Off duty cop chased me

On the one hand you were in the wrong for going over the speed limit. On the other hand the "presumed cop" is an dishonest @sswipe asking you to meet him in his office and then failing to meet you. After all, you took time off work. I too would contest the tickets. Unmarked car and a deranged driver yelling at you - that would of been nice getaway.:Flip:
The cop never witnessed me going excessively over the speed limit, that was after I was passed him. The only thing he witnessed was me passing him. How many times on a back road have cars slowed down and moved to the right a little to let you know that you can pass? The way he was driving I did not think it was a aggressive move on my part to pass him. That lesson I have learned. I will not pass a car unless I have visual agreement with them to pass.

If you crossed over a double yellow to pass..... you broke the law. If you left this guy behind quickly enough that he lost sight of you...... you broke the law.

Leaving the gym with your GF on the back..... I'm going out on a limb, here..... you were both wearing full gear? Your bike is 100% OEM? Innocent babe in the woods, except for that illegal pass?
If you crossed over a double yellow to pass..... you broke the law. If you left this guy behind quickly enough that he lost sight of you...... you broke the law.

Leaving the gym with your GF on the back..... I'm going out on a limb, here..... you were both wearing full gear? Your bike is 100% OEM? Innocent babe in the woods, except for that illegal pass?

full set of gear, brand new 2009 OEM, not even a fender eliminator. picked up the bike last summer, some lady hit it while it was parked in a parking lot and it took them all fall / winter to fix it.
Sad that there are b*st*rds out there like this. I do not think this ticket can possibly stick. You say he had another cop to cite you? I don't think that can fly either. His speedometer isn't certified on his car, I'm sure. I would not only fight this one, I would sue him for lost wages as well. Go after the sorry piece of crap! Good luck!
On a simlilar note: Many years ago I was coming home from work late one night. I had a 327 four-speed Chevy that weighed around 4200 pounds. I was running about 65 in a 55, (OUT of the city limits). This car, (a 390 Ford - I later learned), came up on me and got right on my bumper! This made me mad so I snicked it up into third and lost him. Youth, being as it as, kept me from being happy with just this. I slowed down to 50 until he caught me. He got right up on my bumper again! Just as I snicked it up into third again a red light flashed at me! I slowed down until I was sure it was a cop. I pulled over and he came stomping up to my window asking me all kinds of stupid questions. Before he caught his breath for round two I lit into him. I asked him, "What about you? Here I was on a desolate lonely stretch of road at 12:30 AM and here you come getting right up on my bumper? Who the heck was I supposed to think you were? What gives you the right to do that? You're just mad that I ran off and left you...and was about to do it again!" BOY HE GOT MAD! He stomped back to his car, tore out spinning, and that was the end of it! I think it was far more about ego than "the law"!
Who's to say he didn't just come from getting hammered at a mates's place? Maybe that's why he handled it like he did.

but the facts are, you broke traffic laws and got caught. I like how most in this thread are ignoring those facts.

I'm not ignoring them. I just think it's wrong to break the law to enforce the law. If the speed this sports motorcycle that wieghs 400lbs and is two feet wide is doing is so dangerous, then pursuing with a vehicle that doesn't get maintained in the same manner as a police car, more than likely doesn't have the suspension and hadling upgrades (as our police cars do here) as a police car, weighs closer to 3,000lbs and is closer to 6 feet wide is MORE dangerous to innocent parties. The potential for harm is much greater IMHO. No flashing lights or sirens to show other road users that this vehicle is not behaving in the manner it should be is inviting disaster. People need to be informed if the car coming up the road they are about to enter is speeding or not. JMO.

I've never challenged a ticket. Even the BS ones, 'cause I figure If I got caught I'll just take it on the chin. But if someone "pursues" me in an unsafe manner I figure they are just as guilty as I am. He had the licence plate when the OP overtook him:thumbup:........No need to chase:spank:.

