The Riding Game!

A pay phone huh? That's a bit tricky, but I'll keep my eyes open for one. I wonder if the next generation will know what a pay phone is?

Next Challenge: Your bike next to a Pay Phone.
nice. i wasn't sure anyone would get that one and i was already trying to think of something to replace it. do have to say... you're might be even more tricky. i know where some courts are. but getting their when people are playing.... hmmm

yeah, maybe I should have said "bonus points if ppl are playing"... let's see what happens... it's the wkd tomorrow and I know ppl will be out playing all over the place around here... but "around here" is sunny California, so yeah :D
yeah, maybe I should have said "bonus points if ppl are playing"... let's see what happens... it's the wkd tomorrow and I know ppl will be out playing all over the place around here... but "around here" is sunny California, so yeah :D

Yeah, just rub it in!!! :spank::spank:
I wonder if the local college would let me ride my FZ6 into the gymnasium during a basketball game????
Thanks; this is a little more do-able. Was having trouble finding people playing tennis outside this time of year...

next challenge: Your bike next to a tennis or basketball court bonus if ppl playing.
(So David doesn't have to "think" of a new challenge)

Next Challenge: In Front Of A College.....state, technical, community, etc!
lol I can see Cal State Long Beach from my house, but just got home from a short ride :(

Here is what I found on the ride though (I was thinking someone may ask for "your bike with an armored" lol):



Next Challenge: In Front Of A College.....state, technical, community, etc!
In front of my alma mater, where I got my bachelor's and master's. Campus is beautiful this time of year...


Next Challenge: Your bike with a fast food mascot.

Perfect Travis.....I was just sitting here wondering what I should change the challenge to! :confused:
Thanks for coming thru!
lol I can see Cal State Long Beach from my house, but just got home from a short ride :(

Here is what I found on the ride though (I was thinking someone may ask for "your bike with an armored" lol):



Next Challenge: In Front Of A College.....state, technical, community, etc!

That's awesome David.
I can think of 4 right off the top of my head

Ronald McDonald, Wendy, The King, Jack in the Box. I'm sure I am missing most though.
I've been looking at the fast food restaurants as I pass by, but no one has mascots around here. I remember when I was a kid that one of the McDonald's had a Ronald McDonald on a bench in front of the restaurant. It would be cool if someone found one though!

Do you have a new challenge for us Chemiker?