How do you get R6 power in a FZ6


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Feb 9, 2008
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I would like to get the power of a R6 in my FZ6. I know they are basically the same motor. Does anyone no what the difference is? And no I don't want to buy a R6. I just sold one, to uncomfortable to ride long distances.
To be pedantic, it's the same engine block and there the similarity ends.

Cams, head design, fuel injection system and exhaust are all different. And the R6 has lots of lightweight components like titanium valves which the FZ6 doesn't have.

The best way to make R6 power would be to transplant an R6 engine and EFI system into an FZ6. And that would be a major project.

Sorry, but I'm not really "getting it" with all these "I want more power out of my FZ6" post as of late...

Want more power...don't buy a 500cc FZ6 then. sheesh.

I have to ask how long people have even had their FZ6's before they start asking this question? Are they even winding it out and/or shifting properly? Are they riding the bike to it's full potential (probably not)? If it's too slow, then upgrade to something else. Sure you can eek out some extra horses with exhaust, airbox and sproket upgrades.

"Oh but I like the FZ6 though" - Well there is always a VFR, countless BMW's, FJR or the FZ1 if you want more power while maintaining a comfy ride.

It's like people wanting their VW Bug to run like a Ferarri, but they don't want the Ferarri....they jsut want the same power and looks....

The FZ6 is what it is. It's a mid range commuter/touring bike that is very capible for what it was designed to do. Take it or leave it.
Sorry, but I'm not really "getting it" with all these "I want more power out of my FZ6" post as of late...

Want more power...don't buy a 500cc FZ6 then. sheesh.

I have to ask how long people have even had their FZ6's before they start asking this question? Are they even winding it out and/or shifting properly? Are they riding the bike to it's full potential (probably not)? If it's too slow, then upgrade to something else. Sure you can eek out some extra horses with exhaust, airbox and sproket upgrades.

"Oh but I like the FZ6 though" - Well there is always a VFR, countless BMW's, FJR or the FZ1 if you want more power while maintaining a comfy ride.

It's like people wanting their VW Bug to run like a Ferarri, but they don't want the Ferarri....they jsut want the same power and looks....

The FZ6 is what it is. It's a mid range commuter/touring bike that is very capible for what it was designed to do. Take it or leave it.
Here endeth the lesson, Amen.
I would like to get the power of a R6 in my FZ6. I know they are basically the same motor. Does anyone no what the difference is? And no I don't want to buy a R6. I just sold one, to uncomfortable to ride long distances.

Buy an R6 motor and swap it out in your FZ6... Or better yet, enjoy the FZ6 for what it is.... IMHO the best all round, perfect balance bike I have every owned... period.:)
Of course it is your bike you can do what you like. :Flip:

Probably better to buy an R6 and put a nice set handle bars on, more comfy seat, touring screen, and a set of panniers, like this guy has done with his GSXR1000

I recently went to my dealer to have my new tires mounted and one of the techs there used to ride an FZ6, the he took me outside and shows me his new ride which is a new YZF-R6 with a top triple clamp mod that does away with the clip-oh's and adds a bar riser and handlebars like the FZ. He held it up for me to get on and try it and I was pretty surprised how comfortable the riding position was( I'm 6'4) He said the mod cost $500 if you DYI, if not add 4 hrs labor. You end up with an R6 with handlebar and all the technology you want.
I would like to get the power of a R6 in my FZ6. I know they are basically the same motor. Does anyone no what the difference is? And no I don't want to buy a R6. I just sold one, to uncomfortable to ride long distances.

How about buy an FZ1? More power an either bike and comfortable. Or as others have said, a VFR800, a used Duc ST3, or if you want to go retro a Kawasaki ELR, a GS1150 with a turbo, a BMW R1100S. I had the chance to roadrace a GPz 750 Turbo - that was FAST! Or you could get a new FJR1300, or the new Kawasaki 1400 bike, whatever its called. Or you could get a Vincent for a really retro bike.

Or you could get an nice new FZ6 and go to rider schools and be able to stomp squids on 1100s.

The choice is yours to make.
Hey, the guy is just asking a question. He might like the way the FZ6 looks and wants more power. It's his right to ask a question without someone coming down on him. And if he want more power, why not?It's his decision.
Hey, the guy is just asking a question. He might like the way the FZ6 looks and wants more power. It's his right to ask a question without someone coming down on him. And if he want more power, why not?It's his decision.


I don't think it was such a dumb question ... :D

There are a few tweeks here and there that can be done to give a few more bhp but I'll leave that to the experts to list. or explain :thumbup:

I personally think as it is the FZ6 is great fun to ride and can be quick enough to scare the pants off you at times .. (maybe I'm a big Wuss!)

I'm sure that some of the riders in the FZ6 Cup will have gained as much power as is possible ... maybe a google search will bring up some good ideas from those boys....

Good luck with your search and welcome to the forum :)
I wouldn't worry about the R6; I would just focus on the FZ6 and finding/making more power w/ what you've got starting w/ the easiest and cheapest ways. You can find some significant gains by changing the gearing, changing out the exhaust, getting a PCIII w/ tune, and dropping weight everywhere you can (including your body).

Good luck, keep us posted (dyno results!), and don't hesitate to ask more questions.

