Lesson learned! Always check your helmet.


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Jul 1, 2011
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Murfreesboro, TN
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Took a ride today to meet the wife for lunch. Locked my helmet on my bike while we ate. While I was eating, a bee decided to try on my helmet. Little bugger stung me in the face while riding. Always check inside your helmet before putting it on.
I did freak out a little. I have had allergic reactions to bee stings. Nothing this time except a huge bump which looks like a killer acne outbreak.
That's gona smart a bit. Glad it didn't cause you any riding problems.
Mind those Hives (also no pun intended).

for some reason spiders like my helmet.....and I. HATE. SPIDERS. usually they are either on the face mask or worse, usually the little bastards find my left ear, everyone I ride with laughs when I dive off somewhere and yank my helmet off.....:rolleyes:
Bees are obnoxious. Sorry it got you in the face.

Had a similar experience installing my new grips this weekend. This wasp kept coming at me so I grabbed a badminton racket out of the trunk to make him leave. I wasn't planning on killing him at all. That agile little bastard dodged most of my swings and kept flying closer to my face. After a short fencing session, I managed to get him with a one-two combo. RIP.
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thanks for the heads up on that one. i hate bees. they are the only insect that gives me the "he bee gee bees."

i had a bee fly through my open window when i was driving my car and got wedged between my face and my sunglasses near my temple. i was stopped at a stop light and got so freaked out that i let my foot off the brake and rolled into the car in front of me (my good friend's car). very embarrassing and nobody believed me about the bee :(
Hornets or wasps aren't as bad as honey bees for me. Honey bees have that barbed stinger that stays in you with a little attached gland that keeps pumping venom. :eek: That gets me all riled up and swollen if I don't get the stinger out right away...
I park in a deck at work and leave the pants and jacket on the bike but always carry the helmet in. Used to leave it on the bike but decided did not want bugs crawling around in it.
As others have said great that you didn't go down. Back in high school I used to ride with just a long sleeved shirt. I had a bee or wasp or something go down my shirt and sting the crap out of my back until I could get my shirt un tucked and get it out. Lesson learned and always ride with my jacket now.:thumbup:
I'm in Australia. I ALWAYS check shoes/helmet/boots etc before I put them on.

We have many DEADLY spiders and snakes here....... Found a baby Dugite next to my boots one day :eek:........ Little buggar got scared when Mike was using the brushcutter and thought he'd take refuge inside the house.....
That's exactly why I always use this. BILT Parts & Accessories - Helmet Bag - Cycle Gear
I've found spiders in my helmet on many occasions (before the helmet bag). I also found a black widow in my boot once, luckily I could tell it was there because the little devil had built her web right at the opening of the boot and spread it to a box that the boots were sitting next to so there was no missing it. What really freaks me out is the thought of putting my helmet or boots on and having a scorpion hiding in it, I'm religious about checking my gear (pants and jacket included) before I put it on.
Yep, helmet bags are definitely the way to go when you put your gear away at the end of the day! I'm DEATHLY afraid of spiders (snakes...not so much), so I'm anal about making sure none of those little devils have made their way into my gear (I store my gear in the garage with the bike). Another thing I do...I put a plastic grocery bag over the top of my boots, so they can't crawl down inside. YUCK!

OP, I'm glad to hear you're ok. I actually had something similar happen, albeit with a moth instead of a bee, just recently. I was riding along and saw it coming...it hit me right in the throat (right on the collar of my jacket) and then suddenly it flew up into my helmet. So, for a second, it was sitting on my breath guard, staring me eye-to-eye...lol. After i realized what it was, I simply raised my visor and he got sucked out. But it was kinda freaky, nonetheless.

When I'm out on a ride, I ALWAYS take my helmet with me inside if we stop to eat. Not only to keep bugs out, but also because I've heard horror stories of people doing things to other people's helmets or the strap getting cut and the helmet being stolen.
Moto, if you scrape out the stinger instead of pinching it and pulling it out, less venom will be pushing into your skin. Of use a tweezers if you have one.
After a few stings though, you get used to it and do not swell anymore.

Fun fact: Did you know DEAD bees can sting? Yes they sure can!

I worked as a bee keeper for a summer. After about 6 stings, aside from the poke, I didn't notice it anymore:rolleyes: but beekeepers are kinda crazy. Long term sting exposure I think!
It's kind of hard to get used to it if your allergic...

I've found that if I get stung I take some tobacco out of a cigarette, wet it somehow, if no water then I'll use spit and put it on the sting and it literally instantly helps with the pain and also helps with the swelling