"The Mindset"

Ryan T

Sep 8, 2008
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Woodbridge VA
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"Ride your own ride"
"Ride it like you stole it"

Whatever you do or whichever one of these you consider the right thing for you, just remember one thing:


All of us have had those moments/days where we are quite wild on the throttle or we push it a little too far. It comes with the enjoyment of motorcycling and their's few of us immune to it. Prior to riding, my attitude was learn as much as I can before I saddled up. I think many take for granted what they think they know and move on with that knowledge, thus missing key learning opportunities. Let's all take some time to make sure before we put on our gear that we also prepare our minds to ride. To be ready for the unforeseen dangers, the people not looking for us, those who look right past us, that wierd stuff on the road, the many distractors, and of course our own quest for the thrill/rush or riding.

Prepare your mind to ride so your body won't be left trying to compensate for a mistake that could be costly.

I consider everyone on this site my brother or sister. I don't want to hear that anything bad has happened because there was a lapse in good sound judgement (your attitude about riding).

Just throwing that out there in hopes that some of you will read it and it stays/floats around in your grey matter to give you a slight pause.

Have a good one.
Excellent advice. I know I've been guilty of a bit of squiddy-ness from time to time. Thank God I've never had any disasters because of it, but I have had a few close calls that put me in my place.

I tell you what, watching You Tube bike videos has been a great teacher. Seeing what kind of trouble some these people get into is a sobering reminder of how dangerous a motorcycle can be when your mind is not right.
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I think what you're getting at here is best summed up in 'The Pace'

Check it out...It's one of the best pieces of moto literature ever. :D

The Pace - Nick Ienatsch - Motorcyclist magazine

@ fzme - Awesome article, Thanks!

@ Ryan T - Good advice. If everyone in a CAGE adopted this attitude too, then the streets would be a safer place for all of us. :D