hit a bird

lol thanks. to be fair i was on a dirt bike trail riding when the armidillo flipped me. but it still hurt lol. the odd thing was i always figured it would be a turtle that would flip me. here we have lots of "box" turtles. not sure of thier actual name is but that is what we call them. i always dodged them on the bike and still havent hit one. however i will stop the bike and go back in the road to help one across and save it. i have a soft spot for them lol. when i was a kid we used to catch them, write our names on them with fingerail polish, and let them go. ahhhh country times! :Flash:
Get these!

I keep meaning to order them. I have an owl, 3 or 4 squirrels, 1 or 2 smaller birds, countless frogs, a snake...

A friend of a friend has 2 bear strikes under his belt. My friend was there for one of them. (I know... "friend of a friend...":rolleyes:)

Also, somebody posted an FZ6 -vs- deer vid on here somewhere... can't find it though. If I remember correctly they were going 70+ and t-boned the poor bugger and KEPT THE BIKE UPRIGHT!!

holy crap! my bike would look like one of those safari tourist vans!
I haven't hit any airborne critters (yet) but did broadside a nice 8 pointer at 70-75 mph. Pretty much totalled the bike. It is funny how much faster 75 mph seems without the bike.:rockon:
Get these!

I keep meaning to order them. I have an owl, 3 or 4 squirrels, 1 or 2 smaller birds, countless frogs, a snake...

A friend of a friend has 2 bear strikes under his belt. My friend was there for one of them. (I know... "friend of a friend...":rolleyes:)

Also, somebody posted an FZ6 -vs- deer vid on here somewhere... can't find it though. If I remember correctly they were going 70+ and t-boned the poor bugger and KEPT THE BIKE UPRIGHT!!

Yea ive seen hat video many times...ots hard to beliee he kept the bike up
ok add a cat to my list now. hit someones poor cat the other day and now the underside of my bike smells horrible! i cant figure out where the rest of this damn cat went on my bike but the smell is killing me! i also cant figure out how i keep hitting these animals?!?!?
Jesus sempul have some mercy! You are a damn recidivist. Were you abused by members of the animal kingdom as a child?

im just glad whatever kid owned this cat didnt have to see what a FZ6 travelling at close to the speed of light can do to Mr. Fluffykins!:eek:
ok add a cat to my list now. hit someones poor cat the other day and now the underside of my bike smells horrible! i cant figure out where the rest of this damn cat went on my bike but the smell is killing me! i also cant figure out how i keep hitting these animals?!?!?

OMG!!!!! Your bike is an animal magnet!!!! Maybe paint your bike another color??? Sorry to hear about your latest incident. Hope you get that cleaned off. Sure it wasn't a skunk...LOL?? Maybe clean the front exhaust, chain, under..but sure you have done all that.

I have no kills riding a motorcycle...knock on wood!!!!! I got a deer, squirrels, a couple of birds with a car and/or truck. Maybe 5 birds between flying a Single Cessna up through a Hawker800XP.
I recently rode home from a friends place in the mountains to my coastal retreat. A section (30 kms about 18 miles) has no fences on the side of the road and native bush. recently (4 years ago) severe bushfires swept through the area and the native trees are starting to regenerate, ground covers etc.

On my way to the mates place at dusk there was no road kill. On the way home 4 hours later I counted 4 dead Kangaroos. I know park rangers clear the road every day.

When I entered the 30 km stretch I slowed to about 30kph or 20mph in second. Did the whole stretch that way and at times, I could have reach out and shook hands with several big roos (6 foot tall Red Kangaroos)
Several cars passed me. I guess you can't see the roos as clearly in a car.

They are attracted by the light but don't like a bikes sound. The danger comes when they panic and hop accross the road near you. They have big claws, powerful hind legs and are very unpredictable.

My biggest fear is having one land on the back of the bike. I don't travel that road very often at night for this reason.

Keep safe dudes.
Inever thought of what it would bee like to hi a kangaroo for we dont have them here. That must suck though. Hope you dont have to experience it.
i rode with a guy and we had to go to the ER to get the beek removed from his shoulder could have been prevented he didn't have any gear...i hate ohio no helmet law
I dont see how someone could feel safe on a motorcycycle with no helmet. I would be uncomfortable riding if i didnt have even my gloves. No helmet is just insanity
How does hitting a 10-pound bird sound? I had the experience, in my second week as a rider after having been off bikes for more than 25 years, of doing just that.
While coaching in Jacksboro, I had a 25 mile ride each way on mostly two-lane country highway. I had just started to attain some small level of comfort with my bike and was really digging the savings I was realizing on fuel when it almost all came to an end.
Riding at 75 mph, I noticed a trio of turkey buzzards on the side of the road up ahead. My experience in my truck was that they would usually either hop off to the grass line or even just stay where they were. Imagine my surpries when two of them hopped off to the right and the third decided to take flight in front of me.
If you are not familiar with turkey buzzards, let me paint you a picture. They are ugly enough to scare you to death, have bodies somewhere between the size of a volleyball and a girls' basketball and a wingspan of 4-5 feet. They do not take flight easily and I have talked to more than one person who has had one come through the windshield of their Suburban.
I wasn't comfortable enough with my bike to try a high-speed swerve and frankly was shocked that this jumbo jet of a bird had done something so stupid. Quicker than I could blink, I was upon it. Thankfully, God had apparently blessed me with reflexes faster than normal for a 46-year-old fat man and I kissed the tank and held on for dear life.
Fortunately, Jumbo cleared the windscreen. Unfortunately, he did not clear me and I caught him with the top of my helmet, toward the back. I was able to catch him in the mirror as he was coming back down from whatever height it was he caromed up to and never slowed down, though I did start a 20 minute monologue with God. If God truly does hear our prayers, I'm sure he was wishing I would shut up since I didn't until I got to school.
As for the guy in the Honda Accord 50 yards behind me: I don't know if he laughed, prayed for me, or peed his pants, but he will remember that day as surely as I will.
Now when I see big birds on the side of the road, I slow my roll a bit and cover the brake while getting on the horn. And, as my dusk and dawn eyesight as deteriorated, I now find myself slowing down and honking for what eventually turns out to be balled-up eighteen-wheeler tread.
Better safe than sorry.
I hit a Robin but I dont know if it died after the incident, but I had a bruise in the shape of the damn thing on my stomach. I was on my dirt bike chasing my friend on the road going flat out, probably about sixty with only a helmet.:spank: (I was only about 17) I cant imagine what a big bird would be like or a deer!:eek:
My biggest fear is having one land on the back of the bike. I don't travel that road very often at night for this reason.

Keep safe dudes.

I have an great image in my mind now, 'hmm, I seem to be carrying a bit of extra weight', turn round to see a bloody great big roo sitting on the passenger seat. :eek: