How wide are your strips?

I can't quote any numbers, but I have noticed that as the stripes on the edges of my tire get narrower, the stripe in my underwear gets wider.



:thumbup: It's an "Inversely Proportional Algorithm!" :D
I know this is a few weeks old, but anyone got pics of the front tires? My rears barely have any strips on them, but my fronts are thick lol.




I have 1/4" to 1/2"

How fast are you all going on say a 35mph turn to get to the edge? I can't seem to go fast enough (75ish) to merit going that low, I always end up pulling up a bit so as to stay on the road. Maybe I'm doing it wrong:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:
Mine are worn down by half. I'm pretty sure it will be awhile before I can totally eradicate them. I don't do any serious leaning.
Haven't you heard? They are inversely related to the size of your package.:ban:

:rof: I see... well mine are very very small indeed then :D

I have 1/4" to 1/2"

How fast are you all going on say a 35mph turn to get to the edge? I can't seem to go fast enough (75ish) to merit going that low, I always end up pulling up a bit so as to stay on the road. Maybe I'm doing it wrong:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:

oh my... am I reading this right? you're going 75mph around a 35mph turn in order to get rid of your chicken strips?

at 4k on a 08 stock set got about 1/2 from the edge my son took my bike out and now they are more like 1/8 hahahahaahaha
I can't quote any numbers, but I have noticed that as the stripes on the edges of my tire get narrower, the stripe in my underwear gets wider.



I believe that Albert Einstein created "The Theory of Chicken Strip Proportionality to Brown Strip Relativity" in about 1932, or maybe it was 1933...This theory has a direct link to the space and time continuum. :rolleyes:
Only a slight hi-jack here. I notice that the strip on my left side is about an 1/8th narrower that on my right. Anybody else have a better lean one way than the other? (I have a pretty major left eye dominance so maybe...?)
Chicken strips can be an indicator of how you ride, BUT, it makes a HUGE difference on the radius of the tire. A very high profile tire you may have chicken strips but may be a faster rider than someone who has a lower profile tire with no chicken strips.
Only a slight hi-jack here. I notice that the strip on my left side is about an 1/8th narrower that on my right. Anybody else have a better lean one way than the other? (I have a pretty major left eye dominance so maybe...?)

I think most people have a side they are more comfortable with. I have none left on the right, 1/8" on the left.

I think it's like boarding, you have one side that is stronger. Hmmm.... I ride right foot forward, and my right side is stronger. Coincidence? :eyebrow:
As of lately I have no more then 1/2 inch on the Wifes FZ6 and on my FZ1 I have about the same. But that will change I hope after this Friday I have off and I out to hit the twisties.
Have no chicken things ...

If you really want them gone.
Just find a good corner you know, warm up your tire's by running the corner ( or set of corners ... ) a few times.
And just build up and lean in more and go faster bit by bit, until your peg thingy's scrape the ground. Voila, strips gone. The FZ6 wil do this with pleasure :thumbup:.

ps: Make sure you're running good tire's !!!! No old or worn one's :spank:
The only twisty road near my house is the park and I'm always afraid I'm going to lean over too far and then immediately get decapitated by an oncoming SUV who can't stay in their lane.