Have you ever wanted to break a 3rd grader in half????



My daughter was having problems, last year, with this girl in school. She would pull my daughter's hair, spit in her face ect....

Today was the third day of school and this girl has gotten in trouble everyday. I picked up my kids from school today and my daughter tells me that Destiny (the 3rd grader I want to break in half) says to her,"I'm gonna have a bunch of pencils in my hand and when you walk by me in the classroom, I'm gonna stab you and if I don't kill you, I'm gonna have my Uncle kill you when he gets out of jail." I was about half way home and had my dog in the car, so I just came home and told Danny about it. I'm so f**king pissed!!! We're gonna set up a meeting with the principal and the parents....I am NOT going to put up with this sh*t. WTF is wrong with kids?!?!? This is the type of kid that would bring a gun to school and kill the students. I don't care what age kids are or if they talk out of their a$$, they're still capable of doing something like that and I am not taking it lightly!!! Someone threatens my daughter's life?!....that's where I draw the line! :mad:

We are still waiting for the principal to call back, as they are in a meeting.

F*cking people don't control their GD kids.....it makes me sick!
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I agree with you, many people today do not take responsibility for teaching there kids how to socialize with other people. They don't see it as there responsibility to teach them right and wrong...they leave it to the school or a neighbor or there church or someone else. It's F***up for sure.:spank:

I would not take that behavior lightly either, the sad part is that the real problem is the parents...kids only learn what they are taught.:spank:

I would not let that kind of comment go..stay after the school to rectify that quickly.

Good Luck!
Kids of America ya know? I blame it on all the video games that are out now a days. Games like Grand theft Auto, and manhunt. Why cant they play good ol' holesome games like...MotoGP :)
Ummm.. Yes. I teach third grade..
I totally understand how you feel. The teacher, principal, and parents of both kids need to be bought together. When that sort of thing happens in our school, the kid will get suspended right away (especially since there was physical violence).
If you don't get the results you want, contact the school board, child services, don't even hesitate to contact the superintendent.
Tell them you truly fear for your child's safety and they need to provide a safe learning environment.
Just wait till they get to middle school:eek:

I guess the saddest part of this is that back in our day you would have gone and dealt with the parents of said little puke and that would have been that...not any more, if you did you'd be in for a fight! It is obvious that the child in question comes from a long line of dirt bags, as I've always said,"the nuts never fall far from the tree"

Make sure you follow through in every way you can, the local PD as well!

Best of luck to you...
Wholesome games like Pong, Pacman, Asteroids and Track&Feild. Those were the days.:rolleyes:

Its not only the parents fault but also societies fault... what ever happened to "it takes a village to raise a child"? oh, thats right, the parents told you to "its none of your business, f@ck off and leave my kid alone".
Being a Special Ed teacher I would say this girl has an emotional problem. Please put this incident in a letter and give it to the principal, the school psychologist, nurse or special needs department and most importantly the superintendent of the district. I hope it all works out.
Jstein, I truly do not envy your position. I wish you favor and all possible positive outcomes. You have one of the hardest and most important jobs on the face of this planet - being a parent. I wish more parents would discipline their children, teach them to love/respect themselves and others. Unfortunately, many parents don't even know how to do that. The law and our "culture" doesn't seem to help much, either! Hang in there, I hope your girl's situation improves and you get maximum cooperation from the school. Sorry for the long post - I feel rather passionate about this very topic.
Thanks all for the positive replies.

The vice principal called back and said that this will be dealt with. Katie (my daughter) is going into the office tomorrow morning to write everything down that this girl has said or done to her and then it will go on the girl's record file. He said they have a no tolerance for threat policy and it requires immediate attention. We'll see what happens tomorrow. All I can do with the Sheriff's dept. is file a report.....they can't do anything else because she's under a certain age and at her age, they don't consider her "a threat." :confused:

I'm going to ask if she will be suspended, put in a different class (which doesn't really matter because they see eachother at lunch), detention or SOMETHING additional to the written report that will go on her file. I may just homeschool her until we possibly move.
Something like this happened to our oldest boy. I raised my kids to NEVER start trouble. Well, this punk kept picking on him in 5th grade. We raised flags with the parents as well as the school on several occasions. After finally having enough of it, I told my son, who was upset that day over the last event with this punk, "Tomorrow, if he touches you, I want you to give him your best shot right between the lookers!" He said, "Dad, I'll get suspended!" I said, "Don't worry about that!"

