How much better is a Buell?


I have the same scenario with my step brother on his R6. Came her one day for a race, kicked his arse cos R6 no low down torque, at 200km/h he started to catch up. But that's not all, its how you ride it. I take it the guy is a newbie, so don't drag him cos he'll flip the thing and crash it.:spank:

You can never say one bike is better than another, purely a matter of taste and preference.;)

What I would do:

- Focus on your relationship with the other guys in the group, usually people avoid social interaction with spoiled a-holes.

For me, that is a gorgeous bike, absolutely sexy, like most of the buells... UNTIL I see the headlights and airflow screen. I just hate the look of them both. And I think it is so aggressive, so manly.

Like the Buell below... Snapped a pic at the local supermarket - rip off that bikini fairings, and that is a sexy piece of a55
Really? I love the naked look with the twin headlights. All that plastic hanging off the front on the other example looks misplaced to me. Like that mess hanging off the front of the updated street triple. Don't get me wrong, it's still a beautiful bike, but I preferred the previous look.
Really? I love the naked look with the twin headlights. All that plastic hanging off the front on the other example looks misplaced to me. Like that mess hanging off the front of the updated street triple. Don't get me wrong, it's still a beautiful bike, but I preferred the previous look.

I love the old street and speed triples, but the shield on those buells makes the lights and front look ass ugly - take it off, and it looks mean as. Leave that on, and it looks like a bug eyed Beiber - that stupid hair hangin all in it's face.
I love the old street and speed triples, but the shield on those buells makes the lights and front look ass ugly - take it off, and it looks mean as. Leave that on, and it looks like a bug eyed Beiber - that stupid hair hangin all in it's face.

I'm mostly impartial to Buells, but I absolutly HATE the head lights and fairing. I couldn't leave them on like that if I owned one. As for hte guy, he is a fair weather only kinds rider and I found out his dad actually owns it because he doesn't have a motorcycle endorsement.:spank: He got a little less arrogant and in peoples faces after we found that out.

Instead of dealing with his childish crap I just decided to order a new set of tires and see if I can rack up some miles and shred them before he can even wear his.
This is a funny thread!!

It's a love or hate thing, personally i may have bought if not for the silly fuel consumption.

It's twice the engine size, twice the noise, and twice the cost, so unless he's doing twice the speed ... not worth it!!!

I owned 2, a XB12R Firebolt, and a XB9SX CityX with Hepco & Becker bags, bar risers, and the Uly front fairing. both were great bikes. The engine is fun, loads of down low grunt, very quick and smooth throttle response, no chain lash. Both of mine, I simply checked or changed the oil, and rode the bike. Would get around 50MPG on the Firebolt, and sometimes nearly 60MPG on the CityX. The short wheelbase just got to be too much of a negative for me when trying to ride the interstate, and the motor was a bit tempermental. Some days, she would start up and run like a champ, nice and smooth. Other days she would sputter sometimes, at the worst moments, nearly bucking me right off, or would vibrate at the wrong RPM for that day. They are wonderful bikes, and if Buell had not gotten the axe from Harley, I might still be on one. When I was told a part I was looking for was obsolete from the dealer though, even though it was a simple paintable body piece, I got concerned.
For what a paid for my 2010 Buell XB12XT I could have got a Yamaha FJR1300 . So far the the Buell been a great bike and very fun to ride but I want a FJR 1300 because I don't trust H-D