SoCal "Hoonapalooza" June 22 2013

Thursday June 26th at 2:45am: I had one of the most rewarding AND disgusting experience of my life :rockon::rockon::BLAA::BLAA::thumbup::thumbup:

This dude won't need an enema :cheer:

And MotoGP wkd starts in a few hours... life couldnt be better right now :D
Thursday June 26th at 2:45am: I had one of the most rewarding AND disgusting experience of my life :rockon::rockon::BLAA::BLAA::thumbup::thumbup:

This dude won't need an enema :cheer:

And MotoGP wkd starts in a few hours... life couldnt be better right now :D


[ame=]Much rejoicing - YouTube[/ame]
I'm sorry I'm getting to this today!!!!

I'm so glad you are getting better and also, even though it is unfortunate that you went down, this gave another opportunity to show how awesome all these friends/forum members are.

Indeed you're lucky to have had all these guys around you helping/supporting you during this time.

I'm hoping for a full and fast recovery.


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Thursday June 26th at 2:45am: I had one of the most rewarding AND disgusting experience of my life :rockon::rockon::BLAA::BLAA::thumbup::thumbup:

This dude won't need an enema :cheer:

Was it something like this? :BLAA:




Sent from my New iPad using Tapatalk HD
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Crap David! I'm sorry I wasn't with you on this day to help with the medical needs in transition to the hospital. Broken ribs, punctured lung, and broken scapula are no joke! Takes a lot of force to break a scapula! I'm glad you are recovering well and in good spirits. I'll call you once it's a more reasonable time on the West coast. I was in such shock when I came across this post this morning that I almost just dialed up to see how you were, forgetting the time change.

Thank you to all of the other members of this forum for taking care of our dear friend and one the best riders and best people I've ever met. I sure do miss riding with the SoCal crew, but mostly Cliff, David and John. You guys rock and remind me I can always learn something new and become a better rider.

David, please send Leah my love and your two little girls. I will call later to see how you are doing and help translate any mumbo-jumbo your doctors have told you:thumbup:
Forgive me if this is out of context but might I ask what in general caused the mishap which led to drain tubes, broken ribbies an all that pain & discomfort?

Dave I'm glad you're on the mend I am but I am also curious. I'm the thinking kind who studies events so as to gain insight and add it to my knowledge base so to speak. Adding to that my job function is often to determine root cause of "said event" so I guess I'm just wired that way...
Thanks and its OK to say nothing - really.

The drain tubes are because of the punctured lung secondary to the broken ribs. The lungs depend on a very delicate pressure differential to inflate and deflate with minimal effort. The slightest increase in pressure outside the lung, but within the rib cage, will cause the lung to collapse down like a deflated balloon, suffocating the patient from within. The chest tube runs in a gentle negative pressure pump to gradually remove any air or fluid in this small space between the lung and the rib cage, allowing the lung to gradually re-inflate without damaging it. You really only need one lung, but we have two for the redundancy. The issue is that if you don't correct this pressure issue, the other lung will eventually collapse as well, and the increased pressure inside the chest will then cause your heart to pump less efficiently... e.g. death.

David, once again, I'm so glad you got the care you needed so quickly and that our friends knew what to do in this situation. I just wish I could have been there for you like you were for me back in 2008.

BTW, if anyone was a rider behind David, I would really appreciate knowing what you saw as he went down. Did he low side, high side, hit the guard rail, etc.

Crap David! I'm sorry I wasn't with you on this day to help with the medical needs in transition to the hospital. Broken ribs, punctured lung, and broken scapula are no joke! Takes a lot of force to break a scapula! I'm glad you are recovering well and in good spirits. I'll call you once it's a more reasonable time on the West coast. I was in such shock when I came across this post this morning that I almost just dialed up to see how you were, forgetting the time change.

Thank you to all of the other members of this forum for taking care of our dear friend and one the best riders and best people I've ever met. I sure do miss riding with the SoCal crew, but mostly Cliff, David and John. You guys rock and remind me I can always learn something new and become a better rider.

David, please send Leah my love and your two little girls. I will call later to see how you are doing and help translate any mumbo-jumbo your doctors have told you:thumbup:

Rob: thx much! you are right that I am lucky to have all my friends around me for this... it would have been a terrible experience without all of you. :rockon:

Was it something like this? :BLAA:




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LMAO!!!! that's EXACTLY it, but mine lasted a lot longer :BLAA:
Thursday June 26th at 2:45am: I had one of the most rewarding AND disgusting experience of my life :rockon::rockon::BLAA::BLAA::thumbup::thumbup:

This dude won't need an enema :cheer:

And MotoGP wkd starts in a few hours... life couldnt be better right now :D

Well done David! I knew you had it in you....:BLAA:

You've contributed so much to this forum. I've read many of your posts. I hope all turns out well. I'm right with you there man, considering I just wrecked 3 months ago and broke my shoulder in three places (hill-Sachs, glenoid, glenoid labrum). Surgery, what a mess. 2 X-rays, MRI, CAT, all came up inconclusive until shoulder fell out three times and orthoscopic surgery. The labrum was torn, inverted and fragmented. Rehab has been a pita. Hope you get better soon. Keep asking questions at the dr's office. i wouldn't stop till satisfied and don't be rushed.

NorCal FZ6

Here's that suspicious spot on the road, captured by Google Maps...

Montezuma Valley Rd. - Weird

Funny, I noticed that spot same afternoon and played (with boot sole) with it (was it with Nick watching?) but it didn't feel to be slick. I'm inclined it was an object or something else on the roadway. I imagine Wavex or somebody else here may take a harder look/study...:confused:
I'm just speculating but I don't think it was the slickness of the patch but the uneveness of the surface that may cause a tire at lean angle to break loose of its traction limits. Just my .01 worth... :confused:
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Guys, whatever it was, I should have been better prepared for it. I did not allow enough margin for error, that's all there is to it. We all need to allow for enough margin within our individual skill level, and this time, I ****ed up.


You've contributed so much to this forum. I've read many of your posts. I hope all turns out well. I'm right with you there man, considering I just wrecked 3 months ago and broke my shoulder in three places (hill-Sachs, glenoid, glenoid labrum). Surgery, what a mess. 2 X-rays, MRI, CAT, all came up inconclusive until shoulder fell out three times and orthoscopic surgery. The labrum was torn, inverted and fragmented. Rehab has been a pita. Hope you get better soon. Keep asking questions at the dr's office. i wouldn't stop till satisfied and don't be rushed.

NorCal FZ6


Ouch. Sounds like ur in worse shape than me, good luck with all that! Thx for the kind words :rockon: