So whats wrong with me?


Junior Member
Dec 5, 2008
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Redlands, CA
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so i've owned my little fz6r for about a month now and ride it literally every chance i get. the wife is starting to get a bit annoyed by my constant declarations that a half gallon of milk is not enough for breakfast in the morning and that i must go out to acquire more immediately! point being, i love to ride.

however, what confuses me is that despite this new found love for things on two wheels i have little to no desire to upgrade to a higher performance super sport bike. when i see such bikes on the rode i think to my self "nice bike" or "i bet that thing is wicked fast", but never "wow, i can't wait till i get this thing paid off so i can get one of those!". more often than not i think of other bikes in the same class such as an SV650 or bikes that are similar but with more power like a FZ6.

almost everyone i know that rides asks me when i will graduate to a super sport but i have really don't want one. i understand that they are faster, handle/brake better but are more frantic and much more uncomfortable.

so whats wrong with me? is this even remotely common? is it due to being almost 30 and having a wife and kid? is it my previous experience in autoX and track days with several runs in more exotic cars than i owned and noticing that the hard core vehicles suffer in practicality? is it the understanding that i wouldn't be able to effectively use any more of a super sport's performance in daily driving than i can on my little "wannabe bike"?

i don't want a cruiser as i do enjoy the more sport minded nature of my bike but i don't have any interest in the newest asphault warping crotch rockets other than reading about them. am i a freak or what?
I don't think you're crazy. My usual thought when I see one is...That's hot. (If it's a hot bike) And, sometimes I think...

One day maybe I can afford one of those, TOO! hehe :)
Nothing is wrong with you, Im like you I ride the FZ as oftenas I can. Riding the supersports takes so much more effort that it's draining. With the FZ you can go all day and still be ready to go. Riding an r6 for two hours and you're done with bike (twisties excluded) It just gets old. The only thing I miss is the grunt that my 990 had but that's what FZ1's are for.

my .02
Nothing abnormal in your post. I use my FZ for everything except trackdays and have no desire to "upgrade". If it became stolen or totaled in a wreck I would be MORE likely to buy a used one than to buy something else. I've been riding for a few years and I have to say it's the most well balanced touring/commuting/sport bike I've ever owned.
Nothing is wrong w/you. But if you are going to ride alot sometimes bring back some FLOWERS. Wifey hates to be in 2nd place. (Been married for 35 years).

Well if there's something wrong with you, then there's something wrong with me too. I've been riding for a few months too, and I feel no urge for more power, more speed. I enjoy riding tremendously. I only get in my cage anymore if I know I'll have to carry something I can't carry on my bike.
WELL I am probably going to hell for this, but have you seen any of these yet?

2008 Interceptor - Honda Powersports

You should put on a bib for these.

Vincent Motors

This is so awesome I can hardly stand it.

Vincent Motors

That's just cruel!

Well if there's something wrong with you, then there's something wrong with me too. I've been riding for a few months too, and I feel no urge for more power, more speed. I enjoy riding tremendously. I only get in my cage anymore if I know I'll have to carry something I can't carry on my bike.

There is something wrong with us! We need to start our own 12 step program. We could ride to it!
I do envy the power and handling of the supersports. But I went with the FZ, and why? Comfort. I'm 32 and speed isn't everything. I don't want to be cramped up, laying on the tank. I wanted a bike that was comfy and fast. So I got it.
Yes, you're completely bonkers. So? Good for you. Ride whenever you can get away with it and be grateful for the time on it. Your wife will (hopefully) understand your need for something just for you. My wife tells me to go whenever I want for as long as I want... wait, is she trying to get rid of me??? :eek: Hmmmm. Well at least your wife wants you around!
There's nothing wrong with you that a nice long ride wouldn't cure. Hmmm, we've got a few docs here on the forum, perhaps you could get a prescription.

"Honey, seriously, look, it really is Doctor's orders..."

WELL I am probably going to hell for this, but have you seen any of these yet?


2008 Interceptor - Honda Powersports

You should put on a bib for these.

Vincent Motors

This is so awesome I can hardly stand it.

Vincent Motors

Those vincent's are sick.

Maybe this one didn't make your list on purpose, but it always makes me drool: triumph speed triple
I'm only 22 and I don't feel like upgrading (or downgrading?) to a R1 or even R6 :p.
I've sat on both and they didn't sat nearly as comfortably as my fz6 :p
besides, max rpms i've hit is somewhere around 9-10k, so there's a lot of fun waiting to be explored ;)
I'm the same. I have always "wanted" an R1, (more recently a Daytona 675), but the fact is, the FZ6 has/does everything I "need" in a bike, and can't see myself getting rid of it for a "super-sport" any time in the near future... (forget the fact that the wife would do nasty things to me if I did... :rof: ).

The FZ6 is a great bike, 1 horsepower for each 2 Kg's of weight is pretty damn good for such a low-priced bike.

So, mate... There is nothing wrong with you at all.

i must be a total loon then, i have done 4 years and about 55,000 miles on bikes and after my initial upgrade in engine size (Started on a ninja 250, then upgraded to a YZF600r) i have had very little desire to go up another engine size.

I like some of the supersport bikes for their designs, but i am actually detered from buying one because of the engine size, decreased fuel mileage, higher insurance rates, and expense of the bikes. I am happy with the FZ and will ride this one until it quits on me, because i am sure not going to quit on it.
you are absolutely effing nutz! but then no one has ever accused me of being sane either :eek: ...... It is a great all around bike that is very difficult to beat in more than one category (some are faster but not as comfy, some are as comfy but not as fast, etc) so you may just be well informed and not of the mindset that bigger is better.
I do envy the power and handling of the supersports. But I went with the FZ, and why? Comfort. I'm 32 and speed isn't everything. I don't want to be cramped up, laying on the tank. I wanted a bike that was comfy and fast. So I got it.

I with you on this one. I tell people don't sleep on FZ6. After 7k RPM she moves and she moves fast. Am 29 now and have no need or urge to upgrade to a bigger bike. Am keeping my FZ6 for the next 3 seasons and after that maybe I might upgrade or I might just get a brand new Fz6 since I bought mine used with 9900K miles. When the time comes the decision will be made. For now... I love my FZerrrrr....:rockon:

+1 Dream the impossible Dream :drool: :bow:.

And, I do not see anything wrong with you to stay on topic. My wife gets tired of me talking about bikes all of the time as well. I love to talk about my FZ6, but I will talk to anyone about any bike. I just enjoy the common interest conversation. As far as riding, as much as possible. I ride my bike more than anyone else around here. There are about 10 bikes at work, but mine is in the parking lot more than any other. So, I guess that tells me something. My bike is just better all around, because I look for reasons to ride. Either that, or I am just obsessed. Either way works for me.
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The FZ6 IS a super sport!!!! Just look at the website. They don't even call it a super sport touring.

But anyway I agree, I love mine, learned on an R6 but wouldn't want to trade. I'll try new sprokets for more low end but that's it. No need to go 160 or beyond.