The next day, I get a call at work... you guessed it, the principal. She said my son just clocked and layed out the punk. I cheered! She was pissed at me, told me that they don't condone that activity at school! I told her, "Well! Where were you and your staff EVERY FLIPPIN' TIME my son came home with a beating from this punk?" Then I told her I'd be RIGHT THERE to take him out for pizza, ice cream and a movie.

That kid NEVER gave my son a problem again. Nor did any of his buddies!

I hope your situation doesn't come to this extreme Janette! Get the Police involved as well! Take it as far as you can with all authority figures!
this calls for a pre-emtive bashing of the child in question. my advice? flee the scene after ur done...
I am going to stay out of this one. FZ6NH nailed it on the head and thats all I want to say.

Well one more thing. The freaking school system is the most jacked up waste of money, time, people, books, electricity, water, building materials, food, and anything else it touches.

If a company performed 1/10th as poorly the CEO and board of directors would be shot at sunrise by trained monkeys.

Its not most of the teachers fault, they honestly want to teach.
While I taught them never to create an issue, I did teach all three how to defend and end the issue as quickly as possible. The Army ways and Boxing days paid off. I knew it was right to pass that along to them. They all knew it was HELL to pay if they were the cause and not the reaction! ;) They never let me down either! Great kids, all three of them!

Janette will need to play this one out though before ever reaching those extremes. We went though a few meetings with everyone without changes to our Son's plight before it came to this extreme. BTW, he got three days suspension. He was well aware that this wasn't necessarily the correct way to handle all situations but sometimes becomes your only option. I guess I taught him correctly because I didn't have this issue come up again.

I hope your daughter is able to get though this without the need of violence J. It's a fine line to walk....
Hi, this brings back memories... we had a neighbor 10yo that picked on our son, 6yo after getting off bus daily, Dad went to talk to parents after our son was drop kicked in chest,(had shoe prints) he got nowhere with them so he took our son outside and taught him how to defend himself. We told him he better not start any fights but he could finish 'em. A week later he finished one! 10yo's Dad came to our door later and told us his son was 'bloody' we told him to leave before he had the same problem! Kid never bothered my son again.
Hi, this brings back memories... we had a neighbor 10yo that picked on our son, 6yo after getting off bus daily, Dad went to talk to parents after our son was drop kicked in chest,(had shoe prints) he got nowhere with them so he took our son outside and taught him how to defend himself. We told him he better not start any fights but he could finish 'em. A week later he finished one! 10yo's Dad came to our door later and told us his son was 'bloody' we told him to leave before he had the same problem! Kid never bothered my son again.

Is that the son in the Marines now?
Either way tell your son thanks from some other random dude in KY. I appreciate the hell out of what he does.
Hi, this brings back memories... we had a neighbor 10yo that picked on our son, 6yo after getting off bus daily, Dad went to talk to parents after our son was drop kicked in chest,(had shoe prints) he got nowhere with them so he took our son outside and taught him how to defend himself. We told him he better not start any fights but he could finish 'em. A week later he finished one! 10yo's Dad came to our door later and told us his son was 'bloody' we told him to leave before he had the same problem! Kid never bothered my son again.

That is awesome! I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one! Kudos for you and your late Husband!
Schools don't like any violence, my sister boyfriend was jumped by three guys during track practice last spring, two of the three guys had already graduated. The school told Zach (boyfriend) that if he would have punched any of them he would have gotten suspended. He never really had the chance to do anything he was in the middle of a relay and got tackled.

The cops had a few charges for the other three guys one of which had gotten out of jail the day before.