Steel braided brake lines?


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Jun 2, 2010
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Hi everbody!

New to the forum and thinks its a GREAT place:rockon:
Does anybody here changed the stock brake lines to steel braided? Thnking of doing that since i think its kind of "soft" from the begining. Please sheer your thoughts and experince with brake lines!!!
Welcome to the forum!!!

There are loads of people on here who have changed the brake lines. If you click the search button on the forum you can find all the posts.

I did it here:-

Hux's Bike Blog: Putting the brakes on

A well recommended mod as the brakes go from being a bit soft to very positive. Rather than heaving on the brake lever I now use two fingers and a little bit of pressure most of the time and they work really well.

Of course, you may need to buy a set of Pazzo's too. One in a long series of mods you'll find yourself just having to do after joining this forum :)
I put SS Hel lines (silver) on my 07, it made a pretty big difference. I suspect I could do a stoppie if I wanted to, everything else is stock..

They also make custom lenth lines as well...
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I just did this mod last weekend. The results are excellent! The lever is solid and the stopping power is much better. As huxy said, I use the two finger technique and I get good feedback from the lever when I squeeze. I'm still getting used to the quicker stops ;) I recommend this mod.

I'm using Bremzen lines.
think braided lines are still usefull either u have abs or not. Its more about the feeling before u lock the brakes. After that abs makes a diffrent not before
ABS or not, you won't have the expansion of the rubber lines under hard braking. Its also easier to bleed as well as there's 2 separate lines now going to the master cylinder vs 2 lower lines going thru the Yamaha block, then into one line...

My front brake is fully locked at 1-1.25", rock solid...
ABS or not, you won't have the expansion of the rubber lines under hard braking. Its also easier to bleed as well as there's 2 separate lines now going to the master cylinder vs 2 lower lines going thru the Yamaha block, then into one line...

My front brake is fully locked at 1-1.25", rock solid...

Question? The front brakelines seem to as u say go from the master cylinder down to the right caliper and then go from there to the left one. Havent checked the master cylinder yet but is it two connections there or did you just mount them both on one? And why is it drawn with only one line from the beginning, have u had any problem with two lines instead? Many questions!!:confused:
HEL Brake Lines - Stainless Steel Motorcycle Performance Brake Line And Brake Hose Kits

Scroll down to where it says :-"9 HEL Performance Brake Line Kit Layouts"

The stock ones are the third ones "Over the Mudguard" where one line comes from the master cylinder to one caliper, then a loop goes from there over the mudguard to the caliper on the other side.

When you do it the way lonesoldier, Boneman and I have, two lines come out of the master cylinder from an extra long bolt allowing two banjo fittings on there. One then goes left, the other goes right.

Have fun :)
Question? The front brakelines seem to as u say go from the master cylinder down to the right caliper and then go from there to the left one. Havent checked the master cylinder yet but is it two connections there or did you just mount them both on one? And why is it drawn with only one line from the beginning, have u had any problem with two lines instead? Many questions!!:confused:

Hel uses 2 separate lines for the front brakes. Each run directly from each caliber up to the master cylinder. At the master cylinder, the banjo bolt is twice as long, both lines, with the copper washers then bolt directly to the master cylinder. This is the way HEL designs theirs, (I just install and enjoy)...

A straight line run, no going over the fender, splitter block, etc..

** The post above this one just posted as I posted but the time stamp is different, ??
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From my HEL write up:


Question? The front brakelines seem to as u say go from the master cylinder down to the right caliper and then go from there to the left one. Havent checked the master cylinder yet but is it two connections there or did you just mount them both on one? And why is it drawn with only one line from the beginning, have u had any problem with two lines instead? Many questions!!:confused:

There's actually two versions you can get. Standard replicates your stock line configuration, and "race" takes two lines from your master cylinder. I recommend the standard configuration because you can retain your line clips on your front fender. It's a cleaner look and you wouldn't notice the difference between the two.
I have a set of SS lines that i have not had a chance to put on yet. I can't wait though, should be night and day difference.
There's actually two versions you can get. Standard replicates your stock line configuration, and "race" takes two lines from your master cylinder. I recommend the standard configuration because you can retain your line clips on your front fender. It's a cleaner look and you wouldn't notice the difference between the two.

I'm guessing that the real advantage of the race setup is that it makes front wheel changes go a little faster. And plenty of racers don't have front fenders anymore, so there would be no way to secure the standard over the fender line.

I made stainless lines for the BMW in an over the fender configuration. They work just fine and dandy.

There's actually two versions you can get. Standard replicates your stock line configuration, and "race" takes two lines from your master cylinder. I recommend the standard configuration because you can retain your line clips on your front fender. It's a cleaner look and you wouldn't notice the difference between the two.

I wouldn't base what line installation I wanted to use based on reusing 'clips'.... :rolleyes:

Black cable ties work very well and look cleaner than 'stock' clips. Not to mention that one can easily re-use the little line clip on the back of the front fender (I do).

I personally also like having two seperate and dedicated lines; one to each caliper. But that's just me.
I wouldn't base what line installation I wanted to use based on reusing 'clips'.... :rolleyes:

Black cable ties work very well and look cleaner than 'stock' clips. Not to mention that one can easily re-use the little line clip on the back of the front fender (I do).

I personally also like having two seperate and dedicated lines; one to each caliper. But that's just me.

Why not? They're already there! And if you really wanted to split hairs, the standard configuration is lighter as well.

So less weight, neater (imo), faster to install, and in the case of Goodridge at least, cheaper too. I know what I'd get :D
WTF! Checked my bike today just for understanding better wich setup would fit me best the standard or race setup. To my suprise it seems really difficult changing lines on my bike since it have ABS....both front and rear lines go from caliper into some kind of abs-valve where they are mounted. The lines dosent seem to be atached with banjos or something it looks like they are not "screwable" ! Does anybody here changed lines on fz:s with ABS? Because it seems stupid to change just parts of the brakesystem and still have some old lines left....what to do?
HEL Performance

Is this your bike? HEL have a kit for it if it is. Drop em an email. They were really helpful when I got mine. Brake lines are what they do so if they don't know, nobody does.