Its a sad day ... bike is sold

Re: Here she is ..... :)

Nice bike mate :D I take it you like blue then ;)

I fancied Black but the ones I viewed showed every little mark up on them !! Also like the older Yellow one but they didn't do yellow on the RR5 ... Blue was my next choice and I love it :)
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Re: Here she is ..... :)

I fancied Black but the ones I viewed showed every little mark up on them !! Also like the older Yellow one but they didn't do yellow on the RR5 ... Blue was my next choice and I love it :)

Black is a bugger to keep clean properly, I've got a black car. But, there are ways.. It's all in the cleaning methods, and choice of cleaning product..

That's one thing I've not seen on this forum yet (prob exists though..), a detailing section.

If you're bored, pop over to, there are people on there with far too much time on their hands!
Jonathan that is one sweet bike :thumbup:
you will just have to move to a place with a garage, I'm sure your wife will understand ;)
Congrats on your new bike mate! Oh by the way, who bought your FZ6? Did you tell him about this site?

Hi mate and thank you .... I sold it to a 55yr old fella who's not ridden for 10 years !! it was interesting to watch :D

I got an e-mail off him the other day and he has fell in love with the bike !! I told him about this site but I'm not sure he was that bothered ... I told him you were a friendly bunch :)
Re: Here she is ..... :)

Black is a bugger to keep clean properly, I've got a black car. But, there are ways.. It's all in the cleaning methods, and choice of cleaning product..

That's one thing I've not seen on this forum yet (prob exists though..), a detailing section.

If you're bored, pop over to, there are people on there with far too much time on their hands!

I have to have a look now .... haven't a clue what detailing is lol
Re: Here she is ..... :)

I have to have a look now .... haven't a clue what detailing is lol

Detailing is the art of getting things very, very clean. Getting rid of swirl marks, making metal flakes 'pop', enriching the colours so they look deep enough to dive into...

Sounds a bit OTT, but is very addictive! I myself now have snow foam, 2 buckets, sheepskin wool mits. All that is for the car. With the FZ, I'm going to start applying the same methods!