How well do you see color?

Not too shabby :Flip:

Based on your information, below is how your score compares to those of others with similar demographic information.

* Your score: 0
* Gender: Male
* Age range: 20-29
* Best score for your gender and age range: 0
* Highest score for your gender and age range: 1520
My eyes hurt after that!

i got a 12 too.. but i wonder if i would have done better with a flat screen monitor vs this big clunker i have on the desk...
I scored a 23. As a 49 year old male, I felt pretty good about myself. My 16 smart-ass son thought he could beat me. As always, I was prepared to take him to school and dance on his certain defeat.

He had a perfect score.

Nuthin else to add
Im not blind after all , now if i could only convince Mrs Humps that my deafness is selective :D :thumbup:

Your score: 7
Gender: Male
Age range: 30-39
Best score for your gender and age range: 0
Highest score for your gender and age range: 1520
* Your score: 0
* Gender: Male
* Age range: 30-39
* Best score for your gender and age range: 0
* Highest score for your gender and age range: 1520

I spend a lot of time playing with Photoshop. I guess my score makes sense.
i got a 7, never thought much about colour distinction, its pretty tough to match the colours and you have to give the task undivided attention; just like a girl:thumbup:
Your score: 186
Gender: Male
Age range: 30-39
Best score for your gender and age range: 0
Highest score for your gender and age range: 1520

but I know I'm color blind. :BLAA:
Nice bit of procrastination!

* Your score: 0
* Gender: Male
* Age range: 20-29
* Best score for your gender and age range: 0
* Highest score for your gender and age range: 1520