I've had a police car, come storming through suburbia in a 60km/h zone at 100km/h at least even though I'd just ridden through there at 53km/h (indicated) and broken no laws (was just about to turn onto the twisty road up into the hills and break some No lights, no sirens, just 40km/h over the limit......Dangerous and no need for it. All they wanted to do was perform a licence check. This was on my stock FZ6 so they couldn't even defect it. I saw them coming and thought it was either some boy racer who wanted a go, or some copper who wanted to give me some carp on a slow night. No lights or sirens and still out of range of my worries. Up into the twisties I go. Still broke no laws. Considered turning around and heading back down when I got to the top of the road, for another hoot through the twisties, but I figure this lunatic was probably using both sides of the road trying to catch me still. He was the last time I saw him as I headed up out of the first cutback:eek::spank::(. Using both sides of the road in a tight mostly blind twisty road, no Sirens or flashing lights, to chase someone who hadn't done anything wrong. Un-acceptable!:(
first did he have to speed to catch you?
if so he should be given the same ticket cuse with out lights he can not do more than 10 miles over the speed limit and with lights he can only do 25 over
with out checking in with dispatch to go faster therefore he is intitled to the same tickets you were given for speeding. and if he did not speed than how the hell did he catch you
and in a personal car he has to follow the same rules you do
all he can do is call and report your plat number and have a patrol car come to you. never stop if the no lights or sirens to many junkies looking for there next fix and you never know what will happen

Sounds like he was the one who was guilty.

During Traffic Court, the word "Calibration" is used every time. So make sure you ask when his car was calibrated, and make sure he provides proper documentation. Without it, it's just speculation I'm guessing because his vehicle isn't certified, and he shouldn't be allowed to submit his speed in court.
The thing that gets me about a situation like this is it makes me feel that cops are above the law, and have no reguard for anyone who they are suppose to protect because their emotions drive their badge. It's like they were the bully back in school and now that they have a badge, it's their leagel right to be a bully.

In saying all that I realize there are alot of guys in blue who are not this way, but it takes only a couple to ruin everyone else's attitude toward them.

Passing a slow guy on a double yellow is dangerous. I did it one day where there was a slow pickup going down the road. I thought it was just some guy out for a "Sunday Drive" and I was late going to school. I was driving my blazer at the time. Just as I changed lanes I saw break lightscome on, and he turned into me. I tried to miss him, but ended up cliping his front end, and taking out a mail box that I found out was his. He didn't signal because I would have never tried to pass if I knew he was turning left. I ended up spinning into a 180, and watched as he finished his turn.

After that no matter how slow the guy in front of me is going I never pass on a double yellow.
Opened the throttle a little bit? Sorry man you passed him going 60mph. Soesnt matter how much you argue. Quick twist of the wrist on the FZ and youre over 60mph, no doubt about it.

Suck that it happened, but it happens from time to time.

I once passed a guy who called and complained with my plate. I got a ticket for doing 15kph over for showing up to deal with it. Just a casual meeting at the police station to pick up my ticket.

That's the world we live in out west. Either we accept it or live like the rest of the sheep.
straight from a cop buddy..

no authority whatsoever to enforce traffic violations while off duty, and no authority to write citations, they can only arrest for breach of peace, or felonies.

if you dont see red and blue, then there is no need to stop, unless ofcourse you've commited a felony.. its not a crime to not pull over for an unmarked/unidentified for traffic violations

thats more than likey why he demanded you come into the office because he couldnt do anything at the time

my friend advised, this should NOT hold up in court, at all.. remember, there must be evidence beyond a reasonable doubt, a citation is simply an accusation. the fact that the ticket was written by someone who was NOT present, and the officer that witness was off duty.. thats reasonable doubt.. good luck and please post outcome
i can tell you as a police officer that here in louisiana we have NO right to enforce traffic while off duty. we can call and follow and be an expert witness to the citation and that is it. im telling you now i would NOT have pulled over. at the very least i would have proceeded to the nearest well lit populated area and stopped. or i would have just left him sitting there wondering where i went lol. im assuming this is a small town cop so you got to watch it there. i have been pulled over several times in small towns around me for NO reason other than they were bored and wanted to see if i would run. of course since i do know the law here i have chewed some serious ass when some clown does this and am quick to call them out on it and force them to call a supervisor to me and explain why they pulled me over. it is ass clowns like this that give all of us badge carriers a bad name. just remember your rights. he cant identify you since you didnt take your helmet off, he cant cite you for speeding if he didnt (and remember this quote) "visually estimate your speed and then CONFIRM his estimate with some type of radar or lidar (laser)" and lastly the officer that cited you can not testify to ANY of it since he WAS NOT there to witness it and only followed a lawful order by his chief to cite you. it dont matter if you were doing wheelies follwed by stoppies he cant cite you for that and should have called a marked unit to pull you over while following you! if you have any questions dont hesitate to PM me!
my friend advised, this should NOT hold up in court, at all.. remember, there must be evidence beyond a reasonable doubt, a citation is simply an accusation. the fact that the ticket was written by someone who was NOT present, and the officer that witness was off duty.. thats reasonable doubt.. good luck and please post outcome
but, but, but, but.....this is the police CHIEF! Yeah, I agree with everybody regarding the improprieties of this case but, geeez, the DA is probably the chief's brother-in-law or something, no? And the traffic judge probably is the chief's drinking buddy. But, stll, I'm with those who say, "N NO WAY, fight it buddy!" (by the way, is traffic school an option if you lose?)
I would never stop to unmarked car and person posing as police officer. I think it is actually dangerous idea. Everybody knows how police car and properly dressed up police officer looks like. It that case picture is clear, stop and deal with it. But here ... crazy people are everywhere. I would rather risk get to court and explain myself there.

