Sept. 19th is Talk like a pirate day! Arrrrghhhh!

Dont forget to change your Facebook language to Pirate too! See what all of your hearties are up to.

ok so didnt go riding, rain:<, but i did just remember that last night I had a really weird dream. I was actually imprisoned by a pirate and he shot me in the head but didnt die. No lie!...maybe its a sign that i should participate in the day
ok so didnt go riding, rain:<, but i did just remember that last night I had a really weird dream. I was actually imprisoned by a pirate and he shot me in the head but didnt die. No lie!...maybe its a sign that i should participate in the day

AARGHH!!! Ya got THAT right, MATEY!!!
I laughed so hard when i read the thread title....MP came i to see what the fuss was about! Lol1

I think i am going to lobby for "Talk like a pirate day" public funny would that be!

I laughed so hard when i read the thread title....MP came i to see what the fuss was about! Lol1

I think i am going to lobby for "Talk like a pirate day" public funny would that be!


Oh its a great time! A few years ago while at work I just started assigning random people I didn't know pirate names when they came to ask me questions. "Well Theresa Two Thumbs..." I found everybody took offense to having either the peg leg added to their name "Richard PegLeg Nixon" or having toes removed "Nancy Nine Toes"
I wonder if Honda offers lessons in "pirate speak" when they sell a CBR 600 RRRRRRRR! As Mikey (Ozzieboy) likes to say...."those bloody Pirate bikes"...

Oh its a great time! A few years ago while at work I just started assigning random people I didn't know pirate names when they came to ask me questions. "Well Theresa Two Thumbs..." I found everybody took offense to having either the peg leg added to their name "Richard PegLeg Nixon" or having toes removed "Nancy Nine Toes"

LOL, that's awesome, my new pirate name is Tapeworm Ted.
Yarrrrrrrrrrrrrrr me harty.
WHAAAAAT THE $#^&$*@!??? PIRATES DAY??? OK, I'm backin' this. ARRRGH ME HEARTIES!!! Oh wait, it's not today, sorry.
Avast me hartys
Yesterday I did a bit of talking like a Pirate with the family (OK it was a day too late but I had to make up for it).





Picasa Web Albums - Martin - 090920 zeilen...

The kids had a lot of fun learning all the (English) pirate jargon, with lots of steady as she goes, splice the mainbrace, and calling out to the people who were having a drink at the numerous cafes "avast ye land lubbers" :thumbup:
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Avast me hartys
Yesterday I did a bit of talking like a Pirate with the family (OK it was a day too late but I had to make up for it).





Picasa Web Albums - Martin - 090920 zeilen...

The kids had a lot of fun learning all the (English) pirate jargon, with lots of steady as she goes, splice the mainbrace, and calling out to the people who were having a drink at the numerous cafes "avast ye land lubbers" :thumbup:
Grrrrrrrreat photos! Hope your family enjoyed it me heartie!