Ready to hit the Road!

Here's wishing you a safe and fun trip, Crystal! :)
I know you'll be careful, alert and in "Condition One" while riding, as a result of flying those overgrown bumble bees, so you'll be just fine. I envy you. :thumbup:
Enjoy the trip Crystal!!!!! Let me know how the MotoPak panniers work out, as I am considering them. I have heard great things about them, but your trip will definitely put them to the test.
Hey folks! Just finished writing a long and descriptive trip update, then lost it all when I tried to post... poor wireless connection...

In a nutshell: cold, rain, hail, and SNOW for two days - haha. Currently thawing out in Wells, NV - should be in hot and sunny Vegas early tomorrow afternoon! Bike rocks! Very comfy - heated grips and vest are lifesavers!

Time now for hot bath and soft bed...

More to come!

Crystal :Flash:
Enjoy the trip Crystal!!!!! Let me know how the MotoPak panniers work out, as I am considering them. I have heard great things about them, but your trip will definitely put them to the test.

Super thumbs-up to the MotoPak bags! :thumbup: I'm really happy with them - lots of attachment options, great attention to detail, and pretty waterproof, even without the rain covers (I didn't feel like stoppng to put them on when the downpour seat would have gotten wet - lol)

I actually borrowed these bags from my "ex"... maybe I can "forget" to give them back...;)

PS I'll post up pics soon, so you can see how they look on the bike!
Ah Wells been there done that! Enjoy the ride from there to Vas Vegas, mostly straight roads! Glad you have made it that far safe and sound!
Have fun and good luck!
Well folks, the heated grips are installed, the heated vest is wired up, first oil change all done - time to hit the road! :rockon:

I'll be leaving first thing tomorrow (Tues.) morning for a 5500 km trip from Vancouver, down to Las Vegas, over to San Diego (Carlsbad), and then a leisurely cruise up the California and Oregon coasts - home by May 3rd. I'll be travelling by myself, but meeting up with my sister/friends and various locations.

I'll be using a set of Motopak saddlebags and tailbag - 90 litre capacity total. I might pick up a tank bag along the way if I find a good deal...
The only comfort issue I've found with the bike so far is the seat, so I've cut a piece of sheepskin to fit - looks pretty pimpin'! Hopefully between that, and my bike shorts under the leathers, I'll be "okay".

I'm going to haul along my ancient 32-lb, coal-fired laptop, so I can post up a few pics along the way and stay in touch with friends and family (who think I'm nuts, BTW). If any of you Cali folks feel like tagging along for a bit of the ride, PM me! I'll be stopping in San Luis Obispo, Santa Cruz, Eureka, and Cannon Beach OR, on the way home.

Crystal :Sport:
Good luck and have a great time. Can't wait for pics.

Hi Whirlygirl! I'm in CA. How do I know if I happen to see you? Yeah, please post a picture of you on bike. And oh, how would you know if you see me? Answer: I'm the one looking like I've never ridden much with both lows on or something (BD's dual mod j-u-s-t installed). I'm going to try to make it over Donner Pass (interstate 80) today (Thursday) to Reno. I might have to turn around though if there's snow/ice still on the road after yesterday's showers. Bon Voyage Whirlygirl! Maybe you'll run into Vegasrider, huh?
Super thumbs-up to the MotoPak bags! :thumbup: I'm really happy with them - lots of attachment options, great attention to detail, and pretty waterproof, even without the rain covers (I didn't feel like stoppng to put them on when the downpour seat would have gotten wet - lol)

I actually borrowed these bags from my "ex"... maybe I can "forget" to give them back...;)

PS I'll post up pics soon, so you can see how they look on the bike!

Pics are coming - I promise!!! I Haven't even had internet service for 4 days!

Sorry Crystal didn't mean to bug ya but I saw you were on line and I figured you must have taken tons of pics by now. Anyway enjoy your ride, oh and don't worry about the pics (no pressure ) :D
Okay.... I suck. I've finally got a few pictures of my trip to post up, and I can't figure out how to do it!!! How do you do that thumbnail thingy? I'm sure I'm missing something really obvious.... :banghead:
Okay... lets try this again... Here are a couple of shots of the bike all geared up and ready to go! Note my super-sexay home-made sheepskin seat cover... has saved my butt so far!
The first shot here is near La Grande, Oregon. I'd just ridden through quite the little snowstorm, but by the time I stopped here, I was back into the rain...View attachment 3419

The next shot is on the morning of Day3 - Wells, NV. Temp of -3 C (27 F), and a lovely dusting of snow on the bike....View attachment 3420

And finally - my bike outside the hotel in Vegas. I came out this morning to find a bunch of Harley's hitting on her! Or maybe she was flirting, I'm not sure...;) She had a good posse, though!
Okay - one more pic before I hit the road... This is me at a friend's place in San Diego (Carlsbad).

And, no, I didn't ride the bike there dressed like that.... I, uh, did put some shoes on...:justkidding:

For the record, I think I might have been the palest person in all of southern California...

Anyhow - time to get on the road! Should be a great drive today: San Luis Obispo to Santa Cruz, up the Big Sur coast! It's been about 10 years since I've driven it - can't wait!!! I only hope the places along the Santa Cruz boardwalk are open... I've been dying for one of their foot-long corn dogs all week! mmmmmm.... hot dog wrapped in batter.... soooo... gooood...:D

Hasta luego, suckas!
Whirleygirl: You're having way too much fun. And, you're supposed to make a deposit when in Vegas...not make a withdrawal! Northern CA was 80+Farenheit yesterday. Today, it's supposed to cool down considerably. Yeah, you're having too much fun...knock it off! Hey, how about them CA gas prices? Nice, huh?
how does the bike handle loaded up ? i have a similar set up (minus the dead sheep ;)) plus a tank bag but havent had the opportunity to use it yet.
Love the photos Crystal. Sounds like you are having an epic adventure. Gotta love that furry seat cover, huh? They are a butt saver! :thumbup: