The Blame Game: Who's at Fault?

They all made mistakes, but who is to blame?

  • The scooter, speeding up the right without a clear view beyond the truck

    Votes: 12 32.4%
  • The car, turning left while their vision of oncoming traffic is obstructed

    Votes: 22 59.5%
  • The truck, seemingly making a left turn on red

    Votes: 3 8.1%

  • Total voters
Just watched video again...did anyone else catch that the light from the scooter's lane is green from the very START of the video and the truck enters the intersection at the start meaning that the truck absolutely entered the intersection by running a red light? Not that it changes anything but I think we can now put legal fault on both the car and the truck driver.
Just watched video again...did anyone else catch that the light from the scooter's lane is green from the very START of the video and the truck enters the intersection at the start meaning that the truck absolutely entered the intersection by running a red light? Not that it changes anything but I think we can now put legal fault on both the car and the truck driver.

Yes, but the video starts when the truck has just barely entered the intersection, so I don't think we can say anything absolutely. That's why I described it in the poll as seemingly making a left turn on red, creating the obstruction for the two motorists involved in the collision.
Yes, but the video starts when the truck has just barely entered the intersection, so I don't think we can say anything absolutely. That's why I described it in the poll as seemingly making a left turn on red, creating the obstruction for the two motorists involved in the collision.

True but you have about 3 seconds from the time the truck's light would have turned red to the time the scooter's light should have turned green, assuming they use a similar delay time in other countries with their traffic lights.
True but you have about 3 seconds from the time the truck's light would have turned red to the time the scooter's light should have turned green, assuming they use a similar delay time in other countries with their traffic lights.

I think he ran the light, but the video doesn't prove it. It starts with him in the intersection. Could he have been in the intersection before the light turned red? Yes. Was he? I doubt it.

It appears that it may only be a three-way intersection. If there is no opposing traffic for the truck, it seems difficult to believe he would have any reason to be stopped in the intersection. But I can't tell for sure whether or not there is another street entering from the left side of the video.

I hope he got his Big Gulp cups delivered on time!
Does anyone see any light pole for the truck's side???Cause i don't see one... And if you watch the line the car came from on 0:10 mark,there is a single arrow sign on the road.So,turning left is forbitten.Probably the scooter driver was not from around,cause speeding on that type of intersection is suicide
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I think I mentioned earlier that the truck looks like it enters the roadway from an area between the lights. There looks to be a large distance between the traffic lights. Notice there is a store and a driveway or road between the two lights. There doesn't seem to be any traffic control in between the two traffic light that we can see.
I just noticed something else. The camera car was drifting toward the right for the last 100' or so...I wonder if the scooter decided to gas it instead of hit the brakes to get out of its blind spot, forgetting about the upcoming intersection for a second. Brakes would have been much better. When in doubt SLOW THE F DOWN!
watched that scooter just duck around the back of the truck and I think he is totally to blame for being a statistic.
Why oh why would anyone just venture so blindly into the unknown. Its bad enough when you see the vehicle coming across your path but to not even be able to see the road ahead and not slow down or get on a better angle to give some breathing space.
It was almost like a challenge or a dare, who'll come off second best???

Defensive driving/riding, its like atgatt
Law or no law, If people would just slow down, and use their use their brain, s**t like this wouldn't happen. Seriously, your coming up to an intersection, with a truck in the middle blocking your entire view of oncoming traffic. whats the smart thing to do? speed up? I'n not saying it was all the scooters fault, but it could have easily been avoided. all he had to do was put a little pressure on that brake lever and check properly for other vehicles. But no, I guess where he was going is more important than his life. :shakehead: