

Senior Member
Aug 12, 2007
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Lou, Ky
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The dude buying my bike is going to the bank today to get the money. So, my fz6 is in the driveway, and I promised him I would not ride her anymore. Just in case you know. Anyway, I was walking around her, whispering reassurances to her, thanking her for the good times. This is almost like breaking up with a good woman, for the wrong reasons. /clears throat. Forgive me for waxing poetic. Anyway, as I was saying my good byes, I realized all the stickers were still on her from when I bought her. I have had her for a year now. Anybody else lazy like me, or just dont give a flying yahoo about the stickers one way or another?
The real question is, should I be embarrassed about it?:rockon:
I just thought of a reason for mine....

I am too busy riding to take the stickers off!!!

It will have to be a winter project... Yeah, i'm not lazy, just a frequent rider...
Tank sticker is long gone. Swing-arm and *shrugs* just haven't gotten around to it yet. But then I'm only 2mo in to this relationship.... we're still in the honeymoon phase. I'm sure i will start knit-picking soon enough:D
You should be embarrassed, super embarrassed. In fact, you should feel so bad about it, that you refuse to sell the bike......

I mean really, a full year and you never took the stickers off? shame on you!:Flip:
I leave the swingarm stickers on, the tank stickers come off as soon as the bike gets home.

on a side note; I let the R1 sit in the sun for a few hours after I got it and the tank sticker came off by hand.
Like Reiobard I'm too ... uh ... busy riding ... to have taken mine off.

Part of it is that my tank bag covers the tank sticker so I don't see it except for when I get gas or wash the bike. When I see it it annoys me but I never take the time to do anything about it.
The dude buying my bike is going to the bank today to get the money. So, my fz6 is in the driveway, and I promised him I would not ride her anymore. Just in case you know. Anyway, I was walking around her, whispering reassurances to her, thanking her for the good times. This is almost like breaking up with a good woman, for the wrong reasons. /clears throat. Forgive me for waxing poetic. Anyway, as I was saying my good byes, I realized all the stickers were still on her from when I bought her. I have had her for a year now. Anybody else lazy like me, or just dont give a flying yahoo about the stickers one way or another?
The real question is, should I be embarrassed about it?:rockon:
Yes you should be embarrassed at selling the FZ6 (J/K), who gives a hoot about stickers.
You can get more money for a stock bike.

Huh??? Welcome Aboard!!!:D

making fun of cages. search up johnny ricer on youtube, give yourself a giggle. :p and thank you. not presently an owner, but definately a secret admirer. and high chances a future owner. been talking with the dealerships around here latley. and as soon as it hits my parking spot in my driveway, stickers are COMIN' OFF!
My stickers came off the night i got her home even the vid one on the frame they are not cool i love the black look not the sticker look:thumbup::Flip: