How much better is a Buell?

This is like the wattage wars that stereo guys have. you can have all of the watts in the world, but if you can't hear it all then it means nothing.

I think BFGoodrich had an ad campaign years ago that was "power is nothing without control".
Per post #16, the link posted, I didn't know the engine is not a standard Buell air cooled engine (never followed the Buell line) , but a Rotex/Buell water cooled engine... Considerably more horsepower than the older Buells as its a much updated Buell.

Something like the water cooled, German built, Harley V-rod.
Per post #16, the link posted, I didn't know the engine is not a standard Buell air cooled engine (never followed the Buell line) , but a Rotex/Buell water cooled engine... Considerably more horsepower than the older Buells as its a much updated Buell.

Something like the water cooled, German built, Harley V-rod.

Yes that is the Rotax engine and as with all companies that have produced a product there are varying degrees of development. In the case of the 1125 Mr. Buell found an engine he felt more suited for his engineering as the bikes developed.

But as I've read from other members who have owned them there have been developmental issues with both motors. Maybe even not as much with the air cooled 1200cc engines as with the Rotax. Never the less, I liked these bikes and even more of what I liked was that there was an American company that was developing a sport bike. There was a dreamer that was making it happen. I really respected that and if Buell was still around I probably would be on the 1125r.
If you study these bike a little you'll start to see a lot of the engineering innovation that they developed like fuel in the frame and perimeter brake disc that reduced torsional loads.

Look at the suspension on these bikes! Sorry, It's a far cry from what I see on the FZ6. Out of the box I would say it would at least be close with the Buell Lightning on a track with equal riders just off the facts of lowered centralized weight, and a tunable suspension.

The FZ6 is an awesome bike! All of it's dynamic character is hard to beat. I have been happily surprised many times with what it would give back in the twisties as well as what the motor handed back. (especially when dyno'd with a PClll)
Don't sell the Buell short. I've seen them in action.....Many times!!!!
I know someone who has owned 2 previous FZ6, who has a Buell XB12Ss that is very happy with. The bike is quite different from every Japanese product out there in terms of weight, power and size. However, it gets great mileage (45-50 MPG), has plenty of torque and is FAST in the twisities with a confident rider on board.

I'm sure this owner will contribute to this thread shortly...
Rotax builds good, high-mileage engines, correct?
My f800gs has a Rotax-built engine.
None of those bikes have racked up a ton of miles yet, so it's still unproven.
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I like Buell's, but I don't like to see people obsessed with their crap. It's super-lame. I don't see buying something as anything to be proud of in the first place. How much skill does that take? I handed some guy some pieces of paper (or signed one) and he gave me this thing here.

Nothing wrong with owning nice things, but it's not a competition. Does this guy buy a new Droid every 2 weeks because the TV told him his old one was worthless? Maybe try to get him to move towards conversation about riding vs. the object. Experience vs. materialism, that's what it's about anyways. If it was about saying some object is "mine", then we should all go stand around the dealership and say that about them, then go HOAM.
If he is that much of a show off wait for him to lay it down then comment on his custom "speed dents".

Personally I love the sound of a v-twin like the 1125 buell or the even better honda rvt
The exhaust broke in half and fell off on my gf's buell with less than 1000 miles on it lol. Other than that we have not had any issues with it but i thought that was pretty bad considering i have had bikes all my life and never had anything like that happen before.
I had a FZ6 for a couple years and then I upgraded to a Buell in 2009. I love my 2009 XB12Scg...




My experience with Buells, they cook your legs, are underpowered, and fall apart....which is a pity, cause i quite like them in lots of ways....

There has only been the Rotax motored Buell's that have decent Horsepower, and well, they came out at about the time of the beginning of the end for Buell...

And as others have said, an FZ6 will leave any Buell for dead through the Twisties, except for maybe the 1125 Rotax motored bikes.

I had a FZ6 for a couple years and then I upgraded to a Buell in 2009. I love my 2009 XB12Scg...





For me, that is a gorgeous bike, absolutely sexy, like most of the buells... UNTIL I see the headlights and airflow screen. I just hate the look of them both. And I think it is so aggressive, so manly.

