Jail term for 130mph motorcyclist

That was one windy, narrow and what looked like a very slick road. Good thing no one was hurt or killed.
I didn't see 130 mph in that vid, maybe it happens elsewhere in the clip. And the policeman made a very questionable overtake with an oncoming lorry in the other lane. So much for "I'm gonna hang back." Actually I'm surprised he got jail time for that - (at least what I saw in the vid).
Excess speed is one of the main causes of collisions and this sends a strong message that the criminal justice system and our community safety partners will not tolerate this type of behaviour

What a crock of ****. Nobody's ever died of going fast. Misjudging the speed of an approaching vehicle and pulling out in front of it will lead to a crash and going too fast to cope with changing road and traffic conditions certainly will, but simply travelling at a high speed does not. The only message this sends me is that the criminal justice system and our community safety partners haven't got a ****ing clue what they're on about.

So anyway, on the long straight bit he was disapperaing off into the distance so could have been pushing a hundred and something, but so what, there was nothing else on that bit of road. I'd take more issue with his dodgy overtake on the bend with oncoming traffic and not following his vanishing point going into corners, that's the stuff that'll have him off and through someone's windscreeen or up a tree.

Jail for this? No. Not unless he'd been caught doing it before or had caused injury, death or damage to someone or something. Points, a fine and having to pay for an advanced riding course would have been better.
I don't encourage this behavior but I have one question.

Everytime I hear of one of these stories the biker always returns home.

Why in the heck would you return home after the cops where just chasing you?
Possibly thought he'd lost them, although they'd have his registration and would have got his address from that. I'm guessing he just wasn't that bright.
I"ll never understand why people run from the cops. A radio is way faster than whatever your riding, just take the ticket, fine, or whatever. It's certainly not worth going to jail over. I work in a prison, trust me, it's not worth it.
WOW! I certainly don't agree with the speed... I myself am a very casual rider and have never exceeded 150 km/hour on my FZ6, but 15 months in jail (or minumum half I guess) ...wow that would change your life wouldn't it? You'd lose your job, you might lose your marriage, etc.
Serious stuff. But then again, I could see me speeding, but i would never outrun the cops. I'd just pull over, say "sorry officer, I am an idiot, spare me the speech" and pay the fine. You are getting into another domain when you choose to outrun them. Cops don't like it when you thumb your nose at them. I mean, that's why many of them joined in the first place isn't it? For the power?
Must disagree Nooj:

This guy is no mature enough to be on a public road in ANY vehicle. I just hope that when he does crash in the future it's a stationary object (tree, telephone pole, etc.) that takes him out and not a mini-van (we'll drop the cage thing for now) where he takes out a young family.

It's guys like this that make people hate motorcycles.
To be honest he thing that probably caused him to be sent to jail was the fact that he was disqualified and therefore it would have been seen as contempt of court with him riding his bike. I'd guess they'd see it as him taking no notice of his previous disqualification and so had no choice.

I certainly don't condone his speed, since it gives all bikers a bad name. I's guess that, since he was going to prison anyway he probably figured he'd try do a runner. Not a smart thing since radios are much quicker than any bike, and as said they had his registration.
I assume he had a suspended license? It must have been suspended less than a year ago. I don't know how the registration works over there, but in the US you have to have a valid license to register your vehicle. Heh if he got away he should have parked it at a friends house then said he sold the bike or something.

That aside 130mph on those kind of roads is pretty dangerous. But 15month in jail is a bit extreme. I assume he was probably on probation for whatever got his license suspended in the first place, which is why he went to jail. Just an assumption though. :squid:
I assume he had a suspended license? It must have been suspended less than a year ago. I don't know how the registration works over there, but in the US you have to have a valid license to register your vehicle. Heh if he got away he should have parked it at a friends house then said he sold the bike or something.

That aside 130mph on those kind of roads is pretty dangerous. But 15month in jail is a bit extreme. I assume he was probably on probation for whatever got his license suspended in the first place, which is why he went to jail. Just an assumption though. :squid:

You do not need a licence to own or first register a vehicle, you do need one to ride it in the UK.
The fact that he was disqualified from driving also meant that he had no insurance. Had he hit anyone at speed then there would have been no insurance company to pay the injured party. (we apart from the safety net thing, and criminal injuries compensation if it still exists - but that's not the point) That added to his total disregard to the courts for taking away his licence in the first place wouldn't have helped him. Add to that the fact that he managed to evade the police is bound to make the magistrate or JP unhappy.
I\"ll never understand why people run from the cops. A radio is way faster than whatever your riding, just take the ticket, fine, or whatever. It's certainly not worth going to jail over. I work in a prison, trust me, it's not worth it.

Alot of it has to do with stuipdity (mostly anyway... and my apologies if anyone readings this has ran). But from what I understand in my Psych class, it boils down to the "Fight of flight instinct". Apparently the sinking feeling in your chest and adrenaline running through your veins doesn't help the situation.

Every time (ok 1/2 the time), I see someone run from the cops who doesn't have a criminal past is asked "Why'd you run?" and replied with "I don't know..." I kinda believe them. Although a ****ty excuse... but mother nature is a biotch.
