

The Parts Guy
Aug 25, 2010
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Just south of Albany, NY
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Well I have just had the worst day of my life, I just lost my job and I am just having a bad overall day. The bottom of the barrel really sucks. I dont know where to go or what to do, just at a loss.
Dude, sorry to hear about your job and how your day is going. Keep your head up and know things will get better and things could always get worse.
Dont stop, never give up!

Gather all your inner strength, and plow forward with confidence, and you will come out the other end wondering why you ever felt so down.

Grit ya teeth, and dig in!

No matter how bad your day is, there are always people worse off.

Think of kids with cancer, Japanese people right now etc etc.

It can only get better for ya :)
Sorry to hear about your job and a bad day. Keep your chin up, eyes on the road ahead, tires on the ground, tail straight and roll on the throttle. It will get better - we all hit rough spots sometimes - they are meant to teach us about ourselves and what we value.
what's your trade?
what are you interests?

maybe look at it as an oppurtunity to try or learn something new
right now yeah you ll feel bad; irritable etc....time will help you heal and things will surely get better, just be yourself and dont worry too much on things you have no control on.......keep riding it ll help you relax and remain positive
I was talking to an older man the other day who was complaining about the aches and pains of being 77,when I noticed across the street a 20 something year old man with his face right over the fill cap of his car,when he stood up I could see he had NO ARMS ,I turned to the old man and said "What were you saying about aches and pains" were He replied I'de rather be old any day than armless..... Now get out there and find you a job ,,when you finish an interveiw...... tell em you'll start Monday,and ask what time do they unlock the doors? :thumbup: :rockon: :rockon:
Sorry to hear about yesterday, and losing the job, but it's a new day today!

Go do what you need to, then go do something for yourself and make it a better day.
what's your trade?
what are you interests?

maybe look at it as an oppurtunity to try or learn something new

My trade is Bio-Pharmaceutical manufacturing, currently I was working in large scale commercial manufacturing.

I have an AAS in Environmental Sciences and a BS in Wildlife Management, with 9 years auto parts sales under my belt.
Sorry to hear about your situation.

Put on your gear, pull on your helmet and put some miles on the bike!
Always helps me forget my woes.

hope things improve soon.

i feel for you and i hesitate to write anything. what can a guy in nc say to help out a guy in ny who just lost his job? even so, i'll give it a go and hope this helps.

about 8 years ago i resigned (i know it's not the same thing) from my job. i thought it'd be easy to get another job in the area. close to a year later my wife and i packed up and moved so i could get a new job. i'm still doing that job and love it. but for those 10 months where i was looking for a job... horrible! and that wasn't under the current economy.

even though those 10 months were bad, i wouldn't trade 'em. difficult times can crush you or they can make you stronger. what happens is up to you and your reactions. for me on the other side, i learned a lot, grew a lot, and now have a job i could have never imagined. i really wish you well during this. i'll be praying for your eyes to be opened to the opportunities before you and to learn all you can. good luck.
You're educated and experienced. Hang in there and sooner or later things will work out and probably for the better. Good weather is just around the corner too.. take advantage of it!
I know the feeling. July 1 of last year, I was laid off. Insurance expired August 1. Had my wife arrested and filed for divorce later that week (long story, not gonna get into it). It can be rough at times.

I was unemployed for over 2.5 months. But on Sept. 20, I started a new job with nearly a 20% payraise, and much better benefits than any job I have ever had. I have custody of my kids while going through the divorce. Things get better.
Been laid off 3 times. . . Business's closing. Each time things did get better but it wasn't an easy road. I'm in the medical field now. Make a way into that medical manufacturing field and go for it!