Now since you did stop and had your ordeal with policeman in plain clothes I would definitely go to court. As other people said, take a lawyer. He (she) will know how to handle that.

I have friend who is architect and defended his wife in court. She got speeding ticket by "real" policeman with radar. My friend got case dismissed in trial after he started questioning police officer about radar calibration procedures and police not having done bulletins by manufacturer where they had to return unit for improvements.

I would definitely go to court
just to clear something up, the officer that cited me was in fact the police chief, however the cop that handed me the ticket was not in fact the chief... not sure if that makes a difference.
The other, smarter option, is to proceed to a public area and call the police yourself and explain the situation.

No offense, but your catch me if you can otherwise I will shoot you is the reason why cops will act as they do. To them, every yahoo they pull over could be their last.

If you are in a private, unmarked car trying to pull my over, then you could just as easily be a psycho slasher as a cop. The smart thing to do is to only be pulled over by a car that is clearly a police car. My attitude has no bearing on why cops act as they do, because my attitude has nothing to do with a PROPER traffic stop.

But ANYBODY can try to pull you over in a plain vehicle without lights or sirens. And for that reason, any car without lights or sirens trying to pul my over is a danger to my well being. I will first attempt to flea the danger. And if I am not successful, I will act as needed to stop the danger.

When somebody in a marked car tries to pull me over, I pull over as soon as I can do so safely. If it is an UNMARKED car, but still has lights, I will then pull over as soon as I get to a public area, as I have some degree of certainty it is actually a cop. But there is NEVER a reason for me to pull over for an unmarked car with no lights. And I never will. Those few seconds it takes me to call 911 could be the few seconds some psycho needs to kill me. People to get murdered in public areas. And between the two of us, better the ******* than me.
Take it to court, demand the chief be there with his documentation that his POV has been calibrated to police and state standards. If it were me, I would not have stoped but just kept going, if he tried to follow me I would have out ran him in self defense. Please put up a post to keep us all informed on the out come. Thanks.

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actually, DONT demand the officer be there, haha thats best case scenario.. no witness/plaintiff = no case

also, even though it was written by the police chief, he was still off duty when the offense occured, he has no authority at that time to determine if you were speeding or not.. that being said, i dont know if big chief is ever off duty, might want to check into that
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bottom line is no matter who he is, if you fight it you could win, what's the worst thing possible?? you have to pay for a ticket that should not have been issued in the first place?, that is where you are allready. there where two of you one of him. fight it

i would take sempul's advice..
Just call up "Ticket Busters." (don't you have one in your area). I see their billbooards in the Vegas area. It think it reads something like: "Got tickets, DUI? Call TicketBusters, from $79.00 up. GUARANTEED).

I agree. I wouldn't normally or have never used something like this. Ha, haven't needed to yet! knock on something..
But from what I understand, these places specialize in gathering the facts of the "arrest" or treatment or chain of events. Then they find where the rules were broken, and get you the hell out of it.
That whole thing with the other officer taking over mid-stream is BS, at the very least. And he would have been able to write a ticket on the spot. If he were equipped and supposed to be out there being able to stop cars, his car would have been equipped with lights!
I wouldn't have stopped for anyone shouting anything from a private car. That's BS too. Could have been a killer. I say get lost next time and make them stop you with a real car, If they can find you, and figure it out then. If you ran from a car without lights, then you aren't really running at all, are you!
Call one of those places and see what they say!
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