Jsw4178 Interview


Elite Member
Aug 29, 2007
Reaction score
Birmingham, UK
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Evening all...jsw4178
(I expect you need to be English to understand)

What do you do for a living?
I am a Police Corporal. I have been a police officer for 13 1/2 years

How long have you owned your FZ6?
since June 28th 2008, My 37th Birthday

What other modes of transport do you have?
2003 Chevrolet Silverado and several bicycles.

If you could have any bike what would it be?
I like Wavex's ride

What are your hobbies apart from the bike?
Mountain Biking, four wheeling

What is the best place you have visited on your travels and why?
Guatemala. My wife and I lived there from October 2007 to November 2007. The best part ,We brought home our precious little girl Anna Rose who is now 22 months. We brought her home on Thanksgiving day.

Describe yourself in three words?
Forgiving, Adventurous, Friendly

If you could redesign any household (including garage) appliance what would it be and why?
The Oven/Stove so it would cook for me.

Which invention in history would you most like to have come up with? The Internet.

If you ruled the world, what is the first thing you would outlaw?

If you were forced to entertain us all at the Forum Christmas party - what would your talent be?

Snow or beach?

Windows or Mac?

F1 or MotoGP?

Which track or album rocks your boat?
I love Sarah Mclachlan,Eagles, pretty much everything but Rap

What is your favourite film?
BlackHawk Down

Meat or Veg?

What is your favourite beverage?
Diet Coke

And finally, your number one rule in life?
Live each day like it's your last day on Earth
You're a cop???? :eek: :scared: Stay safe out there man.....there's lots of crazies.

Which one of Wavex's bikes are you referring to?
You're a cop???? :eek: :scared: Stay safe out there man.....there's lots of crazies.

Which one of Wavex's bikes are you referring to?

Yes,I am the PO-PO. I like Wavex's new Buell. I like just about all motos:thumbup:
We need to have real coppers on the forum too. Helps provide an objective point of view. I can only think of two who are on here on a regular base.