... it is the next logical step and we're moving in the right direction (look at all the "renewable energy" startups around the world right now... hundreds of them exploring ways to use wind/solar/wave energy to make electricity, and a handful of them are starting to be successfull too!).

To summarize my views:
- GW is a fact, but I don`t believe the impact on our planet is as catastrophic as some scientists want us to believe.
- Human pollution is a fact, and we're very good at it...
- Fossil fuels will eventually run out or be insufficient to feed our ever growing civilization (the # of barrels we can make everyday is not infinite...),
- Clean energy is the future and we're currently making baby steps in the right direction.

Conclusion: there is nothing to worry about :cheer: