Riding In the Rain

Got to ride in the rain for the first time last night. At first I was a bit nervous, but it went smoothly. I just made sure to go extra easy on the throttle and brakes. Wasn't as bad as I always thought it would be when I saw people riding in the rain..before I started riding.
I don't mind at all. I carry a full set of rain gear with me daily because we have random showers and thunder storms here in NH. You just have to use caution and avoid anything that isn't asphalt like manhole covers, painted stuff on the roads, small animals, etc.... Roads here in New England usually have a pretty good crown to them and water runoff is very good. You still find some places with the cager tracks pooling so you have to be careful. You also have to be careful in the center of your travel lane where cages drop oil and other fluids and tires don't normally wear it off.
Yesterday I started my day on the bike and soon saw the very dark clouds coming in quickly. :eek: Thinking it's okay it's just rain, I'm not sugar and won't melt. Besides I figured at some point I would dry up while riding along after it had passed. Gained my confidence about the rain when a massive Thunderbolt came down in my frontal viewing area. Then another came down and these were bolts with a vengeance!! I decided right there I was not going to be used as target practice and hightailed myself back home at warp speed and changed my mode of transportation to a truck!!:rockon: Today I heard from one of my clients that lightning killed one of their cows:eek: I'd like to think I chose wisely;)
I will admit, the two times I have been down, it was due to the roads being wet and I lost traction. One place was ACH highway in Southern Cal of all places.

Oddly enough, I've been riding in the snow and ice up here in Idaho, and I do just fine. Of course, having studded tires helps.