Like the Buell below... Snapped a pic at the local supermarket - rip off that bikini fairings, and that is a sexy piece of a55
Buell had some really nice ideas, and unique designs, being married to HD and
being forced to put v twin push rod engines in a sport bike was a strange
arrangement, although in later years there was a model (models?) that were
not HD powered...whether earned, or maybe rectified in later years, the bikes
had a reputation for reliability problems with many updates and recalls....

that guy at work has a collectible piece of American motorcycling nostalgia,
though it sounds like he's more likely to crash it that keep it...

just my 2 cents, maybe FOS though
I own two 2007 FZ6's and a 2010 Buell XB12xt I really like both bikes the Buell is way more fun to ride and far better when riding 2 up and touring. The FZ6 is better for track days and riding in the city in stop and go traffic. I would Like to have a 2010 Buell XB12r Firebolt for track days . I also got a 2011 H-D XR1200x that looks awesome but my Buell is my favorite between the two . The FZ6 is a great all round bike and cheap to own.
There you go, sounding like a reasonable respondent. Knock it off!
My 1125R was a great bike, when it wasn't in the shop, it lived there.

Performace to an FZ6, no comparison, the 1125R smokes it on all fronts. The FZ6 is a fun bike but stock to stock the Buell will stomp it given equal riders; USD forks, rock solid frame and swing arm, TZ250 wheel base, fully adjustable suspension, 30 lbs lighter, and 40hp more. Oh and the torque more than twice the amount of the FZ6, very fun.

Would I own one again? No. That said many others love their Buells and are very happy with them. I'll stick with my FZ1 and R6, thank you very much. :thumbup:
A) Anyone bragging and being smug about their bike doesn't ride for the right reasons.

B) There a few reasons why i don't like Buell's:

1) I had a friend who had one and it was nothing but trouble, was always hearing about it being in the shop

2) This is just personal opinion obviously and it's the style in general, but i absolutely HATE under engine exhausts.... don't like it on the buell, don't like it on the fz6r, don't like it on the ninja 650r....that and idk to me every time i see a Buell in a show room it looks like it was made and designed with a "that'll do" attitude...

3) (The big one) You have to deal with Harley shops. I went with the friend who was having issues with his.... i want to say firebolt? but anyhow we went in and nobody was in the lobby, he told the person he was there about his bike as soon as they knew he was there with a non-harley buell he basically became a second class citizen... seriously, the front desk person said somone would be right with us, some beer gutted leather vest wearing HD'ers walk in and someone comes rushing out of the shop to assist them...we wait and this happens several more times and he asks the front desk guy whats up and he kinda sighs as if he is wasting his time, picks the phone up and calls for the mechanic who did the work on his bike...(guess if you didn't pay 20k for a motorcycle you don't mean squat)

I heard lots of great stories about how well they perform, and i don't doubt they are great bikes when they aren't in the shop, but i just wouldn't have one....asian bikes have been my life in dirt (yam's and kawa's) and i expect the same will be true of my street bikes, mind you I'm pretty biased, then again i do like Triumph's sprint and the tiger as well.... maybe i'm just an over seas guy...

Don't take this as me hating on bikes I haven't ridden, it's a styling thing for me and the HD dealer thing...just don't prefer the looks of it...also i'd like to point out that if i had to take an fz6 to a HD shop to get it fixed, i might look elsewhere for a bike.....based on EVERY personal experience i've had in a HD based shop/showroom/dealership

Note: just read through my post and i come off as a bit of a prick... lol, not what i intended but too lazy to go back and pamper it up with flowers and rainbows :D
I get 54mpg on the highway, 45 around town. My Buell has 21k miles, with one problem so far: a clutch cable seal failure. No valve adjustments, no chain to lub, oil change every 5k miles. And aftermarket parts are way cheaper than for the FZ6 (in my small experience).

I love my Buell because of how I feel riding it, not because of who wins in a straight line.

Tho, Wolfman, I'll take that challenge in the twisties when you come ride down here in Socal someday. You pick the bike of your choice :Flip:
"I love my Buell because of how I feel riding it, not because of who wins in a straight line."

110% agree with you there!