radar detector for Fz6 :) who has one


Junior Member
Jun 5, 2008
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well thats a simple question really
i would love to know who has what and how it is mounted

cunstables over here have a new dual lens thing that will take rear pics and get the poor innocent motorbike rider :(

and i want to be able to put it in the car too!
Wanna bit a little careful. I believe there is only one type of radar detector they don't have a detector for. Also want to make it easy to uninstall, as if they do nab you and search your vehicle for it, they won't put stuff back together afterwards.:eek:
Wanna bit a little careful. I believe there is only one type of radar detector they don't have a detector for. Also want to make it easy to uninstall, as if they do nab you and search your vehicle for it, they won't put stuff back together afterwards.:eek:

there are a few models that are undectable :)

plus they are legal for now in WA :)

but yes want a discrete mount
being a naked and all....
got one mounted on my bike, its a whistler XTR150, has flashing blue leds on on top of it to increase visibility and i can hear it with my helmet on

it works really well, ill try to get some pictures up soon
my $0.02 worth:

There are a lot of detectors out there, check you have one suitable for the frequencies used in your part of the world, check the local reviews as the situation and equipment used can vary (it's no good reading a review in USA if you're going to be using it in Oz).

There is a big difference between detectors not only in sensitivity (the distance they work at) but also in the amount of false alarms (if your detector has a wideband reciever you'll also pick up many false alarms, and will never know if the signal you recieve is a radar or just interference).
Some detectors have an active false alarm processor which can cancel out (many) false alarms.

When a radar detector is turned off it is undetectable, I know this seems obvious but it may help if you're being followed by cops (the detector transmits a local oscillator (LO) frequency when working). Some radar detectors are difficult to pick up as the LO is "shielded" ("canned" Surrounded by metal) but if you are close enough they can still be picked up. There are several which pick up 3rd harmonics signals which allow them to use a different frequency for the LO (undetectable), but these tend to be less sensitive.

I'll stop being so nerdy now :eek:

Good luck in finding a suitable one. :thumbup:
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well thats a simple question really
i would love to know who has what and how it is mounted

cunstables over here have a new dual lens thing that will take rear pics and get the poor innocent motorbike rider :(

and i want to be able to put it in the car too!
Frank, you could always try the speed limit...... :rof:
I heard of one guy who had his detector mounted underneath the fairing. he then ran a simple led up by his speedo. so that it lit up the led when the radar detector was triggered.
For what it's worth here is a picture of mine it aint pretty, it's placed up forward to protect it from getting wet, I had to glue a jack adaptor so it won't vibrate off and it's velcroed to the mount, but it works really good and has saved me several tickets. It's a Cobra 12 band radar/laser. If I remember it cost about $100.00. It also alerts you to oncomming emgerency vehicles. When this fails to work I'll get a better one but for now it gets the job done.

I use a Valentine 1 tucked between my instruments and the windscreen (a bit of velcro holds it in place). The bike is loud enough that I can't really hear it unless I'm going less than 60mph and the LED's don't catch my attention in bright sunlight. I'm usually looking past it unlike when it's mounted on my truck windshield.