That Was Close!


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2008
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Well Folks, just got back from picking up MP from work...took the long long long way home via the Adelaide Hills...perfect 23c day for a ride....All i can say is before i tell my little story, is that, all well, that end well!!!

Anyway, we are riding along a nice straight piece of road, plenty of peripheral vision, etc, as we come up to a junction, a t-junction, where i road comes onto the road we were riding on, at a right angle....a Car is sitting at this junction waiting to turn left onto this road, when another car behind it fails to stop, and slams into the other cars butt at about 60km/h...pushing this car straight out into the middle of the road, and right into my path...timing could not have been better....fortuneatly, i was watching the whole thing, was expecting the car to come my way, and i was not riding very fast, but...i did have to swerve across 2 empty(thankfully) lanes on the other side of the road to avoid being cleaned was close, the car missed us by about 2feet!

At no point did i contribute to the accident, but we most definitely could of been part of it!

MP was a little shaken up when we got home...well, she said that she nearly pooped her pants! But i am remarkably calm about the whole thing! Dont think i would of been if the car hit us!

Some days you are unlucky, some days you are very is one of the lucky ones for me!

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Man ,that was close .Glad you two are ok.What intersection was this ?

Just out of Meadows, driving towards Clarendon...cant remember where the turn off is too...i think it is Mc Laren's a big junction...thank god!, otherwise i might of been doing a bit of unscheduled dirt tracking! :eek:
Not sure of the spelling but would that be Kuitpo forest turn off to the left .

Might's in that area, have ridden that road a thousand times, and have never taken any notice to be honest!!

Gotta say, both cars would of been pretty trashed, the old crumple zones would of taken a hammering!

Gotta say, both cars would of been pretty trashed, the old crumple zones would of taken a hammering!


I've had the misfortune of witnessing a motorcycle crash into a stopped car... I heard a tire screech, looked into the side view mirror of my car, and will have that image of a Harley making the back of a Mercedes crumple like a sheet of notebook paper in my head for the rest of my life.

Gives you respect for approaching intersections, that's for sure.
I've had the misfortune of witnessing a motorcycle crash into a stopped car... I heard a tire screech, looked into the side view mirror of my car, and will have that image of a Harley making the back of a Mercedes crumple like a sheet of notebook paper in my head for the rest of my life.

Gives you respect for approaching intersections, that's for sure.

Well i have had just that misfortune recently. plowing into the back of a 4 wheel drive at 50km/ hurt! And Ozzieboy was right behind me and saw the whole thing...he said he was horrified till he realised i was sorta ok!


But yes, i does make you respect, just how hard cars are when you hit them, especially when they are stationary.
Glad you're ok mate. Looks like the cagers are trying out a new technique for getting us.

Was it the one were the two yellow roads meet ?

Yeah,it would have been. There's a ittle kink in the side road before you hit the intersection, and if you don't know it and drive with your head up your 455 it will sneak up on you.

Glad you're ok mate. Looks like the cagers are trying out a new technique for getting us.

Yeah,it would have been. There's a ittle kink in the side road before you hit the intersection, and if you don't know it and drive with your head up your 455 it will sneak up on you.


Well it definitely snuck up on this guy...he slammed hard into the other car! Nice newish Mitsubishi Magna, or whatever they call em these days!

Is a nasty little intersection, especially in the late afternoon, with the sun shining right in your eyes, well at least it was for me, but when it's that low, it's a problem for all, catching mirrors, etc.

Was any one hurt ?

Dunno, there were heaps of cars around, a couple that stopped straight away, i just slowed down to make sure people had stopped, knowing that we had just passed an Ambulance, going in the same they would of been there in a few seconds...
I hope MP's OK. It's different when you are not in control of the vehicle you are in/on.

Still up for tomorrow? They're all going to be out in force