Starting all over......


Resident Rumologist
Elite Member
Sep 10, 2008
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Ipswich , Australia (+10 GMT)
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It looks like all the years of Aussie spamming has gooooone :eek: dead links & threads everywhere

What are we going to do now ? :(

I know , we'll show the world our Aussie spirit & start spamming again in this new thread :D :cheer: :cheer:

The Aussie section is ALIVE !!!!!!!!!! :rockon:
This is one of the only threads I can actually see. Every time I open another thread the computer has an angina attack :eek:

I was gonna post this somewhere else but my options are limited :(

This dude was racing at Wakefield Park last Saturday in the St George meeting. Bit of a boring race but watch & listen when he goes through the kink at the end of the straight & coming into the hairpin coming on to the straight.

Apologies if this is off topic but I cant open the off topic thread :D

Bike control. Lesson 1

[ame=]YouTube - StG Race 4 WP 5/2/11[/ame]
Its the right place to post it , coz its the only place to post it :D

He has those tyre howling & skipping all over the shop :rockon: great video thanks for sharing...

Thats the thing I love about turn 1 at Willowbank , they come fangin' down the straight & try stop on all the bumps :eek: Always makes for good action when you see daylight under the back wheel :D
well Dan I reckon our Rock thread died..... :( heres a song for it's funeral....[ame=]YouTube - Don McLean - American Pie better quality[/ame]
I just remade it Dan and called it "Music" open to all types!!! :rockon: :rockon: :rockon: :rockon: :rockon:
Don't worry boys, as soon as Dennis gets on, he'll re-load a back-up and most (if not all) will be back to normal. Pretty sure he backs up every 12 hours now (after the last crash.

Don't worry boys, as soon as Dennis gets on, he'll re-load a back-up and most (if not all) will be back to normal. Pretty sure he backs up every 12 hours now (after the last crash.


I hope it happens soon. It keeps kicking me off the system :(

Oh, the Tassie thread .... :eek:

Hurry Dennis, hurry :)
What a start to the day....

Firstly, I have the day off, and today was going to be the day i did my brake testing comparison with original rubber lines, then swap over to the SS update lines, but it's pissing down here on the Goldy. :( The worst part is, it's a perfect opportunity to change over the lines, but I can't/won't until I have had a dry run on the old lines so i can use the data to compare.
Friggin' frustrating! I have the perfect mod to do on a rainy day, I have the day off, and I still can't do it!

So, I decided to log on to the site this morning, to get a "FZ fix", and thought to myself, "Hmmmm, I've been getting a lot of good info, news, advice and entertainment out of this site, maybe I'll make a donation to show my appreciation and support." Then after making said donation, I try to log in to find it's crashed.... :eek:
I'll be asking for my money back! ;)

So, now I guess all I can do is have a whinge on this thread, and if nothing else it has given you something to read for 2 mins while we wait for the site to be resurrected. :rockon:

I have the front door wide open, listening for the postie, because i am still waiting for some new grips to arrive from Honkers, so if they arrive I will have the smile back on my dial, and will have to bust out the happy dance. :D

Here's hoping they arrive, or the site gets back up and running before I am forced to share more trivial information with you all...... :confused:
I'm gonna restart the Most Important Thread:

Which is Faster, Red or Blue?

(blue of course...) :BLAA:
all wrong, black & chrome is the's the bling, it slips through the air best! Lol!

Plus my wallet is always empty...less weight! :BLAA:
It never fails to crack me up how much a silly question evokes so much response! :D :D :D

Damn I love this forum! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: