Longest trip in a day?

I've done about 520 miles, round trip from Chicago area to St Louis. I went to see and go up into the Gateway Arch. It was pretty cool. I think I dozed off during the "Making of the Arch" movie, saw the city from the top of the arch, at lunch in St Louis, then went home. Mostly highway.

I want to do an Ironbutt one day. I may try to go to DC (700 mi) or Atlanta (720 mi) for a warm up. My ultimate goal is to do Chicago to Ocala Fl (1100 mi)
My longest day ride was 531 miles, From Oceanside, Ca to Vail AZ. on the road for 9hrs:eek:

Had a blast
Denver to Phoenix, 900 miles, back when the speed limit was 55. I was FLYIN' at 65! Hey that's 10 over. I can't remember how many hours it was, probably 16 to 17 hours. I was literately seeing things towards the end of the ride, like cactus' waving hello to me! :eek::eek::eek:
Hello, from Los Angeles FZ6 newbie.
I had 860 GPS Miles on 24 Hours, riding seat hour was much less than that.
And it was fun and some stories, but it's too long story to write down here short... ha ha ha:)
Route is:
Los Angeles >> Las Vegas >> Extraterrstrial Highway
>> and way back round trip to home.
I have some track informations with photos.
Here are those.
All the photos has GPS info and taken time embedded.

Picasa Album Link

Picasa Slide Show Link

Google Map Link (GPS track & Photo)

Google Earth Link (GPS track & Photos)
Longest trip in one day for me was.

Chiang Rai to Rayong (Thailand) which is 1004 Km or 620 miles, I managed to do it in 9 hours including fuel stops and a hotdog while the dudes filled my bike up, touch and go. I wanted to try to do 1000 km within 10 hours (a metric iron butt), so tick...

Trip was uneventful, but it was pretty much a race, as I had to go through Bangkok with it's horrible traffic jammed roads. I pulled 220 km/h (on GPS) or 135 mph everywhere I could to manage it, due to fuel stops and Bangkok where I was slowed down to almost standstill. I could do it safely as the roads I rode was motorway and mid week and almost no traffic.

Will I do it again... NO, just did it to have it done, I can do 600+ miles in a day but never again on that timeframe.

Longest ride I ever did with a pillion was 800 km (494 miles) including top box. That was over 10 hours and both me and my pillion enjoyed that trip.

And the longest trip I ever done in one go was 6350 km (3900 miles+) over 3 weeks, which was awesome.

For me the FZ6 is a dead on gem of a tour bike for me...

Cheers Bard
My longest trip in a day is nothing compared to most of you guys. Hats off to you and your tough asses! I dream of the day when I can buy a Corbin or TS seat. We road around 300 or 350 miles in a day from Chattanooga to the Dragon's Tail and back. It was my first trip to the Tail and I loved it immensely. I wish I could make the trip with some of you all this year. Maybe next year will be better financially and I can wing it. It sounds like tremendous fun.

Four of us road the whole way while my sister and her man trailered their bikes. Her little Vino just wouldn't have been good for such a trip. You see, she bought dragon stickers and put them on her scooter. It is just blasphemy to have the stickers and not ride the Tail, right? :) We had a blast and she made Killboy's highlight page for that week. For giggles, here's a pic of her leading the pack of us thru the Tail. Sadly, only my headlight made it into the frame :)
Wow, that looks like a great ride! I may have to do that this summer...how long did it take you?

Can't remember how long it took. But you can't really do it until late July, early august. The passes are pretty high up there, and weather is completly unpredictable. I had 90 degrees on one section, and hail on another.
I'll hit you up this summer when I go again, it would be sweet to have two Fizzers on the ride.
It may have been mind over matter but I swear she poured my coffee from a "special" trucker coffee pot. Of course this was still the 70's so who knows...

Anyone have any idea where I can buy this coffee? :thumbup: :D Maybe is was the Espresso grind? Triple pot in 10 cups?

Or, there was a meth lab in the back! :rockon:
My longest single trip wasn't really very fun at all. We went from here in maine to Niagara falls one weekend. That wasn't too bad, but the next morning we went from Niagara Falls to Champaigne Illinois (about 680miles) in pouring rain the entire time. Dreary, wet, and fighting horrible wind through most of it. We did that in about 14 hours.

However, if you count taking a 4 hour nap, we left our island one saturday morning and drove to Halifax in Nova Scotia, slept a little bit, and then turned around and came back. That comes out around 1,000 miles. And that was only two months after I learned to ride! I really ought to look into an iron butt event one day....
Can't remember how long it took. But you can't really do it until late July, early august. The passes are pretty high up there, and weather is completly unpredictable. I had 90 degrees on one section, and hail on another.
I'll hit you up this summer when I go again, it would be sweet to have two Fizzers on the ride.

Sounds great!
Vicenza, Italy to south London on a 650 Africa Twin. Took about 16 hours including Channel Tunnel crossing. Total mileage 985; perhaps I should have stayed a couple more junctions on the M25 to bump it up to the round 1000, but TBH I was more than happy to get home, more 'cos of sore backside than getting tired of actually riding the bike.