So a police officer almost killed me tonight.


Junior Mint
Jan 17, 2010
Reaction score
Tampa Bay Area, FL & Baton Rouge, LA
Was riding to the gas station to grab some snacks and a pack of smokes. Passed a very easily spotted police officer on the way. I have a motorcycle license, registration, tag, etc. Nothing is expired and I was definitely not speeding, so I wasn't worried. I really don't care if I get pulled over because I know they can't pin anything on me.

Anyways, he pulled out (very dramatically, fishtailed a little and all that "I'm a cop with nothing to do right now" stuff) to follow me and I kept on going not thinking twice about it - I mean, his lights weren't on and he didn't have a siren on either, so why should I stop or slow down? About a minute later I catch him flying up behind me - I'm going 53 in a 50, and he's easily going 85. Before I know it he's on my ass and not showing any sign of slowing down. I'm not sure if he was trying to read my plate and wasn't paying attention, but 3 seconds later I hear brakes screeching and see a police car skidding out of control towards me. I yanked in the clutch, dropped down two gears, and had the throttle wide open faster than I ever imagined I would be able to, simultaneously rocketing forward and getting into the left lane to get out of his way. It's amazing how your instincts and pure skills come into play without even a fraction of an intentional "I'm going to downshift and accelerate right now!" thought going through your brain in a situation like this.

I'm really not exaggerating at all. He skid to a complete stop on the side of the road and sat there for a second, and by that time I had slowed down to the speed limit knowing I know I was in the clear, even if I had a little adrenaline pumping. I stayed in the left lane and once again he gunned it, got up next to me, stared at me as I stared right back, and continued past me. I sort of expected a nod or a wave signifying "Hey, sorry that I'm a dumbass and almost ended your life", but got nothing. I'm still wondering if he could have tried to pin me with a speeding ticket for rocketing away from him - in my panic I was probably EASILY at 95mph, but I seriously doubt that would EVER hold up in court, especially if his onboard camera caught even a glimpse of the situation.

It's kind of scary when the people who are supposed to be keeping the roads safe are the ones putting you in danger. Has anybody else dealt with a similar situation? I'm still really shaken up and I ended up coming straight home when I had originally planned to take a little midnight cruise. I have a lot of respect for people who put themselves in risky situations and make sacrifices to help citizens and keep us safe, but idiots like this should be thrown in a cell themselves! :Flip:
I would have been throwing the verbal abuse at him after something like that. I'm surprised you kept your cool! What a goose. Serving the citizens? I think not.
Glad it worked out for you. It could have been worse for sure. I think you did everything right. I would not let him (or anyone else) rear end me. Just like with any one else on the road, after any altercation, get away from them and cool down, car vs bike isn't a fair fight.
Yikes! Very scary situation! Glad you made it out unscratched.
Wonder if the LEO was bored out of his mind and got high to help pass the time.
A couple weeks ago I was coming back from Eastern Washington and when I was coming down the pass (at about 80) , a cop suddenly pulled out from one of those median turn arounds. Its a good thing I'm good at swerving because he left me about 2 ft from the nose of his car in my lane and the motorhome I happened to be passing just then.. Scary stuff! Glad you got out of it unscathed :)
The second week of owning my first bike (my FZ6) I was riding with my buddy on PCH. He was speeding (around 100) but I was only going about 65 maybe 70 because I was breaking in the motor. Well a cop going in opposite direction sees my buddy speeding and flips a U-turn in the middle PCH on a hill and does not bother cresting the hill to see if anyone was coming. Well I crest the hill and see him stopped in both lanes sideways because he did not complete the U-turn. With only two weeks of experience it freaked me out because I had to slam on my breaks to avoid t-boning him. The only good part of the experience was that he gave my buddy a huge break because he obviously knew he almost killed me (you could clearly tell he knew he was in the wrong because of what he said to me and my buddy).
Phew! Could've ended a lot worse. As for nearly getting wiped out by someone not paying attention....Process and move on.....after a suitable rant of
I had an simmilar but opposite incidence last weekend. I was driving the GTO, @ 80 in a 65, moving with traffic. About 2 car legnths clear in front of me, Mini van to the right, in between. Gaurd rail to the left. It was maybe 10PM. I hear a Harley coming up next to me. It was a state trooper. The bike cuts in behind the mini-van, just enough room to sneak in. And the BREAK CHECKS me. WTF? ABS kicks in, I'm almost stopping fast enough not to hit him, the mini van is in a panic stop too as is the car in front of me. The trooper's gap out is closing fast and he guns it and slips through, just continues down the road as if nothing happened. I check my speedo and I'm down to 50 MPH, there is now @ 1 car legnth between me and the car in front and the mini van is pulling over into the empty 3rd lane. I have never seen anything so stupid.
when they do something like this, they dont even get asked twice but if you get close to putting someones life in danger or not even that but go 10mph over the speed limit on a empty mountain road, you get a ridiculously unaffordable ticket..f this, that idiot should lose everything for wasting money, time and putting a citizen in danger for no reason.
You should definitely report this. Odds are since there is no proof nothing will come of it, but who knows? At the very least maybe it will get back to the officer that did it and he might think twice about it next time.
I had an simmilar but opposite incidence last weekend. I was driving the GTO, @ 80 in a 65, moving with traffic. About 2 car legnths clear in front of me, Mini van to the right, in between. Gaurd rail to the left. It was maybe 10PM. I hear a Harley coming up next to me. It was a state trooper. The bike cuts in behind the mini-van, just enough room to sneak in. And the BREAK CHECKS me. WTF? ABS kicks in, I'm almost stopping fast enough not to hit him, the mini van is in a panic stop too as is the car in front of me. The trooper's gap out is closing fast and he guns it and slips through, just continues down the road as if nothing happened. I check my speedo and I'm down to 50 MPH, there is now @ 1 car legnth between me and the car in front and the mini van is pulling over into the empty 3rd lane. I have never seen anything so stupid.

A little O.T. but...

Not saying what he/she did was right but any chance he/she was trying to give you a subtle (ok, NOT so subtle LOL) message to slow down (w/o making it an official stop? :eek:)? Just guessing. Personally, I get REALLY annoyed when cops, in their official vehicle or not, scream by me driving as though the speed limit and rules of the road don't apply to them :spank: :spank: :spank: I also wish they didn't give such a militaristic presence (i.e., high-and-tight haircut, smokey-the-bear/D.I. style hat, etc...) :rolleyes:
You get his car number or plate number?

would be worth reporting.

Even if you didn't get that info, letting them know the time and location could be enough to pinpoint the guy...

Don't know about you, but I keep hearing warnings lately about fake cops. Any chance this was one?
Even if you didn't get that info, letting them know the time and location could be enough to pinpoint the guy...

Don't know about you, but I keep hearing warnings lately about fake cops. Any chance this was one?

Well it was a newer model police car with the badging and lights on top and stuff, so unless it was some really dedicated police impersonator I'm pretty sure it was a real cop :BLAA:

I thought about calling in but the police office here isn't really that helpful. I've actually called in for really bad things, like a guy in a pickup blatantly drunk (could see a beer) with a baby in a front-facing carseat in the front seat driving ridiculously fast through traffic and literally getting around people by going on the sidewalk.

I told the operator I saw him make a right road onto SR 54 and then I don't know what road he turned off on. Operator said they couldn't do anything if I don't know what road they turned off on to, but they would "pass it on". Called again, different operator, same ****. I don't know what is wrong with this county, but I've gotten the "We really don't give a ****" attitude with pretty much all of my calls. Serve and protect™ (when convenient, terms and conditions apply, not applicable between 2am and 10pm, call for details)