The FZ6 is what it is. It's Take it or leave it.


And since when is the VFR faster than the FZ6???????
It can be done and even more but it will not have it all the time. Sure, the dropping of 1 tooth on the front is a very good start but to get that horsepower you need the bigger throttle bodies, cams and so on. Then again you can always start feeding it from a bottle and have more horsepower than that R6 ever thought about having. To me, the issue isn't more power but rather, more knowledge and an ability to use 100% of what is already there in the first place.
long silly story

Back when i took my safety course, my instructor was a semi pro racer. he took all his knowledge from the track about the way a bike behaves at its limits and taught us what to expect on the street. aside from your own mistakes youre mostly looking out for other BAD drivers.

We got on the topic of sport bikes on the streets and he said he loves the new guys that go out and wreak them cause he gets to buy them cheap.

to the point regarding power, he told us a story about a time he was at a track day and they were at dinner after. he has friends that race in the AMA and one was there. one other guy told my instructor at dinner "i think ive mastered the 600, i wanna get a literbike." he responds by saying to his friend across the table "hey this guy here says hes mastered the 600." the response from his friend was "oh really? do you mind teaching me a few things?" that coming from a pro.

that being said sportbikes pushing 100hp are not gutless and if you want to actually be faster, learn to ride faster because you are most likely no where near the max of the bike capabilities.
Bravo. Reminds me of a guy on the EX500 mailing list called FOG. It stood for Fast Old Guy. FOG raced Ninja 500's. He built motors for Ninja 500's. He knew them very well.

And he earned that name. He was also a bit of a curmudgeon who would happily tell you when you were wrong.

He told a story about going riding with a Ducati group one day and riding tail end Charlie. At the lunch stop all the riders were talking about this and that upgrade to their bikes to go faster. FOG speaks up and says,"If you guys would spend a couple hundred bucks at a track day upgrading your brains, you'd be a whole lot faster for a whole lot less money."

The gauntlet was thrown down, and after lunch FOG led the pack of Ducks on his Ninja 500.

Left them in the dust and never got invited back for another ride.

Sorry, but I'm not really "getting it" with all these "I want more power out of my FZ6" post as of late...

Want more power...don't buy a 500cc FZ6 then. sheesh.

I have to ask how long people have even had their FZ6's before they start asking this question? Are they even winding it out and/or shifting properly? Are they riding the bike to it's full potential (probably not)? If it's too slow, then upgrade to something else. Sure you can eek out some extra horses with exhaust, airbox and sproket upgrades.

"Oh but I like the FZ6 though" - Well there is always a VFR, countless BMW's, FJR or the FZ1 if you want more power while maintaining a comfy ride.

It's like people wanting their VW Bug to run like a Ferarri, but they don't want the Ferarri....they jsut want the same power and looks....

The FZ6 is what it is. It's a mid range commuter/touring bike that is very capible for what it was designed to do. Take it or leave it.

Without reading any other post...your missing the point of the initial question. The FZ6 HAS an R6 engine. A VW Bug DOES NOT have a Ferarri engine!!! His question is legit and if your going to shoot him down for trying to learn something new about this bike then shame on you. There is one simple reason we are on this site and that is the love of the FZ6, I for sure am not here to listen to the whinging (moaning) that goes on when a simple answer could answer the initial query..which I believe was answered quite politely by FRED above your very informative brain fart.
whem i feel like my fz is slow i just ride my brothers r1 and see how uncomfterble is and i just rum back to fz
Without reading any other post...your missing the point of the initial question. The FZ6 HAS an R6 engine. A VW Bug DOES NOT have a Ferarri engine!!! His question is legit and if your going to shoot him down for trying to learn something new about this bike then shame on you. There is one simple reason we are on this site and that is the love of the FZ6, I for sure am not here to listen to the whinging (moaning) that goes on when a simple answer could answer the initial query..which I believe was answered quite politely by FRED above your very informative brain fart.

Very well said.
Without reading any other post...your missing the point of the initial question. The FZ6 HAS an R6 engine. A VW Bug DOES NOT have a Ferarri engine!!! His question is legit and if your going to shoot him down for trying to learn something new about this bike then shame on you. There is one simple reason we are on this site and that is the love of the FZ6, I for sure am not here to listen to the whinging (moaning) that goes on when a simple answer could answer the initial query..which I believe was answered quite politely by FRED above your very informative brain fart.

And your missing my point. I was trying to give a simple analogy with the VW/Ferrari example. I also gave the OP an opinion, several modifaction options to help his quest AND even listed some alternative bike options for more power and comfort. I thought I was being helpful? Sorry I didn't put a friggin bow on it for the lad.... No one was shooting anyone down and I don't think the OP needs you or anyone else riding in on their high horses to his 'rescue' so relax.

The FZ6 does NOT have the 'same engine as an R6'. It uses the same base engine block and that's about where the similarities stop. If the FZ6 did infact use the 'same' engine as an R6' then a engine swap would be a piece cake...but unfortuneately it's not the case. I wish it were a simple swap like the R6 front forks mod. i think a lot of people would do it. There is probably a lot of money for the lad who can firgure out and perform an R6 engine transplant!

BTW, the next time that you don't want to "listen the the whinging (moaning)" around here it's quite simple...don't.
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